All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- a - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- a - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- accept(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path, Path) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension.PackResourceConsumer
- accept(T, ByteBuffer) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
- activeBuffers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- add(int, ResourceLocation) - Method in class
Adds the specified pipeline with the specified priority.
- add(Inspector) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- add(ResourceLocation) - Method in class
Adds the specified pipeline under the default priority of
. - add(PackType, ResourceLocation, VeilResource<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- ADD_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- addAnimation(Animation<P, S>, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- addAttachments(RenderTarget) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds copies of the buffers inside the specified fbo.
- addAttachments(AdvancedFbo) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds copies of the buffers inside the specified fbo.
- addBone(Bone) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- addChild(Bone) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- addCodeModule(CodeModule) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Adds a custom module with user code that is added to all particles spawned after this is called.
- addColor(Colorc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- addColor(String, Colorc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- addColorBuffer(AdvancedFboAttachment) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds the specified color attachment.
- addColorRenderBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds a color render buffer with the size of the framebuffer and 1 sample.
- addColorRenderBuffer(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds a color render buffer with the specified size and the specified samples.
- addColorTextureBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds a color texture buffer with the size of the framebuffer and
as the format. - addColorTextureBuffer(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds a color texture buffer with the specified data type.
- addColorTextureBuffer(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds a color texture buffer with the specified size and
as the format. - addColorTextureBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds a color texture buffer with the specified size and data type.
- addColorTextureWrapper(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds the specified texture as a texture attachment.
- addColorTextureWrapper(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds the specified texture as a texture attachment.
- addConstraint(Constraint, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- addCube(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- addDebugInfo(Consumer<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
- addDebugInfo(Consumer<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- addedImports() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderImporter
- addedImports() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.ShaderImporterImpl
- addFace(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- addFolder(VeilResourceFolder) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
Adds a folder to this folder
- addGenericShard(Predicate<RenderType.CompositeRenderType>, RenderStateShard...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeShardRegistry
Registers a render stage.
- addImguiShaders(ObjIntConsumer<ResourceLocation>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- addImguiShaders(ObjIntConsumer<ResourceLocation>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- addImguiShaders(ObjIntConsumer<ResourceLocation>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- addIndex(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- additive() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - ADDITIVE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- additiveTransparencyShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- addKeyframe(String, float, Interpolation, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Quaternionfc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframedAnimation.Builder
- addLayer(NecromancerEntityRenderLayer<P, S>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
Adds a new layer to this renderer.
- addLayer(RenderStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- addLayer(RenderStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- addLayers(CallbackInfoReturnable<RenderType.CompositeState>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- addLight(Light) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Adds a light to the renderer.
- addListener(Consumer<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Adds a listener for when a change happens.
- addLoader(VeilResourceLoader) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
Adds a resource loader to the resource manager
- addMacros(int, Map<String, String>) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- addMirroredQuadIndices(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- addModule(ParticleModule) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet.Builder
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in interface
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class
- addModules(ParticleModuleSet.Builder) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
- addParticleSystem(ParticleEmitter) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- addPoint(Vec3) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- addPreprocessor(ShaderPreProcessor) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent.Registry
Adds the specified pre-processor to the end of the stack.
- addPreprocessor(ShaderPreProcessor, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderProcessorList
- addPreprocessor(ShaderPreProcessor, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent.Registry
Adds the specified pre-processor to the end of the stack.
- addPreprocessorFirst(ShaderPreProcessor) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent.Registry
Adds the specified pre-processor to the start of the stack.
- addPreprocessorFirst(ShaderPreProcessor, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderProcessorList
- addPreprocessorFirst(ShaderPreProcessor, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent.Registry
Adds the specified pre-processor to the start of the stack.
- addProperty(IThemeProperty<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- addProperty(String, IThemeProperty<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- addQuadIndices(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- addResource(String, VeilResource<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
Adds a resource to this folder, creating sub-folders if necessary
- addSampler(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Adds a texture that is dynamically bound and sets texture units.
- addSampler(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Adds a texture that is dynamically bound and sets texture units.
- addSampler(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- addSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Adds a listener for sampler updates.
- addSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- addSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- addShaderBlock(String, ShaderBlock<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.RenderTypeLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
- addShard(VeilRenderTypeBuilder, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
- addShard(String, RenderStateShard...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeShardRegistry
Registers a render stage.
- addShard(RenderType, RenderStateShard...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeShardRegistry
Registers a render stage.
- addStage(long, BiConsumer<Long, PoseStack>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.PoseStackAnimator
Adds a new animation stage to the sequence.
- addTimedAnimation(Animation<P, S>, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- addTooltip(String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Add a tooltip component to the block entity
- addTooltip(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- addTooltip(List<Component>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Add a list of tooltip components to the block entity
- addTooltip(List<Component>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- addTooltip(Component) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Add a tooltip component to the block entity
- addTooltip(Component) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- addTri(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- addUniformBinding(String, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.VeilContext
Sets the uniform binding for a shader.
- addVeilLoaders(VeilRenderer) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- addVertex(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- addVertex(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- AdvancedFbo - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
A framebuffer that has more capabilities than the vanilla Minecraft
. - AdvancedFbo.Builder - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
A builder used to attach buffers to an
. - AdvancedFboAttachment - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
An attachment added to an
. - AdvancedFboImGuiAreaImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui
- AdvancedFboImGuiAreaImpl() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.AdvancedFboImGuiAreaImpl
- AdvancedFboImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer
Default implementation of
. - AdvancedFboImpl(int, int, AdvancedFboAttachment[], AdvancedFboAttachment, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer
A vanilla
wrapper of theAdvancedFboImpl
. - AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
- AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment(int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- AdvancedFboRenderAttachment - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
An attachment for an
that represents a depth render buffer. - AdvancedFboRenderAttachment(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
Creates a new attachment that adds a renderbuffer.
- AdvancedFboShard - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- AdvancedFboShard(ResourceLocation, Supplier<AdvancedFbo>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.AdvancedFboShard
- AdvancedFboTextureAttachment - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
An attachment for an
that represents a color texture buffer. - AdvancedFboTextureAttachment(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, TextureFilter, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
Creates a new attachment that adds a texture.
- affectsCrumbling() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - AFTER_BLOCK_ENTITIES - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_CUTOUT_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_CUTOUT_MIPPED_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_ENTITIES - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_PARTICLES - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_SKY - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_SOLID_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_TRANSLUCENT_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_TRIPWIRE_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AFTER_WEATHER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- AgeableListModelExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- agePercent - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- ALBEDO - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- ALBEDO_BUFFER_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- all(MinecraftServer) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players in the server.
- allModules() - Method in record class
- allocate(int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.AdvancedFboImGuiAreaImpl
- allOf(ShaderPreProcessor...) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor
Creates a composite pre-processor with the specified values.
- allOf(Collection<ShaderPreProcessor>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor
Creates a composite pre-processor with the specified values.
- ALLOW_OUT - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Whether [OUT] is a valid command
- allowOut() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
- alpha() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- alpha() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- alpha() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - alpha() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
Returns the value of the
record component. - alpha(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the alpha component.
- alphaInt() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- alphaInt(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the alpha component from
. - ALPHANUMERIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- AlphaPoint(float, float) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class
- ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- AnchorPoint - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters
- AnchorPoint(ResourceLocation) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- angle - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- angle(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- angleCos(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- animate() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- animatePostConstraints() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- animation - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- Animation<P,
S> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation - Animation() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animation
- animationEnded() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- Animator<P,
S> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation - Animator(P, S) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- Animator.AnimationEntry<P,
S> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation - Animator.TimedAnimationEntry<P,
T> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation - anisotropy() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - apply() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.constraint.Constraint
- apply() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- apply(PostPipeline.Context) - Method in interface
Applies this post effect.
- apply(PostPipeline.Context) - Method in class
- apply(PostPipeline.Context) - Method in class
- apply(PostPipeline.Context) - Method in class
- apply(PostPipeline.Context) - Method in record class
- apply(PostPipeline.Context) - Method in record class
- apply(ShaderProgram) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Applies the additional attributes of this shader to the specified program.
- apply(ShaderModificationManager.Preparations, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
- apply(VeilDynamicRegistry.Data, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class
- apply(String, MutableUniformAccess) - Method in record class
- apply(String, MutableUniformAccess) - Method in record class
- apply(String, MutableUniformAccess) - Method in record class
- apply(String, MutableUniformAccess) - Method in record class
- apply(String, MutableUniformAccess) - Method in record class
- apply(String, MutableUniformAccess) - Method in interface
- apply(Map<ResourceLocation, FramebufferDefinition>, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- apply(Map<ResourceLocation, CompositePostPipeline>, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class
- apply(Map<ResourceLocation, byte[]>, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.DynamicRenderTypeManager
- apply(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- apply(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderInstanceMixin
- apply(P, S) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- apply(P, S, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animation
- apply(P, S, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframedAnimation
- apply(P, T) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- APPLY_VERSION - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Whether the version is required and will be applied
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ConstantForceModule
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointForceModule
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ScaleForceModule
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VectorFieldForceModule
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- applyForce(QuasarParticle) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.ForceParticleModule
- applyFrom(int, int, int, VertexFormat) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Applies the vanilla mc format at the specified index.
- applyLabel(ResourceLocation, AbstractTexture, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugTextureManagerMixin
- applyModifiers(ResourceLocation, GlslTree, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
Applies all shader modifiers to the specified shader source.
- applyProgram(ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
Links and applies the specified shader program.
- applySamplers(TextureUniformAccess) - Method in interface
Applies each sampler to the specified shader.
- applySamplers(TextureUniformAccess) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
- applyScale(double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Scales the position and normal by the specified amount in the x, y, and z.
- applyScale(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Scales the position and normal by the specified amount in the x, y, and z.
- applyScale(float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Scales the position and normal by the specified amount in the x, y, and z.
- applyScale(float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Scales the position and normal by the specified amount in the x, y, and z.
- applyScale(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- applyShader() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Applies the shader set to
. - applyToTexture(int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Applies the filtering options to the specified texture object.
- applyToTextureTarget(int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Applies the filtering options to the specified texture target.
- applyVersion() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
- ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder(VertexArray) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ARBVertexAttribBindingVertexArray - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- ARBVertexAttribBindingVertexArray(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- AREA - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- AreaLight - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
- AreaLight() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- AreaLightRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light
- AreaLightRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.AreaLightRenderer
- areShadersLoaded() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.IrisCompat
- argb() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- ARGB_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Allows ARGB components.
- ARGB_INT_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Allows ARGB components.
- around(ServerPlayer, ServerLevel, double, double, double, double) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players in the area covered by the specified radius, around the specified coordinates, in the specified dimension, excluding the specified excluded player if present.
- array() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
- arrayLength() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns the value of the
record component. - arrayStride() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - asHolder() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistryObject
Gets this object wrapped in a vanilla
. - asVanillaRegistry() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
- atomicCounterSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- attach(AdvancedFbo, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
Attaches this attachment to the provided target under the specified attachment point.
- attach(AdvancedFbo, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- attach(AdvancedFbo, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- attach(AdvancedFbo, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- attachShader(int, CompiledShader) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
- attachShaders(ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram, ShaderSourceSet, ShaderCompiler) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- attachShaders(ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram, ShaderSourceSet, ShaderCompiler) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- attachToProgram() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- attachToProgram() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- attachToShader(Shader) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderWrapper
- Attribute(int, String, String) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Creates an instance of a
record class. - autoClear() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - AutoStorageIndexBufferExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- b - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- b - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- BACK - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
- baseColor - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- basePosition - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- baseRotation - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- baseSize - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- BasicGrid - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType
- Batched() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- begin() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- begin() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.AdvancedFboImGuiAreaImpl
- begin() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- begin() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher
- begin() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
Marks the start of a new post run.
- beginFrame() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- beginFrame() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- beginFrame() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- beginFrame() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- beginFrame(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineMinecraftMixin
- beginImGui() - Static method in class foundry.veil.Veil
Enables writing ImGui to the screen.
- beginTranslucent(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- BEZIER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.CurveMode
- BGR - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- BGRA - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- Billboard() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderStyle.Billboard
- BILLBOARD - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.RenderStyleRegistry
- bind() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
Binds this program for use.
- bind() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.CubemapTexture
- bind() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Binds this vertex array and applies any changes to the format automatically.
- bind() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- bind() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- bind(boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Binds this framebuffer for read and draw requests.
- bind(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- bind(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- bind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Binds this sampler to the specified texture unit.
- bind(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilFirstPersonRenderer
- bind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl
- bind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
Binds this block to the specified index.
- bind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl
- bind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- bind(ShaderBlock<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
Binds the specified block and returns the used binding.
- bind(ShaderUniformCache, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- bind(VeilShaderBufferLayout<?>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified block into the next available binding spot and updates all shaders if the binding index has changed.
- bind(VeilShaderBufferLayout<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- bind(CharSequence, ShaderBlock<?>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified block into the next available binding spot and updates all shaders if the binding index has changed.
- bind(CharSequence, ShaderBlock<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
Binds and assigns the bound index to all shaders under the specified name.
- bind(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceAbstractTextureMixin
- bindAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
Binds this attachment.
- bindAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- bindAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- bindDraw(boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Binds this framebuffer for draw requests.
