Package foundry.veil

Class Veil


public class Veil extends Object
  • Field Details

    • MODID

      public static final String MODID
      See Also:
    • LOGGER

      public static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
    • DEBUG

      public static final boolean DEBUG
    • IMGUI

      public static final boolean IMGUI

      public static final boolean VERBOSE_SHADER_ERRORS
    • SODIUM

      public static final boolean SODIUM
  • Constructor Details

    • Veil

      public Veil()
  • Method Details

    • init

      @Internal public static void init()
    • beginImGui

      public static VeilImGui beginImGui()

      Enables writing ImGui to the screen. This useful for debugging during the normal render loop.

      Be sure to call endImGui() when done.

    • endImGui

      public static void endImGui()
      Disables ImGui writing. This should be called after done using ImGui during the main render loop.
    • veilPath

      public static net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation veilPath(String path)
    • platform

      public static VeilPlatform platform()