- bindDraw(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- bindDraw(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- bindFirstPerson(int, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- binding - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- binding() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
- binding(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- bindRead() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Binds this framebuffer for read requests.
- bindRead() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- bindRead(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- bindSamplers(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Loads the samplers set by
TextureUniformAccess.addSampler(CharSequence, int)
into the shader. - bindSamplers(int, int...) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
Binds the specified sampler ids to sequential texture units and invalidates the GLStateManager.
- bindSamplers(int, int...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified sampler ids to sequential texture units.
- bindSamplers(int, IntBuffer) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
Binds the specified sampler ids to sequential texture units and invalidates the GLStateManager.
- bindSamplers(int, IntBuffer) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified sampler ids to sequential texture units.
- bindSamplers(ShaderTextureSource.Context, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Loads the samplers set by
TextureUniformAccess.addSampler(CharSequence, int)
into the shader. - bindSamplers(ShaderTextureSource.Context, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- bindTextures(int, int...) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
Binds the specified texture ids to sequential texture units and invalidates the GLStateManager.
- bindTextures(int, int...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified texture ids to sequential texture units and invalidates the GLStateManager.
- bindTextures(int, IntBuffer) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
Binds the specified texture ids to sequential texture units and invalidates the GLStateManager.
- bindTextures(int, IntBuffer) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified texture ids to sequential texture units and invalidates the GLStateManager.
- bindVertexArray(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Binds the specified vertex array and invalidates the vanilla MC immediate buffer state.
- bindWrite(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- bindWrite(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- bindWrite(boolean, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- bindWrite(RenderTarget, boolean, Operation<Void>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- BLACK - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- blit(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- blit(CallbackInfo, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- BLIT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- BLIT_SCREEN - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- BlitPostStage - Class in
A basic stage that draws a quad to the output using a specified shader.
- BlitPostStage(ResourceLocation, Map<String, UniformValue>, ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new blit post stage that applies the specified shader.
- BLOCK_MODEL - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- BLOCK_PARTICLE - Static variable in class
- BlockModelInspector - Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
Viewer for block models
- BlockModelInspector(VeilEditorEnvironment, BlockModelResource) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.BlockModelInspector
- BlockModelResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- BlockModelResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - BlockModelResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- BlockModelResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.BlockModelResourceLoader
- BlockParticleModuleData - Record Class in
- BlockParticleModuleData(boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - BLOOM - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- BLOOM_SHARD - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Output state for drawing into the bloom framebuffer.
- blue() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- blue() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- blue() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - blue(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the blue component.
- BLUE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- blueInt() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- blueInt(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the blue component from
. - blur() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - blur() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - bobViewClear(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- bobViewSetup(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- Bone - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer
- Bone(String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- BONE_INDEX - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilVertexFormat
- bones - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- BooleanThemeProperty - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme
- BooleanThemeProperty() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.BooleanThemeProperty
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilShaderBufferRegistry
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- bootstrap() - Static method in class
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- bootstrap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.RenderStyleRegistry
- borderColor() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - borderType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - brightness - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- brightness() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - buffer - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- BUFFER_SIZE_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.VertexFormatCodec
- buffers - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- buffers - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- bufferSize() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - build() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframedAnimation.Builder
- build() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- build() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- build() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet.Builder
- build() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
- build(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Constructs a new
with the specified attachments. - BUILD_RESOURCES_NAME - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- builder - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- builder() - Static method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Creates a new shader buffer builder.
- builder() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- builder(int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- builder(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec
- Builder() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframedAnimation.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet.Builder
- Builder(float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- Builder(int, int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Creates a new builder of the specified size.
- Builder(String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
- buildRoots() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- BY_GL_ID - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- BYTE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- BYTE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- BYTE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- cached(ShaderCompiler.ShaderProvider) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderCompiler
Constructs a shader compiler that caches duplicate shader sources.
- CachedBufferSource - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
- CachedBufferSource() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- CachedShaderCompiler - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
Attempts to cache the exact same shader sources to reduce the number of compiled shaders.
- CachedShaderCompiler(ShaderCompiler.ShaderProvider) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.CachedShaderCompiler
- CAMERA - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilShaderBufferRegistry
- CameraMatrices - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Packages all camera matrices and shader uniforms to make shader management easier.
- CameraMatrices() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
Creates a new set of camera matrices.
- canAttachRenderdoc() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform
- cancel() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.ThreadTaskScheduler
- cancelMouseX(CallbackInfoReturnable<Double>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.MouseHandlerMixin
- cancelMouseY(CallbackInfoReturnable<Double>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.MouseHandlerMixin
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
- canHotReload() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
- canHotReload() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceLoader
Checks if the specified resource can load.
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.BlockModelResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.FramebufferResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.LanguageResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.McMetaResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.PostPipelineResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.TextResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.RenderTypeResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.ShaderIncludeLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.ShaderResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.TextureResourceLoader
- canLoad(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.VanillaShaderResourceLoader
- canSample() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
- canSample() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- canSample() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- captureMajorVersion(int, LocalIntRef) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineWindowMixin
- captureMinorVersion(int, LocalIntRef) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineWindowMixin
- CATMULL_ROM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.CurveMode
- Cellular - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
- CellValue - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- changeBlendFunction() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineParticleRenderTypeMixin
This corrects the blend function for particles.
- charCallback(long, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- charCallback(long, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- charCallback(long, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- charCallback(long, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImplGlfw
- charCallback(long, int, int, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.KeyboardHandlerMixin
- children - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- ChunkShaderOptionsExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext.sodium
- ChunkVertexEncoderVertexExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext.sodium
- CLAMP - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
- CLAMP_DEFAULT_CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
- CLAMP_TO_BORDER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- CLAMP_TO_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- clean() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Removes the dirty flag after this light has been uploaded.
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- clear() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Clears the buffers in this framebuffer.
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- clear() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Clears all transformations.
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Clears the cache, rebuilding it the next time
is called. - clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- clear() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VanillaShaderCompiler
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- clear() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- clear(boolean, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- clear(float, float, float, float, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Clears the specified buffers.
- clear(float, float, float, float, int, int...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Clears the specified buffers.
- clear(float, float, float, float, int, int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- clear(float, float, float, float, int, int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- clear(float, float, float, float, int, int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- clear(float, float, float, float, int, int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- clear(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Clears the specified buffers.
- clear(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- clear(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarParticleEngineMixin
- clearErrors() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- clearItemEntityColor(RenderTarget, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceLevelRendererMixin
- clearLevel() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- clearMask - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- clearOut() - Method in class
- clearParticlesColor(RenderTarget, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceLevelRendererMixin
- clearProperties() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- clearRenderState() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilBloomRenderer
- clearRenderState(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
Clears the current render state by binding the main framebuffer.
- clearRenderState(LightRenderer, List<AreaLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.AreaLightRenderer
- clearRenderState(LightRenderer, List<PointLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.IndirectPointLightRenderer
- clearRenderState(LightRenderer, List<PointLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.InstancedPointLightRenderer
- clearRenderState(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
Clears the render state after drawing all lights.
- clearRenderState(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
Clears the render state after drawing all lights.
- clearSamplers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Clears all samplers.
- clearSamplers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- clearSamplers(TextureUniformAccess) - Method in interface
Removes all post-processing samplers from the specified shader.
- clearSamplers(TextureUniformAccess) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
- clearShaderBlocks() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- clearShaderBlocks() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- clearTextureSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- clearTranslucentColor(RenderTarget, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceLevelRendererMixin
- clearUsedBindings() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
Clears all used bindings from the current frame.
- clearVertexAttributes() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Clears all defined vertex attributes.
- clearVertexAttributes() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- clearVertexAttributes() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- clearVertexAttributes() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- clearVertexBuffers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Clears all mapped buffer regions.
- clearVertexBuffers() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- clearVertexBuffers() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- clearVertexBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- client() - Method in interface
- ClientEnumArgument<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl
- ClientPacketContext - Interface in
Context for client-side packet handling.
- ClientPacketSink - Enum Class in
- clientPlatform() - Static method in class foundry.veil.VeilClient
- clientResources() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- clientResources() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- clone() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- clone() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- close() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- close() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- close() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
- close() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderWrapper
- close() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- close() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- close(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- close(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderInstanceMixin
- CLOUDS_TARGET - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- code() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Returns the value of the
record component. - CODE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- codec - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.CodecReloadListener
- codec() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry.PipelineType
Returns the value of the
record component. - codec() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry.LayerType
Returns the value of the
record component. - codec() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Type
- codec() - Method in interface
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
- CODEC - Static variable in interface
- CODEC - Static variable in class
- CODEC - Static variable in class
- CODEC - Static variable in class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in interface
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.RenderTypeLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
- CODEC - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Type
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.EdgeType
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.VertexFormatCodec
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.molang.MolangExpressionCodec
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
- CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
- CODEC - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.EmitterShape
- CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail.TilingMode
- CODEC - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderStyle
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
- CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
- CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
- CodecReloadListener<T> - Class in foundry.veil.api
Loads files similarly to
, but also decodes them using the provided codec. - CodecReloadListener(Codec<T>, FileToIdConverter) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.CodecReloadListener
Creates a new codec reload listener.
- CodecUtil - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- CodecUtil() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
- CodeEditor - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.imgui
Creates a text editor window with saving callback support.
- CodeEditor(Component) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- CodeEditor(Component, Component) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- CodeEditor.SaveCallback - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.imgui
Callback for when editor is saved.
- CodeModule - Interface in
A particle module fully defined in code.
- collide(QuasarParticle) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.CollisionParticleModule
- collisionModules() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - CollisionParticleModule - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
- CollisionSubEmitterData - Record Class in
- CollisionSubEmitterData(ResourceLocation) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - COLON - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- color - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- color - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- color() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - color() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - color() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
Returns the value of the
record component. - Color - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.color
A representation of color as four floating point elements.
- Color() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Creates a new black color with full alpha.
- Color(float, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, and blue components of this color.
- Color(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, blue, and alpha components of this color.
- Color(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Creates a new color with the specified RGB values.
- Color(int, boolean) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Creates a new color with the specified ARGB values.
- Color(Colorc) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Copies the color from the specified color.
- COLOR - Static variable in class
- COLOR_CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
- COLOR_LOGIC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- colorAttachments - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- colorBuffers() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - Colorc - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.color
An immutable view of a
. - colorDepthWriteShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- colorFromVec4f(Vector4f) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- ColorGradient - Class in foundry.veil.impl.quasar
- ColorGradient(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- ColorGradient(ColorGradient.RGBPoint[]) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- ColorGradient(ColorGradient.RGBPoint[], ColorGradient.AlphaPoint[]) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- ColorGradient(List<ColorGradient.RGBPoint>, List<ColorGradient.AlphaPoint>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- ColorGradient(Vec3, Vec3) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- ColorGradient(Vec3, Vec3, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- ColorGradient.AlphaPoint - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.quasar
- ColorGradient.RGBPoint - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.quasar
- ColorLogicLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- ColorLogicLayer(LayerTemplateValue<GlStateManager.LogicOp>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - colorLogicState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- colorLogicState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- colorLogicState(RenderStateShard.ColorLogicStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- colorLogicState(RenderStateShard.ColorLogicStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- colorLogicStateShard(GlStateManager.LogicOp) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- colorOf(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Obtains the color of the modid
- ColorParticleModuleData - Record Class in
- ColorParticleModuleData(ColorGradient, MolangExpression) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ColorRenderModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- ColorRenderModule(ColorGradient, MolangExpression) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.ColorRenderModule
- ColorTheme - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.color
A color theme is a collection of colors.
- ColorTheme() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- ColorTheme(Colorc...) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- colorWriteShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- compareFunction() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - compile(int, ShaderSourceSet, ProgramDefinition, ShaderCompiler) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- compile(int, VeilShaderSource) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderCompiler
Creates a new shader and attempts to attach the specified sources to it.
- compile(int, VeilShaderSource) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.CachedShaderCompiler
- compile(int, VeilShaderSource) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DirectShaderCompiler
- compile(int, ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderCompiler
Creates a new shader and attempts to attach sources read from file to it.
- compile(int, ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.CachedShaderCompiler
- compile(int, ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DirectShaderCompiler
- CompiledProgram(int, Int2ObjectMap<CompiledShader>, Int2ObjectMap<CompiledShader>, ShaderUniformCache, Set<String>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CompiledShader - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
A shader instance that has additional pre-compiled data.
- CompiledShader(ResourceLocation, int, Object2IntMap<String>, Set<String>, Set<ResourceLocation>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Creates an instance of a
record class. - component(FormattedText) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Fully renders Minecraft text into ImGui.
- component(FormattedText, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Fully renders wrapped Minecraft text into ImGui.
- COMPOSITE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- compositeLights(ProfilerFiller) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- CompositePostPipeline - Class in
A pipeline that runs all child pipelines in order.
- CompositePostPipeline(PostPipeline[], Map<String, ShaderTextureSource>, Map<ResourceLocation, FramebufferDefinition>, VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new composite post pipeline that runs all child pipelines in order.
- CompositeReloadListener - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- CompositeRenderTypeData - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- CompositeRenderTypeData(VertexFormat, VertexFormat.Mode, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, List<RenderTypeLayer[]>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CompositeStateBuilderMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client
- CompositeStateBuilderMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- CompositeStateExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- CompositeStateMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client
- CompositeStateMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- COMPRESSED_SRGB - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- compute() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - computeSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- ConstantForceModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- ConstantForceModule(Vector3d) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ConstantForceModule
- ConstantForceModule(Vector3dc) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ConstantForceModule
- Constraint - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.constraint
- constructingProgram - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- ConsumerThemeProperty - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme
- ConsumerThemeProperty() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.ConsumerThemeProperty
- CONTEXT_AMOUNT - Static variable in exception class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModificationSyntaxException
- converter - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.CodecReloadListener
- copy() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- copy() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- copy(RenderTarget) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Creates a copy of the provided
. - copy(RenderTarget) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- copy(PoseStack) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Copies the current transformation of the specified stack into the current transformation of this stack.
- copy(PoseStack.Pose) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Copies the current transformation of the specified pose into the current transformation of this stack.
- copy(AdvancedFbo) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Creates a copy of the provided
. - copy(MatrixStack) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Copies the current transformation of the specified stack into the current transformation of this stack.
- COPY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- copyColor() - Method in class
- copyDepth() - Method in class
- copyDepthFrom(RenderTarget, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- copyImageSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- CopyPostStage - Class in
Copies data from one framebuffer to another.
- CopyPostStage(ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new blit post stage that applies the specified shader.
- copyToResources() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
- copyVector4f(Vector4f) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- copyVector4fArray(Vector4f[]) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- count() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - countParticles(CallbackInfoReturnable<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarParticleEngineMixin
- create() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Creates the framebuffer and all attachments.
- create() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
Creates the attachment and initializes it with the default properties.
- create() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- create() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- create() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- create() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Creates a single new sampler object.
- create() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Creates a single new vertex array.
- create() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- create() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- create() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- create(boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- create(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Creates an array of sampler objects.
- create(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Creates an array of vertex arrays.
- create(PoseStack) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a matrix stack wrapper for the specified post stack.
- create(ShaderTextureSource) - Static method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
- create(SamplerObject[]) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Replaces each element of the specified array with a new sampler object.
- create(VeilShaderBufferLayout<T>, ShaderProgram, String, int) - Static method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
- create(VertexArray[]) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Replaces each element of the specified array with a new vertex array.
- create(String, int, boolean, String) - Static method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
- create(String, String) - Static method in interface
Creates a
. - create(String, String) - Method in interface
Creates a
. - create(Frustum) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a cull frustum helper from the specified vanilla frustum.
- create(RenderType.CompositeState.CompositeStateBuilder) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a render type builder helper from the specified vanilla composite state builder.
- create(RenderType.OutlineProperty) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- create(RenderType.OutlineProperty) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- create(Registry<T>, String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider.Factory
Creates a
. - create(ResourceKey<? extends Registry<T>>, String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider.Factory
Creates a
. - create(ResourceLocation) - Static method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
- createAnimator(P, S) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
Creates an animator for the specified entity and skeleton.
- createBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- createBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- createBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- createBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexArray
- createBuffer(int, long) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer
- createBuffer(int, long) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer
- createBuffer(int, long) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.Serializer
- createBuffers(int, int, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- createBuilder(int, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Creates a new builder from this framebuffer.
- createBuilder(MolangEnvironment) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Creates a new builder from this framebuffer.
- createCompositeState(RenderType.OutlineProperty) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- createDebugLight(ClientLevel, Camera) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.DebugLightFactory
Creates a new light in the level.
- createDynamicProgram(ResourceLocation, Int2ObjectMap<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
Creates a new dynamic shader with the specified shader sources.
- createEmitter(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- createInvertedCube(VertexConsumer) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightTypeRenderer
Draws a unit inverted cube into the specified buffer
- createLayout() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- createLayout() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.GuiInfo
- createMesh() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- createMesh() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- createMesh() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.AreaLightRenderer
- createMesh() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.IndirectPointLightRenderer
- createMesh() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.InstancedPointLightRenderer
- createNode(boolean, String) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Creates a GLSL node representation of this layout.
- createPacket(CustomPacketPayload) - Method in interface
Creates a packet from a packet payload.
- createQuad(VertexConsumer) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightTypeRenderer
Draws a unit quad into the specified buffer
- createReloadListener() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- createRenderer() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.RendererFactory
- createRenderType(String, Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
- createSkeleton(P) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
Creates a skeleton for the specified entity.
- createTextures(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Creates a new texture for the specified target when using direct state access, otherwise calls the regular
. - createTextures(int, int[]) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Creates new textures for the specified target when using direct state access, otherwise calls the regular
. - createTextures(int, IntBuffer) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Creates new textures for the specified target when using direct state access, otherwise calls the regular
. - createTokens(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer
- createVertexArray() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- CRUMBLING - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- crumblingTransparencyShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- Cube - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Cube() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Cube
- Cube() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderStyle.Cube
- CUBE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- CUBE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.RenderStyleRegistry
- cubeInFrustum(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- CubemapTexture - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
implementation for using a cubemap texture. - CubemapTexture() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.CubemapTexture
- CUBOID - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.RenderMode
- CULL - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- CULL_BACK - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- CULL_FRONT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- CULL_FRONT_AND_BACK - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- CullCamera - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective
- CullCamera(Camera) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.CullCamera
- CullFaceShard - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- CullFaceShard(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.CullFaceShard
- CullFrustum - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Version of
that exposes all JOMLFrustumIntersection
methods. - CullLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- CullLayer(LayerTemplateValue<CullLayer.CullFace>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - CullLayer.CullFace - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- cullShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- cullState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- cullState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- cullState(RenderStateShard.CullStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- cullState(RenderStateShard.CullStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- currentDrawBuffers - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- currentPos - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- CustomLightModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- CustomLightModule() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- customProgramData() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- Cylinder - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Cylinder() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Cylinder
- CYLINDER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- darken(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Mixes this color with black to "darken" it.
- darken(float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Mixes this color with black to "darken" it.
- Data(RegistryAccess, Map<ResourceKey<?>, Exception>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry.Data
Creates an instance of a
record class. - dataType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- DEBUG - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- DEBUG_BUFFER_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- DEBUG_CUBEMAP - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- DebugAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin
- DebugFrustumRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
Draws any arbitrary view frustum.
- DebugFrustumRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugFrustumRenderer
- DebugGameRendererAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor
- DebugGlDebugMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugGlDebugMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugGlDebugMixin
- DebugKeyboardHandlerMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugKeyboardHandlerMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugKeyboardHandlerMixin
- debugLabel - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- DebugLevelRendererAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor
- DebugLevelRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugLevelRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugLevelRendererMixin
- debugLightFactory() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.LightType
Returns the value of the
record component. - DebugMainMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugMainMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugMainMixin
- debugMessageInsert(int, int, int, CharSequence) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
This function can be called by applications and third-party libraries to generate their own messages, such as ones containing timestamp information or signals about specific render system events.
- DebugMinecraftMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugMinecraftMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugMinecraftMixin
- DebugPostChainAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor
- DebugRenderHelper - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
- DebugRenderHelper() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- DebugTextureManagerMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugTextureManagerMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugTextureManagerMixin
- DebugVertexBufferExt - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- DebugVertexBufferMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugVertexBufferMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugVertexBufferMixin
- DebugVertexFormatMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- DebugVertexFormatMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugVertexFormatMixin
- decode(int) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- decode(DynamicOps<T1>, T1) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec
- decoder() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
Returns the value of the
record component. - DEFAULT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- DEFAULT_GROUP - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
- DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
- defineVertexBuffer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Maps a buffer region to the specified index.
- defineVertexBuffer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- defineVertexBuffer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- defineVertexBuffer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- definition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.VeilContext
- DEFINITION - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- definitionDefaults() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - definitionDependencies() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns the value of the
record component. - definitionDependencies() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - definitionDependencies() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns the value of the
record component. - definitions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - deinitTransparency(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- delete() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher
- DemoInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- DemoInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DemoInspector
- depth() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - depth() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - depth() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - depth() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - DEPTH_CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
- DEPTH_COMPONENT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH_COMPONENT16 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH_COMPONENT24 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH_COMPONENT32 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH_COMPONENT32F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH_FUNC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- DEPTH_STENCIL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- DEPTH24_STENCIL8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- depthAttachment - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- depthBuffer() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - DepthFunctionPostStage - Record Class in
Sets the depth function.
- DepthFunctionPostStage(DepthFunctionPostStage.DepthFunc) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DepthFunctionPostStage.DepthFunc - Enum Class in
- DepthTestLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- DepthTestLayer(LayerTemplateValue<DepthTestLayer.DepthState>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DepthTestLayer.DepthState - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- depthTestState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- depthTestState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- depthTestState(RenderStateShard.DepthTestStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- depthTestState(RenderStateShard.DepthTestStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- depthWriteShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition.Deserializer
- Deserializer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition.Deserializer
- desiredPos - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- destroyBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- destroyCursor(long) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.ImGuiImplGlfwMixin
- detectVertexFormat() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
- DeviceInfoViewer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- DeviceInfoViewer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- DIE_ON_COLLISION - Static variable in class
- DieOnCollisionModuleData - Class in
- DieOnCollisionModuleData() - Constructor for class
- dimensions() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - direct(ShaderCompiler.ShaderProvider) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderCompiler
Constructs a shader compiler that creates a new shader for each requested type.
- DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in record class
- DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in record class
- DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in record class
- DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in record class
- direction - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- DIRECTIONAL - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- DirectionalLight - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
Represents a light where all rays come from the same direction everywhere.
- DirectionalLight() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- DirectionalLightRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light
- DirectionalLightRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.DirectionalLightRenderer
- DIRECTIONS - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
- DirectShaderCompiler - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
Creates a new shader and compiles each time
DirectShaderCompiler.compile(int, VeilShaderSource)
is called. - DirectShaderCompiler(ShaderCompiler.ShaderProvider) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DirectShaderCompiler
- directStateAccessSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- dirty - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- disableAmbientOcclusion() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Disables ambient occlusion.
- disableBuffers(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
Disables the specified dynamic render buffers.
- disableBuffers(ResourceLocation, DynamicBufferType...) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
Disables the specified dynamic render buffers.
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
- Disc - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Disc() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Disc
- DISC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- disconnect(Component) - Method in interface
Disconnects the player.
- distance - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- Distance - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- Distance2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- Distance2Add - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- Distance2Div - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- Distance2Mul - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- Distance2Sub - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
- dmat2(String, Function<T, Matrix2dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dmat3(String, Function<T, Matrix3dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dmat3x2(String, Function<T, Matrix3x2dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dmat4(String, Function<T, Matrix4dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dmat4x3(String, Function<T, Matrix4x3dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- DomainWarp(FastNoiseLite.Vector2) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- DomainWarp(FastNoiseLite.Vector3) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- DomainWarpIndependent - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
- DomainWarpProgressive - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
- DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- DRAG - Static variable in class
- DragForceData - Record Class in
A force that applies a drag force to a particle.
- DragForceData(double) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - draw() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- draw(MeshData) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType.LayeredRenderType
- draw(RenderType, Skeleton, Skin, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
Queues the specified skeleton with the specified skin to be rendered.
- draw(RenderType, Skeleton, Skin, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- draw(RenderType, Skeleton, Skin, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- drawBuffers - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- drawBuffers(int...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Sets the buffers to draw to.
- drawBuffers(int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- drawBuffers(int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- drawBuffers(int...) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- drawConnectionLine(PoseStack, Tooltippable, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- drawGradientRect(Matrix4f, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- drawHoverText(Tooltippable, float, ItemStack, PoseStack, List<? extends FormattedText>, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Font, int, int, List<VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder>, int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- drawIndirect(long, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- drawIndirect(VertexBuffer, long, int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Draws indirect instances of the specified vertex buffer.
- drawInstanced(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- drawInstanced(VertexBuffer, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Draws instances of the specified vertex buffer.
- drawLights(ProfilerFiller, CullFrustum) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- drawMode - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- drawPatches(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- drawScreenQuad() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Draws a quad onto the full screen.
- drawTexturedRect(Matrix4f, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, ResourceLocation) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- DSAAdvancedFboImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer
Legacy implementation of
. - DSAAdvancedFboImpl(int, int, AdvancedFboAttachment[], AdvancedFboAttachment, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- DSASerializer(BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer
- DSASerializer(BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer
- DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper
Direct-state implementation of
. - DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper(Supplier<RenderTarget>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder(VertexArray, int) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- dstAlphaFactor() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Returns the value of the
record component. - dstColorFactor() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Returns the value of the
record component. - DUMMY_FRAGMENT_SHADER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- DummyResource - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
- DummyResource(IoSupplier<InputStream>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DummyResource
- dvec2(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dvec2(String, Function<T, Vector2dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dvec3(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dvec3(String, Function<T, Vector3dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dvec4(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dvec4(String, Function<T, Vector4dc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- dynamic() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - dynamic(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, long, BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
Creates a new shader block with a dynamically-changing size.
- dynamic(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
Creates a new shader block with a dynamically-changing size.
- DYNAMIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
- DynamicBufferAmbientOcclusionFaceMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client
- DynamicBufferAmbientOcclusionFaceMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferAmbientOcclusionFaceMixin
- DynamicBufferGameRendererAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor
- DynamicBufferGameRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client
- DynamicBufferGameRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferGameRendererMixin
- DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client
- DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- DynamicBufferManger - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- DynamicBufferManger(int, int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- DynamicBufferProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- DynamicBufferProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferProcessor
- DynamicBufferProgramAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor
- DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client
- DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- DynamicBufferShard - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- DynamicBufferShard(String, Supplier<RenderTarget>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferShard
- DynamicBufferShard(ResourceLocation, Supplier<RenderTarget>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferShard
- DynamicBufferType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- DynamicCubemapTexture - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Dynamic implementation of
. - DynamicCubemapTexture() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.DynamicCubemapTexture
- DynamicLightModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- DynamicLightModule(LightModuleData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.DynamicLightModule
- DynamicRenderTypeManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype
- DynamicRenderTypeManager() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.DynamicRenderTypeManager
- DynamicShaderBlock<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition
that can be resized. - DynamicShaderBlockImpl<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
Dynamic-size implementation of
. - DynamicShaderBlockImpl(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, long, DynamicShaderBlockImpl.Serializer<T>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl
- DynamicShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- DynamicShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- DynamicShaderBlockImpl.Serializer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- DynamicShaderProgramImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- DynamicShaderProgramImpl(ResourceLocation, Runnable) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- ease(float) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_BACK - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_CIRC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_ELASTIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_EXPO - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_BACK - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_CIRC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_ELASTIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_EXPO - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_QUART - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_QUINT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_OUT_SINE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_QUAD - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_QUART - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_QUINT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_IN_SINE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_BACK - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_BOUNCE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_CIRC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_CUBIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_ELASTIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_EXPO - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_QUAD - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_QUART - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_QUINT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- EASE_OUT_SINE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- Easing - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
- editFormat() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- EDITOR_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.VeilClient
- EditorAttributeProvider - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
Provides extra ImGui rendering details.
- EditorManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
Manages all editors for Veil.
- EditorManager(ReloadableResourceManager) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- ELEMENT_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.VertexFormatCodec
- EMITTER - Static variable in class
- EMITTER_SHAPE_SETTINGS - Static variable in class
- emitterSettings() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - EmitterSettings - Record Class in
- EmitterSettings(List<Holder<EmitterShapeSettings>>, Holder<ParticleSettings>, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - EmitterShape - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- EmitterShapeRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry
Registry for all emitter shapes.
- EmitterShapeRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- emitterShapeSettings() - Method in record class
- EmitterShapeSettings - Record Class in
- EmitterShapeSettings(EmitterShape, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - emitterShapeSettingsHolders() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - emitterSuggestionProvider() - Static method in class
- enable() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilBloomRenderer
- enableAmbientOcclusion() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Enables ambient occlusion.
- enableBuffers(ResourceLocation, DynamicBufferType...) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
Enables the specified dynamic render buffers.
- enabled() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - enabled() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
- encode(DynamicBufferType...) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- encode(T, DynamicOps<T1>, T1) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec
- end() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.AdvancedFboImGuiAreaImpl
- end() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- end() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher
- end() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
Ends the running pass and cleans up resources.
- endBatch() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- endBatch(RenderType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- endFrame() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- endFrame() - Method in class
- endFrame() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- endFrame() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- endFrame() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- endFrame() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- endFrame(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineMinecraftMixin
- endImGui() - Static method in class foundry.veil.Veil
Disables ImGui writing.
- endLastBatch() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- endLastBatch(MultiBufferSource.BufferSource, String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Finishes the last batch of the specified buffer builder if it has the same name.
- endLastBatch(MultiBufferSource.BufferSource, RenderType) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Finishes the last batch of the specified buffer builder if it is the same render type.
- endOpaque(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- ensureStorage(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin
- EntityExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- enumArgument(Class<R>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.ClientEnumArgument
- enumCodec(Class<T>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue
Creates a codec for the specified enum values.
- EnumCodec<T> - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
Codec for serializing/deserializing enum constants.
- EnumCodec.Builder<T> - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
Builder for creating a new
. - EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
- EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- equalDepthTestShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- equals(Object) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer.FontMetadata
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframeTimeline
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.LightType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry.PipelineType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry.LayerType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- equals(Object) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager.Preparations
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry.Data
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- errors() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry.Data
Returns the value of the
record component. - ERRORS - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- Euclidean - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
- EuclideanSq - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
- EXAMPLE_GROUP - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- execute(Runnable) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.TickTaskScheduler
Executes the specified command on the next particle system tick.
- execute(Runnable) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.BlockModelResourceLoader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.LanguageResourceLoader
- f32(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- f64(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- FABRIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform.PlatformType
- face() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - faceVelocity() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - FaceVelocityModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update
- FaceVelocityModule() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.FaceVelocityModule
- FACTORY - Static variable in interface
The singleton instance of the
. - FACTORY - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
The singleton instance of the
. - FAIL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy
Will error if any fields or functions from includes conflict with data in shader source files.
- FastNoiseLite - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- FastNoiseLite(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.FractalType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.NoiseType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.Vector2 - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FastNoiseLite.Vector3 - Class in foundry.veil.api.util
- FBm - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
- fbo() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- fields() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - fields() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - fields() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns the value of the
record component. - fields() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
Returns the value of the
record component. - fileName() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
- filePath() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - fillPlaceholders(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.SimpleShaderModification
- filter() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - filter() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - filter() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - filter() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource
- findDevPath(Path, Path) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- findDevPaths(Path, Path) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- FIRST_PERSON - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- FIXED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- flags() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - FLAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.RenderMode
- FLIP_X - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- FLIP_Y - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class
- FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.EdgeType
- FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- FloatUniform - Record Class in
- FloatUniform(float[]) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - flush() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilBloomRenderer
- FontMetadata(short[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer.FontMetadata
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Force - Class in
- Force() - Constructor for class
- forceModules() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - ForceParticleModule - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
- forceSpawn() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - format() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - format() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - FormattedValue(String, Function<String, T>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
Creates an instance of a
record class. - foundry.veil - package foundry.veil
- foundry.veil.api - package foundry.veil.api
- foundry.veil.api.client.color - package foundry.veil.api.client.color
- foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme - package foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme
- foundry.veil.api.client.editor - package foundry.veil.api.client.editor
- foundry.veil.api.client.imgui - package foundry.veil.api.client.imgui
- foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer - package foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer
- foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation - package foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation
- foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe - package foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.constraint - package foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.constraint
- foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render - package foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render
- foundry.veil.api.client.registry - package foundry.veil.api.client.registry
- foundry.veil.api.client.render - package foundry.veil.api.client.render
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.light - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer
- - package
- - package
- - package
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
- foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex - package foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex
- foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip - package foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip
- foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util - package foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util
- foundry.veil.api.client.util - package foundry.veil.api.client.util
- foundry.veil.api.compat - package foundry.veil.api.compat
- foundry.veil.api.event - package foundry.veil.api.event
- foundry.veil.api.molang - package foundry.veil.api.molang
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry - package foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry
- foundry.veil.api.resource - package foundry.veil.api.resource
- foundry.veil.api.resource.editor - package foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
- foundry.veil.api.resource.type - package foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- foundry.veil.api.util - package foundry.veil.api.util
- foundry.veil.ext - package foundry.veil.ext
- foundry.veil.ext.iris - package foundry.veil.ext.iris
- foundry.veil.ext.sodium - package foundry.veil.ext.sodium
- foundry.veil.impl - package foundry.veil.impl
- foundry.veil.impl.client.editor - package foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui - package foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui
- - package
- foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render - package foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper - package foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper
- foundry.veil.impl.compat.sodium - package foundry.veil.impl.compat.sodium
- - package
- foundry.veil.impl.quasar - package foundry.veil.impl.quasar
- foundry.veil.impl.resource - package foundry.veil.impl.resource
- foundry.veil.impl.resource.action - package foundry.veil.impl.resource.action
- foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader - package foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree - package foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree
- foundry.veil.mixin.debug - package foundry.veil.mixin.debug
- foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.fix - package foundry.veil.mixin.fix
- foundry.veil.mixin.framebuffer.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.framebuffer.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.necromancer.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.necromancer.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.registry.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.registry.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.resource - package foundry.veil.mixin.resource
- foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor - package foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor
- foundry.veil.mixin.resource.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.resource.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client - package foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client
- foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip - package foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip
- foundry.veil.platform - package foundry.veil.platform
- foundry.veil.platform.registry - package foundry.veil.platform.registry
- fragment() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - FRAMEBUFFER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Type
- FRAMEBUFFER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- FRAMEBUFFER_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- FRAMEBUFFER_LISTER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- FramebufferAttachmentDefinition - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
Represents a framebuffer attachment that can be turned into a real framebuffer.
- FramebufferAttachmentDefinition(FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type, FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format, FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType, boolean, TextureFilter, int, String) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
The formats for attachments.
- FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
The formats for attachments.
- FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
The type of attachments.
- FramebufferDefinition - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
Represents a framebuffer definition that can be turned into a real framebuffer.
- FramebufferDefinition(MolangExpression, MolangExpression, FramebufferAttachmentDefinition[], FramebufferAttachmentDefinition, boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Creates a new framebuffer.
- FramebufferEditAction - Enum Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.action
- FramebufferFileEditor - Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
- FramebufferFileEditor(VeilEditorEnvironment, FramebufferResource) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.FramebufferFileEditor
- framebufferId() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - frameBufferId - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- frameBufferId - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- FramebufferInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- FramebufferInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.FramebufferInspector
- FramebufferManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
Manages all framebuffers and custom definitions specified in files.
- FramebufferManager() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
Creates a new instance of the framebuffer manager.
- FramebufferPostStage - Class in
An abstract stage that uses a framebuffer as the input and output.
- FramebufferPostStage(ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a post stage with the specified input and output framebuffers.
- FramebufferRenderTargetAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.framebuffer.client
- FramebufferResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- FramebufferResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FramebufferResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- FramebufferResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.FramebufferResourceLoader
- FramebufferSource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture
Source of a shader texture using a framebuffer.
- FramebufferSource(ResourceLocation, int, boolean, TextureFilter) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - frameCount() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns the value of the
record component. - frameHeight() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns the value of the
record component. - frameTime() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns the value of the
record component. - frameWidth() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns the value of the
record component. - free() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
Frees any resources allocated by this editor before being destroyed.
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
- free() - Method in interface
Allows a post pipeline to dispose of any resources it takes up.
- free() - Method in class
- free() - Method in class
- free() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.DirectionalLightRenderer
- free() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilBloomRenderer
- free() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilFirstPersonRenderer
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.CachedShaderCompiler
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DirectShaderCompiler
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- free() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- free() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
- free() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.SodiumShaderProcessor
- free() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VanillaShaderProcessor
- free() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.VeilVanillaShaders
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- free() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.QuasarParticleHandler
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- free() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- free(ClientLevel, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- free(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- FreeNativeResourcesEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired when Minecraft frees all native resources on the client.
- frequency() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - fromBlaze3D(VertexBuffer.Usage) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
- fromBlaze3D(VertexFormat.IndexType) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- fromJson(JsonObject) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer
- fromSurface() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - fromType(VertexFormatElement.Type) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- FRONT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
- FRONT_AND_BACK - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
- FrustumExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- FrustumMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.client
- FrustumMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.client.FrustumMixin
- func() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Function(String, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Creates an instance of a
record class. - FUNCTION - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- g - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- g - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- GameRendererAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor
- gatherTooltipComponents(ItemStack, List<? extends FormattedText>, TooltipComponent, int, int, int, Font, Font) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- geometry() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - GEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
- GEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- GEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- GEQUAL_DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- get() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
- get() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
- get() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.molang.VeilMolang
- get() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- get() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistryObject
Gets the object behind this wrapper.
- get(Registry<T>, String) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
Gets a provider for specified
. - get(ResourceKey<? extends Registry<T>>, String) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
Gets a provider for specified
. - get(ResourceLocation, Object...) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.DynamicRenderTypeManager
Retrieves and caches a rendertype with the specified id.
- get(ResourceLocation, Object...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
Retrieves and caches a render type with the specified id.
- GET_ATTRIBUTE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- getAcceleration() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ConstantForceModule
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
- getActions() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
- getActions() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
- getActiveBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- getActiveBuffers(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- getActivePipelines() - Method in class
- getAdjacentKeyframes(float, boolean, Keyframe[]) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframeTimeline
- getAge() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getAgePercent() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getAllModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getAllPacks() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- getAlpha() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getAlphaPoints() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- getAndCastProperty(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getAngle() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- getAnimator() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.SkeletonParent
- getAtlases() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor.ResourceAtlasSetAccessor
- getAtlases() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor.ResourceModelManagerAccessor
- getAtlasSprite() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getAttachedEntity() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getAttachmentType() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
Returns the OpenGL attachment point.
- getAttachmentType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- getAttachmentType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getBillboard() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getBillboard() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getBinding() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- getBlitShader() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor.DebugGameRendererAccessor
- getBlock(VeilShaderBufferLayout<T>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Retrieves the registered block for the specified layout.
- getBlock(VeilShaderBufferLayout<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- getBlockPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getBlockStateInOrUnder() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getBlue() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getBoundTexture(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- getBrightness() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- getBrightness() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- getBuffer(RenderType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- getBuffer(RenderType) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- getBuffer(RenderType) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- getBufferTexture(DynamicBufferType) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- getBytes() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- getCameraBobOffset() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getCameraBobOffset() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- getCameraMatrices() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getCameraPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- GetCellularDistanceFunction() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetCellularJitterModifier() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetCellularReturnType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getClearBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- getClearChannels() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.framebuffer.client.FramebufferRenderTargetAccessor
- getClearMask() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getClearMask() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getClearMask() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getCodec() - Method in enum class
- getCollisionModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- getColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- getColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getColor(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- getColor(float, Vector4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- getColor(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Retrieves the ARGB color for the specified ImGui style color.
- getColor(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getColor(Vector4f, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- getColorAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Checks the attachments for the specified slot.
- getColorAttachment(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getColorAttachment(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getColorAttachments() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getColorAttachments() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getColorAttachments() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getColorInt() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- getColorRenderAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Retrieves the attachment for the specified slot.
- getColors() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getColorsMap() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getColorTextureAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Retrieves the attachment for the specified slot.
- getColorTextureId() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- getColorTextureId(CallbackInfoReturnable<Integer>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- getCompletedFuture() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.ThreadTaskScheduler
- getCount() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getCullingFrustum() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- getCullingFrustum() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor.LevelRendererAccessor
- getCurveMode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getData() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getData() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getDataType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getDebugLabel() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getDebugLabel() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getDebugLabel() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getDefaultFormats() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.VertexFormatCodec
- getDefinition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getDefinition() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getDefinition(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Retrieves a definition by name.
- getDefinitionDependencies() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getDefinitionDependencies() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getDefinitions() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
- getDeltaPosition(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- getDepthAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getDepthAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getDepthAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getDepthRenderAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Retrieves a depth buffer render attachment.
- getDepthTextureAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Retrieves a depth buffer texture attachment.
- getDepthTextureId() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- getDepthTextureId(CallbackInfoReturnable<Integer>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- getDescription() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceAction
- getDescription() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
- getDescription() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
- getDescription() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
- getDescription() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
- getDirection() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DemoInspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.FramebufferInspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.PostInspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- getDisplayName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- getDistance() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- GetDomainWarpAmp() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetDomainWarpType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getDrawBuffers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getDrawBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getDrawBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getDrawFramebuffer() - Method in interface
- getDrawFramebuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
- getDrawMode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- getDynamicBufferManger() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getDynamicBuffers() - Method in class
- getDynamicBuffersMask() - Method in class
- getDynamicFbo(AdvancedFbo) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
Creates a dynamic fbo from the specified framebuffer.
- getDynamicRenderTypeManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getEditor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- getEditorManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getEmitter() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getEmitterCount() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- getEmitterShapeSettings() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getEnabledRenderModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getEntityEffect() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor.DebugLevelRendererAccessor
- getEntries() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
- getEnvironment() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getExamples() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.ClientEnumArgument
- getExtension() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource.Type
- getFarPlane() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getFilter() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getFilter() - Method in class
- getFixedBuffers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor.RenderTypeBufferSourceAccessor
- getFloat(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- getFloat(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getFloat(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a single float by the specified name.
- getFloats(CharSequence, float[]) - Method in interface
- getFloats(CharSequence, float[]) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getFloats(CharSequence, float[]) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of floats by the specified name.
- getFolder() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderSourceSet
- getFolder(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- getFont(boolean, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- getFont(ResourceLocation, boolean, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- getFont(ResourceLocation, boolean, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontManager
- getForceModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getFormat() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
- getFormat() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- getFormat() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getFormat() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getFormat() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- GetFractalBounding() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetFractalGain() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetFractalLacunarity() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetFractalOctaves() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetFractalPingPongStrength() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetFractalType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetFractalWeightedStrength() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getFramebuffer(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
Retrieves a framebuffer by the specified name.
- getFramebuffer(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Context
Retrieves a framebuffer by id.
- getFramebuffer(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
- getFramebufferDefinition(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
Retrieves a framebuffer definition by the specified name.
- getFramebufferManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getFramebufferOrDraw(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface
Retrieves a framebuffer by id or the main framebuffer if it doesn't exist.
- getFramebuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- getFramebuffers() - Method in class
- getFrequency() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- GetFrequency() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getGlError() - Method in exception class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderException
- getGlFace(Direction) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.CubemapTexture
Converts the
value to the correct GL cubemap enum. - getGlslConverter() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderSourceSet
- getGlType() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.BufferBinding
- getGlType() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
- getGlType() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- getGlType() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- getGreen() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getGroup() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DemoInspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.FramebufferInspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.PostInspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- getGroup() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- getGuiInfo() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getGuiScale() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.GuiInfo
- getHeight() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getHeight() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getHeight() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getHeight() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getIcon() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource.Type
- getIcon() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceAction
- getIcon() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
- getIcon() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
- getIcon() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
- getIcon() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
- getIconCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
- getIconCode() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderResource
- getIconCode() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
Gets the icon code for this resource (ex.
- getId() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- getId() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- getId() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- getId() - Method in enum class
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.CubemapTexture
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
- getId() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- getId() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderWrapper
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getId() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor.DynamicBufferProgramAccessor
- getId() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceAbstractTextureMixin
- getId() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistryObject
Gets the id of the object.
- getId(ShaderTextureSource.Context) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
- getId(ShaderTextureSource.Context) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
- getId(ShaderTextureSource.Context) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource
Retrieves the id of this texture based on context.
- getImportProcessor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderProcessorList
- getIn() - Method in class
- getIn() - Method in class
- getIndexCount() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- getIndexCount(VertexBuffer) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Retrieves the number of indices in the specified vertex buffer.
- getIndexType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- getIndexType() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- getInitModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getInt(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- getInt(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getInt(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a single integer by the specified name.
- getInternalFormat() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- getInternalId() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- getInts(CharSequence, int[]) - Method in interface
- getInts(CharSequence, int[]) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getInts(CharSequence, int[]) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of integers by the specified name.
- getInverseProjectionMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getInverseViewMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getInverseViewRotMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getItems() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Get the items to render in the tooltip and data about them
- getItems() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getItemStack() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Get the itemstack to render
- getLastSharedType() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor.PipelineBufferSourceAccessor
- getLayers() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType.LayeredRenderType
- getLayoutId() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
- getLength() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getLength() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- getLevel() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- getLevel() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getLevels() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
- getLevels() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- getLevels() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getLifetime() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getLight0Direction() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- getLight1Direction() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- getLightColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getLightRenderer() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getLights(LightTypeRegistry.LightType<? extends T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Retrieves all lights of the specified type.
- getListeners() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor.PipelineReloadableResourceManagerAccessor
- getLoadedShaders() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.IrisCompat
- getLoadedShaders() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.SodiumCompat
- getLocalOffset() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- getLocalTransform(Matrix4x3f, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- getLocalTransform(Matrix4x3f, Quaternionf, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- getLocation() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- getLocation() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- getMacros(Set<String>, ShaderPreDefinitions) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
- getMainFramebuffer() - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getMask() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- getMask() - Method in class
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2f) - Method in interface
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a matrix2x2 by the specified name
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3f) - Method in interface
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a matrix3x3 by the specified name
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2f) - Method in interface
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a matrix3x2 by the specified name
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4f) - Method in interface
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a matrix4x4 by the specified name
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3f) - Method in interface
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3f) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves a matrix4x3 by the specified name
- getMaxDepth() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- getMaxLifetime() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getMaxMipmapLevels() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor.ResourceModelManagerAccessor
- getMaxParticles() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getMessage() - Method in exception class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModificationSyntaxException
- getMetadataSectionName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer
- getMinDistance() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getMixFactor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- getModelTransform(Matrix4x3f, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- getModelTransform(Matrix4x3f, Quaternionf, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- getModelViewProjectionMatrix() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
- getModelViewProjectionMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- getModId() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
- getModifierId(ShaderModification) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
Retrieves the id of the specified modifier.
- getModifiers(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
Retrieves all modifiers for the specified shader.
- getModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.BooleanThemeProperty
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.ConsumerThemeProperty
- getName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.IThemeProperty
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.StringThemeProperty
- getName() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- getName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- getName() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceAction
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.CompositeReloadListener
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderWrapper
- getName() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
- getName() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
- getName() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
- getName() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- getName() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- getName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor.RenderStateShardAccessor
- getName(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Retrieves the human-readable name of the specified GL shader type.
- getName(RenderStateShard) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
Retrieves the name of the specified render shard.
- getNames() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getNearPlane() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- GetNoise(float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetNoise(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- GetNoiseType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getNotAllowedCursor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.ImGuiImplGlfwMixin
- getOldShader() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- getOrCreateBuffer(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Creates a new buffer object owned by this vertex array or retrieves an existing buffer.
- getOrientation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- getOut() - Method in class
- getOutput() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.SimpleShaderModification
- getParentRotation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getParticleCount() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getParticleCount() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- getParticleData() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getParticleManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getParticleSettings() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getPasses() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor.DebugPostChainAccessor
- getPattern() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- getPipeline() - Method in class
- getPipeline(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface
Retrieves a post pipeline by name.
- getPipeline(ResourceLocation) - Method in class
Retrieves a post pipeline by name.
- getPipelines() - Method in class
- getPixels() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor.PipelineNativeImageAccessor
- getPlaceholder(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.SimpleShaderModification
- getPlaceholder(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification
- getPlanes() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
- getPlanes() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- getPlatformName() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform.PlatformType
- getPlatformType() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Cube
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Cylinder
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Disc
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.EmitterShape
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Hemisphere
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Plane
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Point
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Sphere
- getPoint(RandomSource, Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3dc, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Torus
- getPoints() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getPoints() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- getPos(RandomSource, Vector3dc) - Method in record class
- getPosition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
- getPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- getPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- getPosition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PositionedLight
- getPosition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PositionedForce
- getPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- getPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Position of the emitter
- getPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- getPostEffect() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor.DebugGameRendererAccessor
- getPostPipelineContext() - Method in class
- getPostProcessingManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getPriority() - Method in class
- getPriority() - Method in class
- getProcessor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderProcessorList
- getProgram() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getProgram() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getProperty(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- getRadius() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.IndirectLight
- getRadius() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- getRadius() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- getRadius() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getRandomSource() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getRate() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getRecompileFuture() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- getRed() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getReferencedShaders() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.LayoutShaderBlockImpl
- getRegistryId() - Method in record class
- getRegistryId() - Method in record class
- getRegistryId() - Method in record class
- getRegistryId() - Method in record class
- getRegistryName() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- getRenderAge() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getRenderData() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getRenderDistance() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.LevelPerspectiveCamera
- getRenderer() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher
- getRenderModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getRenderPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getRenderRadius() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getRenderResources() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- getRenderRotation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getRenderStage() - Method in class
- getRenderTargets() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.IrisCompat
- getRenderType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getRenderType(T) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer
Retrieves the render type to use for the specified entity.
- getResizeNESWCursor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.ImGuiImplGlfwMixin
- getResizeNWSECursor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.ImGuiImplGlfwMixin
- getResource() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.BlockModelInspector
- getResource() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.FramebufferFileEditor
- getResource() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
- getResource() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceOverrideEditor
- getResource() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.TextFileEditor
- getResource(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
- getResource(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- getResourceKey() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistryObject
Gets the
of the registry of the object wrapped. - getResourceManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- getResourceManager() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilEditorEnvironment
- getResourceMetadata(String, String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- getResourceMetadata(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- getResourceOrThrow(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
- getResources() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- getRoot() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- getRootResource(String...) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- getRotation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- GetRotationType3D() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getSamplers() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
- getScale() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ScaleForceModule
- getScheduler() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- getScheduler() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- GetSeed() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getSettings() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getShader() - Method in class
- getShader() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- getShader(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface
Retrieves a shader by name.
- getShader(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderCompiler.ShaderProvider
Reads a shader source by location.
- getShader(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
Retrieves a shader by the specified id.
- getShaderDefinitionLister() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderSourceSet
- getShaderDefinitions() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getShaderId() - Method in class
- getShaderImporter() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderProcessorList
- getShaderManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getShaderModificationManager() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getShaderName(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- getShaders() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getShaders() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- getShaders() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getShaders() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor.DebugGameRendererAccessor
- getShaders() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor.DynamicBufferGameRendererAccessor
- getShaderType(ResourceLocation) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderSourceSet
Retrieves the type of shader the location points to based on extension.
- getShard() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
- getShard() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- getShard() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer.LayeringState
- getShard() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- getShards(RenderType) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- getSize() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- getSize() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlock
- getSize() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl
- getSize() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- getSkeleton() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.SkeletonParent
- getSkeletonDataSize() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- getSkin(T) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer
Retrieves the skin to use for the specified entity.
- getSourceName() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- getSourceSet() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- getSpriteData() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getStack() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
The stack for the tooltip to take components from
- getStack() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getStages() - Method in class
- getStaticDefinitions() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
- getStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- getStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves the location of a storage block.
- getStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getStorageBlock(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Retrieves a storage block by name.
- getStorageBlocks() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
- getStringSplitter() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
- getStyleFont(Style) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Retrieves the ImGui font to use for the specified Minecraft style.
- getSubFolders() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- getTexelFormat() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- getTexelFormat() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getTexture() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getTexture() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- getTexture() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- getTexture(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Context
Retrieves a texture by id.
- getTextureLocation(P) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
- getTextureSources() - Method in class
- getTheme() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Get the theme object for the tooltip from the block entity
- getTheme() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getTilingMode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getTilingMode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getTime() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- getTooltip() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Get the tooltip components from the block entity
- getTooltip() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getTooltipHeight() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Increase the tooltip height
- getTooltipHeight() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getTooltipWidth() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Increase the tooltip width
- getTooltipWidth() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getTooltipXOffset() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Get the x offset for the tooltip
- getTooltipXOffset() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getTooltipYOffset() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Get the y offset for the tooltip
- getTooltipYOffset() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getTrailColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getTrailFrequency() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getTrailLength() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getTrailPointModifier() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getTrails() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- getTrailTexture() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- getTrailWidthModifier() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- GetTransformType3D() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getTransparencyChain() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.debug.accessor.DebugLevelRendererAccessor
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.BooleanThemeProperty
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.ConsumerThemeProperty
- getType() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.IThemeProperty
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.StringThemeProperty
- getType() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- getType() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- getType() - Method in interface
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
- getType() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.RenderTypeLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
- getType() - Method in interface
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in interface
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class
- getType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
- getTypeConverter(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderSourceSet
Retrieves the id converter of a shader type.
- getTypeName(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
Retrieves a readable name for a shader type.
- getUniform(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- getUniform(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Retrieves a uniform by name.
- getUniform(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves the location of a uniform.
- getUniform(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getUniform(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- getUniform(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineShaderInstanceMixin
- getUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- getUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves the location of a uniform block.
- getUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- getUniformBlock(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Retrieves a uniform block by name.
- getUniformBlocks() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
- getUniforms() - Method in class
- getUniforms() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
- getUpdateBuffersFuture() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- getUpdateModules() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- getValue() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.BooleanThemeProperty
- getValue() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.ConsumerThemeProperty
- getValue() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.IThemeProperty
- getValue() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- getValue() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.StringThemeProperty
- getValue() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
- getValue() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- getValue() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- getValue(Class<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- getVanillaShaderCompiler() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector2f...) - Method in interface
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector2f...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector2f...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of vectors by the specified name.
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector2i...) - Method in interface
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector2i...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector2i...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of vectors by the specified name.
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector3f...) - Method in interface
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector3f...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector3f...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of vectors by the specified name.
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector3i...) - Method in interface
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector3i...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector3i...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of vectors by the specified name.
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector4f...) - Method in interface
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector4f...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector4f...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of vectors by the specified name.
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector4i...) - Method in interface
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector4i...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- getVector(CharSequence, Vector4i...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Retrieves an array of vectors by the specified name.
- getVector(Vector3dc) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
- getVector(Vector3dc, Vector3d) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
- getVeilResource(String, String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- getVeilResource(String, String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- getVeilResource(String, String) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- getVeilResource(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- getVelocity() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- getVertexArray() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- getVertexFormat() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- getViewMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
- getViewVector() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
- getViewVector() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- getVisibleLights() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- getVisibleLights() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- getVisibleLights() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightTypeRenderer
- getVisibleLights() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.DirectionalLightRenderer
- getVortexAxis() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- GetWarpTransformType3D() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- getWidth() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- getWidth() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- getWidth() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- getWidth() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- getWidthFunction() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- getWindDirection() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.WindField
- getWindowTitle() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.SingleWindowInspector
- getWorldborder() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.VeilVanillaShaders
- getWorldOffset(Entity) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- getWorldspace() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Whether the tooltip should be rendered in worldspace or not
- getWorldspace() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- getX() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Get the x position of the item.
- getY() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Get the y position of the item.
- GLINT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- glintTransparencyShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- GLOBAL_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource
- glsl() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilLanguageDefinitions
- grabMouse(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.MouseHandlerMixin
- gradient() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - GRAVITY - Static variable in class
- GravityForceData - Record Class in
A force that applies a gravity force to a particle.
- GravityForceData(double) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - grayscale() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Applies a grayscale filter to this color.
- grayscale(Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Applies a grayscale filter to this color.
- GREATER - Enum constant in enum class
- GREATER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- GREATER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- greaterDepthTestShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- green() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- green() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- green() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - green(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the green component.
- GREEN - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- greenInt() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- greenInt(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the green component from
. - group(ResourceLocation) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- GUI_INFO - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilShaderBufferRegistry
- GuiInfo - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Manages the global gui context variables.
- GuiInfo() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.GuiInfo
Creates a new set of camera matrices.
- HALF_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- HALF_FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- handleChunkDebugKeys(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugKeyboardHandlerMixin
- handleChunkDebugKeys(int, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugKeyboardHandlerMixin
- handlePacket(P, T) - Method in interface
Handles the specified packet.
- hasColorAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Checks to see if the provided attachment has been added to this framebuffer.
- hasColorAttachment(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- hasColorAttachment(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- hasDepthAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- hasDepthAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- hasDepthAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- hasErrors() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform
- hasFragment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- hasGeometry() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- hashCode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer.FontMetadata
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframeTimeline
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.LightType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry.PipelineType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry.LayerType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- hashCode() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager.Preparations
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry.Data
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hasImGui() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- hasSampler(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Checks if a sampler uniform exists with the specified name.
- hasStorage(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin
- hasStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- hasStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class
- hasStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class
- hasStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Checks if the specified storage block exists in the shader.
- hasStorageBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- hasStorageBlock(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Checks if a storage block exists by the specified name.
- hasTesselation() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- hasTextChanged() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- hasUniform(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- hasUniform(CharSequence) - Method in class
- hasUniform(CharSequence) - Method in class
- hasUniform(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Checks if the specified uniform exists in the shader.
- hasUniform(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- hasUniform(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Checks if a uniform exists by the specified name.
- hasUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface
- hasUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class
- hasUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class
- hasUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.UniformAccess
Checks if the specified uniform block exists in the shader.
- hasUniformBlock(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- hasUniformBlock(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Checks if a uniform block exists by the specified name.
- hasVertex() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- head() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Returns the value of the
record component. - HEAD - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- height - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- height - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- height() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - Hemisphere - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Hemisphere() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Hemisphere
- HEMISPHERE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- hidden() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - hide() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
Attempts to hide and save the editor.
- hide(Inspector) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- highResSize - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
- hotReload(VeilResourceManager) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
Hot-reloads the resource.
- hoverTicks - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- hue() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- Hybrid - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
- icon(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Renders an icon with the remixicon font
- icon(int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Renders an icon with the remixicon font and a color
- ICON_FONT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
- id - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- id - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- id() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns the value of the
record component. - identifier - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- IMGUI - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- ImGuiFontManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
- ImGuiFontManager() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontManager
- ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
- ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer
- ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer.FontMetadata - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
- ImGuiImplGlfwMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client
- ImGuiImplGlfwMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.ImGuiImplGlfwMixin
- Immediate() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- ImproveXYPlanes - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D
- ImproveXZPlanes - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D
- IN_PATTERN - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- InactiveVeilImGuiImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui
- InactiveVeilImGuiImpl() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- include(GlslTree, String, GlslTree, ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
Adds the specified import to this source tree.
- include(GlslTree, ResourceLocation, ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
Loads the specified import from file
and adds it to this source tree. - INCLUDE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy
Replaces the fields and functions shader in source files with data from includes
- INCLUDE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- INCLUDE_LISTER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- includes() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns the value of the
record component. - includes() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - index() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - index() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - index() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Returns the value of the
record component. - indexCount - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- indexType - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- IndirectLight<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
A light that can be rendered with an implementation of
. - IndirectLightRenderer<T> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer
Draws lights as indirect instanced quads in the scene.
- IndirectLightRenderer(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
Creates a new instanced light renderer with a resizeable light buffer.
- IndirectPointLightRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light
- IndirectPointLightRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.IndirectPointLightRenderer
- INFO_GROUP - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- init() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- init() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- init() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.QuasarParticleHandler
- init() - Static method in class foundry.veil.Veil
- init() - Static method in class foundry.veil.VeilClient
- init(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.DynamicCubemapTexture
Initializes each face to the same size white texture.
- init(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SimpleCubemapTexture
Initializes each face to the same size white texture.
- init(long) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- init(QuasarParticle) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.InitParticleModule
- init(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailParticleModule
- init(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- INIT_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- INIT_COLOR - Static variable in class
- INIT_DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- INIT_MODULE_CODEC - Static variable in class
- INIT_MODULES - Static variable in class
- INIT_MODULES_KEY - Static variable in class
- INIT_MODULES_REGISTRY - Static variable in class
- INIT_RANDOM_ROTATION - Static variable in class
- INIT_SIZE - Static variable in class
- INIT_SUB_EMITTER - Static variable in class
- INITIAL_VELOCITY - Static variable in class
- initialDirection() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - initialDirection(RandomSource) - Method in record class
- InitialVelocityModuleData - Record Class in
- InitialVelocityModuleData(Vector3dc, boolean, float) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - initModules() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - InitParticleModule - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
- InitRandomRotationModuleData - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init
- InitRandomRotationModuleData(Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - InitSizeParticleModuleData - Record Class in
- InitSizeParticleModuleData(MolangExpression) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - initStyles() - Static method in class
- InitSubEmitterModuleData - Record Class in
- InitSubEmitterModuleData(ResourceLocation) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - initTransparency(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- inject(GlslTree, VeilJobParameters) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.InputShaderModification
- inject(GlslTree, VeilJobParameters) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
- inject(GlslTree, VeilJobParameters) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
Injects this modification into the specified shader source.
- inject(GlslTree, VeilJobParameters) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.SimpleShaderModification
- inject(GlslTree, VeilJobParameters) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification
- inject(RenderType.CompositeRenderType) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeShardRegistry
- InputShaderModification - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- InputShaderModification(int, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.InputShaderModification
- Inspector - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
A basic panel that can be toggled in the editor view.
- INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class
- INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer
- INSTANCE - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.IrisCompat
Retrieves the compat instance.
- INSTANCE - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.SodiumCompat
Retrieves the compat instance.
- INSTANCE - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- InstancedLight - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
A light that can be rendered with an implementation of
. - InstancedLightRenderer<T> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer
Draws lights as instanced quads in the scene.
- InstancedLightRenderer(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
Creates a new instanced light renderer with a resizeable light buffer.
- InstancedPointLightRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light
- InstancedPointLightRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.InstancedPointLightRenderer
- INT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- INT - Enum constant in enum class
- INT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.EdgeType
- INT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- INT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- INT_2_10_10_10_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- integer(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- interpolant() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - interpolate(float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation.FloatInterpolator
- interpolate(float, float, float) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation
- interpolate(Quaternionfc, Quaternionfc, float, Quaternionf) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation
- interpolate(Quaternionfc, Quaternionfc, float, Quaternionf) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation.QuaternionInterpolator
- interpolation() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Returns the value of the
record component. - Interpolation - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- Interpolation.FloatInterpolator - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- Interpolation.QuaternionInterpolator - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- IntUniform - Record Class in
- IntUniform(int[]) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - invert() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Inverts this color.
- invert(Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Inverts this color.
- invertDistanceModifier() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - invokeCheckAllocated() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor.PipelineNativeImageAccessor
- invokeCreate(Lifecycle, Map<ResourceKey<?>, Exception>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.registry.accessor.RegistryDataAccessor
- IRIS - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- IrisCompat - Interface in foundry.veil.api.compat
Veil iris compat implementation.
- IrisRenderTargetExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext.iris
- isActive(ResourceLocation) - Method in class
Checks to see if the specified pipeline is active.
- isAmbientOcclusionEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
- isAnimating() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.PoseStackAnimator
Checks if the animation is currently active.
- isCancelled() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.ThreadTaskScheduler
- isClosed() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.BlockModelInspector
- isClosed() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.FramebufferFileEditor
- isClosed() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
- isClosed() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceOverrideEditor
- isClosed() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.TextFileEditor
- isColorRenderAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Checks to see if the provided attachment has been added to this framebuffer and is a render attachment.
- isColorTextureAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Checks to see if the provided attachment has been added to this framebuffer and is a texture attachment.
- isCommand() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- isCompactDepthAttachment() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
- isCompilingShaders() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VanillaShaderCompiler
- isCompute() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- isConstant() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient
- isDepthMutableTextureAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- isDepthRenderAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- isDepthTextureAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- isDevelopmentEnvironment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform
Check if the game is currently in a development environment.
- isDirty() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- isEmpty() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
- isEmpty() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- isEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- isEnabled() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- isEnabled() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.RenderParticleModule
- isEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- isEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- isForceSpawn() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- isFragment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- isGeometry() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- isGuiRendering() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.GuiInfo
- isIdentity() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
- isIdentity() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- isLinear() - Method in class
- isLoading() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry
- isLocalPosition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PositionedForce
- isLocalPosition() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- isLoop() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- isMenuBarEnabled() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- isMenuBarEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- isModLoaded(String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform
Checks if a mod with the given id is loaded.
- isMutableColorTextureAttachment(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Checks to see if the provided attachment has been added to this framebuffer and is a mutable texture attachment.
- isOpen() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- isOpen() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- isPresent() - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistryObject
- isRemoved() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Whether the emitter has completed its lifetime
- isRemoved() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- isRenderingPerspective() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilLevelPerspectiveRenderer
- isReplace() - Method in class
- isSampler(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
Checks if the specified GL shader type is a sampler.
- isShutdown() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.TickTaskScheduler
- isShutdown() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
- isSortOnUpload() - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor.RenderTypeAccessor
- isSourceFile() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- isStatic() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
- isSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- isTessellationControl() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- isTessellationEvaluation() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- isTooltipEnabled() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
- isTooltipEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- isValidLocation() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- isVertex() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- isVisible() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.StaticLightModule
- isVisible(Inspector) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- isVisible(AreaLight, CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.AreaLightRenderer
- isVisible(PointLight, CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.InstancedPointLightRenderer
- isVisible(AABB) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- isVisible(T, CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
Checks whether the specified light can be seen in the specified frustum.
- isWhitespace() - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- ITEM_ENTITY_TARGET - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- ITEM_VERTICAL_PADDING - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- IThemeProperty<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme
- ivec2(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- ivec2(String, Function<T, Vector2ic>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- ivec3(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- ivec3(String, Function<T, Vector3ic>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- ivec4(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- ivec4(String, Function<T, Vector4ic>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource.Type
- KeyboardHandlerMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client
- KeyboardHandlerMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.KeyboardHandlerMixin
- keyCallback(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- keyCallback(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- keyCallback(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- keyCallback(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImplGlfw
- keyCallback(long, int, int, int, int, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.KeyboardHandlerMixin
- Keyframe - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- Keyframe(float, Interpolation, Keyframe.KeyframeTransform) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Creates an instance of a
record class. - KeyframedAnimation<P,
S> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe - KeyframedAnimation.Builder - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- keyframes() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframeTimeline
Returns the value of the
record component. - KeyframeTimeline - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe
- KeyframeTimeline(Keyframe[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframeTimeline
Creates an instance of a
record class. - knownPackInfo() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DummyResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderResource
- languageDefinition() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilTextResource
- LanguageResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- LanguageResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LanguageResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- LanguageResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.LanguageResourceLoader
- last() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- lastHoveredPos - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- lastSharedType - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- layered(RenderType...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
Creates a render type that uses a single draw buffer, but re-uses the data to draw the specified layers.
- LAYERING - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- LayeringLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- LayeringLayer(LayerTemplateValue<LayeringLayer.LayeringState>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LayeringLayer.LayeringState - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- layeringState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- layeringState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- layeringState(RenderStateShard.LayeringStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- layeringState(RenderStateShard.LayeringStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- layers() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - LayerTemplateValue<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
Helper for managing codecs with string template values.
- LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- LayerTemplateValue.RawValue<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- LayerType(MapCodec<T>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry.LayerType
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LayoutSerializer<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render
Serializes an object one field at a time.
- LayoutSerializer(LayoutSerializer.Field<T>[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LayoutShaderBlockImpl<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- LayoutShaderBlockImpl(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, long, SizedShaderBlockImpl.Serializer<T>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.LayoutShaderBlockImpl
- least(int) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- LEFT_BRACKET - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- LEFT_PARENTHESIS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- LEGACY - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
- LegacyAdvancedFboImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer
Legacy implementation of
. - LegacyAdvancedFboImpl(int, int, AdvancedFboAttachment[], AdvancedFboAttachment, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- LegacySerializer(BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer
- LegacySerializer(BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer
- LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper
Legacy implementation of
. - LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper(Supplier<RenderTarget>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- LegacyVertexArray - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- LegacyVertexArray(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexArray
- LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex
- LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder(VertexArray) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- LEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
- LEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- LEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- lequalDepthTestShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- lerp(Colorc, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Linearly interpolates between this color and the specified color.
- lerp(Colorc, float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Linearly interpolates between this color and the specified color.
- LESS - Enum constant in enum class
- LESS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- LESS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- LESS_DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- level() - Method in interface
- level(ServerLevel) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players in the specified level.
- LevelPerspectiveCamera - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective
- LevelPerspectiveCamera() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.LevelPerspectiveCamera
- LevelRendererAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor
- LevelRendererBlockLayerExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- LevelRendererExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- levels() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - light - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- light - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- Light - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
A source of luminance in a scene.
- Light() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
- LIGHT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- LIGHT - Static variable in class
- LIGHT_AREA - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- LIGHT_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- LIGHT_COLOR_BUFFER_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- LIGHT_INDIRECT_SPHERE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- LIGHT_POINT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- LIGHT_UV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- LIGHT_UV_BUFFER_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- lighten(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Mixes this color with white to "brighten" it.
- lighten(float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Mixes this color with white to "brighten" it.
- LightInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- LightInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- lightmap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- LIGHTMAP - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- LightmapLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- LightmapLayer(boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - lightmapState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- lightmapState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- lightmapState(RenderStateShard.LightmapStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- lightmapState(RenderStateShard.LightmapStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- LightModuleData - Record Class in
- LightModuleData(ColorGradient, MolangExpression, MolangExpression) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- lightningTransparencyShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- LightRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer
Renders all lights in a scene.
- LightRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Creates a new light renderer.
- lightSize - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- lightSize - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- LightType(LightTypeRegistry.RendererFactory<T>, LightTypeRegistry.DebugLightFactory) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.LightType
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LightTypeRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
Registry for all light types.
- LightTypeRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- LightTypeRegistry.DebugLightFactory - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
Creates debug lights for the
. - LightTypeRegistry.LightType<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
- LightTypeRegistry.RendererFactory<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
Creates the renderer for lights when requested.
- LightTypeRenderer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer
Renders all lights of a specific type.
- Line - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- Line(int, Function<Float, Float>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- Line(Vec3[], int, Function<Float, Float>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- LINE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- Line.CurveMode - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- Line.RenderMode - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- Line.TilingMode - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation
- LINEAR - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
- LineLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- LineLayer(OptionalDouble) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - lineState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- lineState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- lineState(RenderStateShard.LineStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- lineState(RenderStateShard.LineStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- link(ShaderProgram) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
- listSuggestions(CommandContext<S>, SuggestionsBuilder) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.ClientEnumArgument
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceLoader
Loads the resource from the specified path.
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.BlockModelResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.FramebufferResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.LanguageResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.McMetaResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.PostPipelineResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.RenderTypeResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.ShaderIncludeLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.ShaderResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.TextResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.TextureResourceLoader
- load(VeilResourceManager, ResourceProvider, PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.VanillaShaderResourceLoader
- load(ResourceManager) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- load(ResourceManager) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.DynamicCubemapTexture
- load(ResourceManager) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SimpleCubemapTexture
- loadAdditional(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- loadFromDisk() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.BlockModelInspector
- loadFromDisk() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.FramebufferFileEditor
- loadFromDisk() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
Called to update the editor status from disk.
- loadFromDisk() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceOverrideEditor
- loadFromDisk() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.TextFileEditor
- loadIcon(NativeImage, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- loadImport(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, ResourceLocation, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderImporter
Loads the specified import from file
. - loadImport(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, ResourceLocation, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.ShaderImporterImpl
- loadRegistries(ResourceManager, Collection<RegistryDataLoader.RegistryData<?>>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry
Loads the specified registries from the normal registry folder.
- loadTooltipData(CompoundTag) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
- loadTooltipData(CompoundTag) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- localOffset - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- localPoint() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - localPosition - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- localPosition() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - localPosition() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - location() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns the value of the
record component. - location() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - location() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Type
- LOCATION_CODEC - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue
- LocationSource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture
Source of a shader texture using a registered texture.
- LocationSource(ResourceLocation, TextureFilter) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LOGGER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- loop() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - lowercase() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
Specifies the standard names to be lowercase.
- lowercaseValue() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
- lowResSize - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- luminance() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- macros() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- magFilter() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
- MAIN - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- MAIN_WRAPPER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- MAIN_WRAPPER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- Manhattan - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
- markChunksDirty() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.SodiumCompat
Marks all chunks in the view dirty.
- markDirty() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Marks the data in this light as dirty and needing re-uploading.
- markDirty() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- markRendered(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VanillaShaderCompiler
- MASK - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- MaskPostStage - Record Class in
Sets the color and depth masks.
- MaskPostStage(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - mat2(String, Function<T, Matrix2fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- MAT2 - Enum constant in enum class
- mat3(String, Function<T, Matrix3fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- MAT3 - Enum constant in enum class
- mat3x2(String, Function<T, Matrix3x2fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- mat4(String, Function<T, Matrix4fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- MAT4 - Enum constant in enum class
- mat4x3(String, Function<T, Matrix4x3fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- MathUtil - Class in foundry.veil.impl.quasar
- MathUtil() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- Matrix2Uniform - Record Class in
- Matrix2Uniform(Matrix2fc) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Matrix3f_m00 - Static variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.fix.MemUtilMixin
- Matrix3Uniform - Record Class in
- Matrix3Uniform(Matrix3fc) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Matrix4Uniform - Record Class in
- Matrix4Uniform(Matrix4fc) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - matrixPop() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Restores a previous position and normal set with
. - matrixPop() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- matrixPush() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Saves the current position and normal transformation for restoring later with
. - matrixPush() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- MatrixStack - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Utility extension for
with extra utilities. - MAX_BONES - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- maxArrayTextureLayers() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxAtomicCountBuffers() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxAtomicCounterBufferBindings() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxAtomicCounters() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxColorAttachments() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxCombinedTextureUnits() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComponent() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- maxComputeWorkGroupCountX() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComputeWorkGroupCountY() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComputeWorkGroupCountZ() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComputeWorkGroupSizeX() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComputeWorkGroupSizeY() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxComputeWorkGroupSizeZ() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxDegrees() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxFramebufferHeight() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxFramebufferWidth() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxImageUniforms() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxInputComponents() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxLifetime() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxLights - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- maxLights - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- maxOutputComponents() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxParticles() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxSamples() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxShaderStorageBlocks() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxShaderStorageBufferBindings() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxShaderStorageBufferSize() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxTargetBindings(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Retrieves the maximum bindings for the specified buffer binding.
- maxTextureAnisotropy() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxTextureImageUnits() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxTransformFeedbackBindings() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxUniformBlocks() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxUniformBuffersBindings() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxUniformBufferSize() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxUniformComponents() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns the value of the
record component. - maxVertexAttributeRelativeOffset() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- maxVertexAttributes() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- McMetaResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- McMetaResource(VeilResourceInfo, ResourceMetadata) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - McMetaResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- McMetaResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.McMetaResourceLoader
- memoryLayout() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns the value of the
record component. - memoryLayout(ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- MemUtilMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.fix
- MemUtilMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.fix.MemUtilMixin
- metadata() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - minComponent() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- minDegrees() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
Returns the value of the
record component. - minFilter() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
- mipmap() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - mipmap() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- MIRRORED_REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- mix(Colorc, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Mixes this color with the specified color.
- mix(Colorc, float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Mixes this color with the specified color.
- mixFactor - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- mode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - mode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - mode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - mode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - MODE_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.VertexFormatCodec
- ModelInspectAction<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.action
- ModelInspectAction() - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
Creates an instance of a
record class. - modelParts - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- MODID - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- modificationManager() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - MODIFIER_LISTER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
- modifiers() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
- modify(float, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings.TrailWidthModifier
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderBindingProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderBufferProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderImportProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderModifyProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor
Modifies the specified shader source input.
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderVersionProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferProcessor
- modify(ShaderPreProcessor.Context, GlslTree) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.compat.sodium.SodiumShaderPreProcessor
- modify(Map<String, Object>, String, ResourceLocation, VertexFormat, int, int, String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VanillaShaderProcessor
- modify(ResourceLocation, int, int, String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.SodiumShaderProcessor
- modify(Vector4f, Integer, Vec3) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings.TrailPointModifier
- modifyDrawMode(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- modifyGameInformation(List<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineDebugScreenOverlayMixin
- modifyInclude(ResourceLocation, String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
Runs the specified source through the entire processing list.
- modResourcePath() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - ModuleType<T> - Interface in
- MolangExpressionCodec - Class in foundry.veil.api.molang
Defines a codec for MoLang expressions.
- mouseButtonCallback(long, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- mouseButtonCallback(long, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- mouseButtonCallback(long, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- mouseButtonCallback(long, int, int, int, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.MouseHandlerMixin
- MouseHandlerMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client
- MouseHandlerMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.MouseHandlerMixin
- MULTI_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- multibindSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- MultiTextureLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- MultiTextureLayer(TextureLayer[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - MutableUniformAccess - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Provides write access to all uniform variables in a shader program.
- name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Returns the value of the
record component. - nameBuffer(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin
- nameDarkSky(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugLevelRendererMixin
- nameImmediateDrawVertexBuffer(CallbackInfoReturnable<VertexBuffer>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugVertexFormatMixin
- nameLightSky(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugLevelRendererMixin
- names() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager.Preparations
Returns the value of the
record component. - NAMESPACE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- nameStars(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugLevelRendererMixin
- NativeImageMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.fix
- NativeImageMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.fix.NativeImageMixin
- NEAREST_NEIGHBOR - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation
- NecromancerClientLevelMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.necromancer.client
- NecromancerClientLevelMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.necromancer.client.NecromancerClientLevelMixin
- NecromancerEntityRenderer<P,
S> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render -
A renderer for a necromancer entity.
- NecromancerEntityRenderer(EntityRendererProvider.Context, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
- NecromancerEntityRenderLayer<T,
M> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render -
A single render layer of an entity.
- NecromancerEntityRenderLayer(NecromancerEntityRenderer<T, M>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderLayer
- NecromancerLevelRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.necromancer.client
- NecromancerLevelRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.necromancer.client.NecromancerLevelRendererMixin
- NecromancerRenderDispatcher - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render
- NecromancerRenderDispatcher() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher
- NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render
- NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render
- NecromancerRenderer - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render
- NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer<T,
M> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render -
Renders a single skin with a render type for a necromancer entity.
- NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer(NecromancerEntityRenderer<T, M>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer
- NEOFORGE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform.PlatformType
- NEVER - Enum constant in enum class
- NEVER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- NEVER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- NEVER_DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- NEWLINE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- NO_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- NO_WRITE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- noCullShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- noDepthTestShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- noise() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
Returns the value of the
record component. - noLayering() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- noLightmap() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- None - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
- None - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer.LayeringState
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.CurveMode
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.TilingMode
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail.TilingMode
- NOOP - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor
- noOverlay() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- normal() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
- NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- NORMAL_BUFFER_TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- NOT_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
- NOTEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class
- NOTEQUAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
- NOTEQUAL_DEPTH_TEST - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- noTransparencyShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- NumberThemeProperty - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme
- NumberThemeProperty() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- NUMERAL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- nvDrawTextureSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- objectLabel(int, int, CharSequence) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
Labels a named object identified within a namespace.
- of(PreparableReloadListener...) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.util.CompositeReloadListener
Creates a reload listener that waits for all listeners to complete in stages.
- offset() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns the value of the
record component. - onFileChange(VeilResource<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- onFileSystemChange(VeilResourceManager, WatchEvent<Path>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
Called from the watcher thread when this resource updates on disc.
- onFree() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.FreeNativeResourcesEvent
Called after all Minecraft native resources have been freed, but before the executors have been shut down.
- onFreeNativeResources(FreeNativeResourcesEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- onGLError(int, int, int, int, String, long) - Static method in class foundry.veil.VeilDebugHooks
- onGrabMouse() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- onGrabMouse() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- onGrabMouse() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- onHide() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
Called when this editor is no longer open.
- onHide() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- onHide() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- onRegisterBlockLayers(VeilRegisterBlockLayersEvent.Registry) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRegisterBlockLayersEvent
Registers custom block render layers.
- onRegisterFixedBuffers(VeilRegisterFixedBuffersEvent.Registry) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRegisterFixedBuffersEvent
Registers fixed render types.
- onRegisterShaderPreProcessors(ResourceProvider, VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent.Registry) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent
Called when the shader manager is about to compile shaders.
- onRemove() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.ParticleModule
Called when the module is removed.
- onRemove() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- onRemove() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.DynamicLightModule
- onRemove() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.StaticLightModule
- onRemove() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- onRenderLevelStage(VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage, LevelRenderer, MultiBufferSource.BufferSource, MatrixStack, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc, int, DeltaTracker, Camera, Frustum) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent
Called when the specified level stage is rendered.
- onResourceManagerReload(ResourceManager) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- onResourceManagerReload(ResourceManager) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- onShaderCompile() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
- onShaderCompile(Map<ResourceLocation, ShaderProgram>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- onShow() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
Called when this editor is first opened.
- onShow() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.SingleWindowInspector
- onShow() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DemoInspector
- onShow() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- onShow() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- onUpdateSamplers(Object2IntMap<CharSequence>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener
Called to update the listener with the new texture units for the specified textures.
- onVeilAddShaderProcessors(VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- onVeilCompileShaders(ShaderManager, Map<ResourceLocation, ShaderProgram>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilShaderCompileEvent
Called when Veil shaders recompile.
- onVeilRegisterBlockLayers(VeilRegisterBlockLayersEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- onVeilRegisterFixedBuffers(VeilRegisterFixedBuffersEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- onVeilRendererAvailable(VeilRenderer) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRendererAvailableEvent
Called when the Veil renderer is now available.
- onVeilRendererAvailable(VeilRendererAvailableEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- onVeilRenderLevelStage(VeilRenderLevelStageEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- onVeilShaderCompile(VeilShaderCompileEvent) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- open - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.SingleWindowInspector
- open(VeilEditorEnvironment, T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor.Factory
Opens the specified resource in the environment.
- open(VeilResource<?>, ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilEditorEnvironment
- open(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
- open(T, ResourceFileEditor.Factory<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- open(T, ResourceFileEditor.Factory<T>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilEditorEnvironment
- openAsReader(VeilResourceManager) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
- OpenSimplex2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType
- OpenSimplex2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
- OpenSimplex2Reduced - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType
- OpenSimplex2S - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
- operation() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - orientation - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- origin - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- OUT_PATTERN - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- outline() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - outlineProperty() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- outlineProperty() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- OUTPUT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- OutputLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- OutputLayer(LayerTemplateValue<ResourceLocation>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - outputState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- outputState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- outputState(AdvancedFbo) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a new output state that draws into the specified Veil framebuffer.
- outputState(Supplier<AdvancedFbo>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a new output state that draws into the specified Veil framebuffer.
- outputState(RenderStateShard.OutputStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- outputState(RenderStateShard.OutputStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- outputState(ResourceLocation) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a new output state that draws into the specified Veil framebuffer.
- overlay - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- overlay - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- overlay() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- OVERLAY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- OverlayLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- OverlayLayer(boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - overlayState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- overlayState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- overlayState(RenderStateShard.OverlayStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- overlayState(RenderStateShard.OverlayStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- OVERRIDE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- OverrideAction<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.action
- OverrideAction() - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
Creates an instance of a
record class.
- PACKED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
- PACKED_LIST_CODEC - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
- PacketContext - Interface in
Common context for packet handling.
- PackResourcesExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- PackResourcesExtension.PackResourceConsumer - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- packType() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - parameters() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Returns the value of the
record component. - parametricSphere(float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Sphere
- parent - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- parent - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- parentChain - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- parse(StringReader) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.ClientEnumArgument
- parse(ShaderModifierLexer.Token[], boolean) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModificationParser
- parse(Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
- parse(Object...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue
Attempts to parse the real value of this template.
- parse(Object...) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
- parse(String, boolean) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- PARTICLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- PARTICLE_DATA - Static variable in class
- PARTICLE_SETTINGS - Static variable in class
- particleData() - Method in record class
- particleDataHolder() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - particleDirection(RandomSource) - Method in record class
- ParticleEmitter - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- ParticleEmitterData - Record Class in
- ParticleEmitterData(int, boolean, int, int, int, EmitterSettings, Holder<QuasarParticleData>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - particleLifetime() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - particleLifetime(RandomSource) - Method in record class
- particleLifetimeVariation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - ParticleModule - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
A single module instance on a
that has a specific function. - ParticleModuleData - Interface in
- ParticleModuleSet - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- ParticleModuleSet.Builder - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- ParticleModuleTypeRegistry - Class in
- ParticleModuleTypeRegistry() - Constructor for class
- PARTICLES_TARGET - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- particleSettings() - Method in record class
- ParticleSettings - Record Class in
- ParticleSettings(float, float, float, int, float, Vector3fc, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - particleSettingsHolder() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - particleSize() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - particleSize(RandomSource) - Method in record class
- particleSizeVariation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - particleSpeed() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - particleSpeed(RandomSource) - Method in record class
- ParticleSystemManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- ParticleSystemManager() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- PATCHES - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- PatchesLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- PatchesLayer(int) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - patchState(int) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a new render state shard for tesselation patch size.
- PatchStateShard - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- PatchStateShard(int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PatchStateShard
- patchVertices() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - PATH - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- PATH - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.BlockModelResourceLoader
- PATH - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.LanguageResourceLoader
- percent() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
Returns the value of the
record component. - percent() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
Returns the value of the
record component. - perform(VeilEditorEnvironment, FramebufferResource) - Method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
- perform(VeilEditorEnvironment, T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceAction
Performs the action on the specified resource
- perform(VeilEditorEnvironment, T) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
- perform(VeilEditorEnvironment, T) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
- perform(VeilEditorEnvironment, T) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
- PerformanceAbstractTextureMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client
- PerformanceAbstractTextureMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceAbstractTextureMixin
- PerformanceLevelRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client
- PerformanceLevelRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceLevelRendererMixin
- PerformanceRenderTargetExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- PerformanceRenderTargetMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client
- PerformanceRenderTargetMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- PerformanceScreenEffectRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client
- PerformanceScreenEffectRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceScreenEffectRendererMixin
- Perlin - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
- PingPong - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
- PipelineAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin
- PipelineBufferSourceAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor
- PipelineDebugScreenOverlayMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineDebugScreenOverlayMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineDebugScreenOverlayMixin
- PipelineFrustumMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineFrustumMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- PipelineGameRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineGameRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- PipelineGlStateManagerMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineGlStateManagerMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGlStateManagerMixin
- PipelineLevelRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineLevelRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- PipelineMinecraftMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineMinecraftMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineMinecraftMixin
- PipelineNativeImageAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor
- PipelineParticleRenderTypeMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineParticleRenderTypeMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineParticleRenderTypeMixin
- PipelinePoseStackMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelinePoseStackMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- PipelineReloadableResourceManagerAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.accessor
- PipelineRenderSystemMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineRenderSystemMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderSystemMixin
- PipelineRenderTargetMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineRenderTargetMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- PipelineShaderInstanceMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineShaderInstanceMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineShaderInstanceMixin
- PipelineType(MapCodec<T>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry.PipelineType
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PipelineVertexBufferMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineVertexBufferMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- PipelineWindowMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client
- PipelineWindowMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineWindowMixin
- PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- Plane - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Plane() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Plane
- PLANE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- platform() - Static method in class foundry.veil.Veil
- player() - Method in interface
- player() - Method in interface
- player() - Method in interface
- player(ServerPlayer) - Static method in interface
- playing - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- point() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Point - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Point() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Point
- POINT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- POINT - Static variable in class
- POINT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- POINT_ATTRACTOR - Static variable in class
- PointAttractorForceData - Record Class in
A force that attracts particles to a point.
- PointAttractorForceData(Vector3dc, boolean, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PointAttractorForceModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- PointAttractorForceModule(PointAttractorForceData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- PointAttractorForceModule(Vector3dc, boolean, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- PointForceData - Record Class in
A point force is used to apply a force in the direction away from a point.
- PointForceData(Vector3dc, boolean, float, float) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PointForceModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
A point force is used to apply a force in the direction away from a point.
- PointForceModule(PointForceData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointForceModule
- PointForceModule(Vector3dc, boolean, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointForceModule
- PointLight - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
Represents a light where all rays come from a position in space.
- PointLight() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- POLYGON_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer.LayeringState
- polygonOffsetLayering() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- pop() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.ScissorStack
Removes the top scissor clipping region from the stack.
- POP_OUT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- pose() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
- pose() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- PoseStackAnimator - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util
A utility class to manage and apply animations to a
. - PoseStackAnimator(PoseStack) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.PoseStackAnimator
Constructs a new
for the givenPoseStack
. - position - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- position - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- position - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- position - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- position() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
- position() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - PositionedForce - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- PositionedLight<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.light
A light in the renderer that has a position
- positionOffset - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- POST - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- PostInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- PostInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.PostInspector
- PostPipeline - Interface in
A series of post-processing effects that can be run to change the current framebuffer state.
- PostPipeline.Context - Interface in
Context for applying post pipelines.
- PostPipelineContext - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
Default implementation of
. - PostPipelineContext() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
Creates a new context to fit the specified window.
- PostPipelineResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- PostPipelineResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PostPipelineResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- PostPipelineResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.PostPipelineResourceLoader
- PostPipelineStageRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
Registry for all post pipeline stages.
- PostPipelineStageRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- PostPipelineStageRegistry.PipelineType<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
- PostProcessingManager - Class in
Manages all post pipelines.
- PostProcessingManager() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of the post-processing manager.
- PostProcessingManager.ProfileEntry - Class in
A single active profile.
- postVeilPostProcessing(VeilPostProcessingEvent.Post) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- postVeilPostProcessing(ResourceLocation, PostPipeline, PostPipeline.Context) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilPostProcessingEvent.Post
Called after Veil runs the default post-processing pipeline.
- preDefinitions() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- Preparations(Map<ResourceLocation, List<ShaderModification>>, Map<ShaderModification, ResourceLocation>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager.Preparations
Creates an instance of a
record class. - prepare() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderModifyProcessor
- prepare() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
- prepare() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor
Called once when a shader is first run through the pre-processor.
- prepare(ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class
- prepare(ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.DynamicRenderTypeManager
- prepare(ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
- prepare(ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.CodecReloadListener
- prepare(ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller) - Method in class
- prepareLights(LightRenderer, List<DirectionalLight>, Set<DirectionalLight>, CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.DirectionalLightRenderer
- prepareLights(LightRenderer, List<T>, Set<T>, CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- prepareLights(LightRenderer, List<T>, Set<T>, CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- prepareLights(LightRenderer, List<T>, Set<T>, CullFrustum) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightTypeRenderer
Prepares the specified lights to be rendered.
- preVeilPostProcessing(VeilPostProcessingEvent.Pre) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.VeilEventPlatform
- preVeilPostProcessing(ResourceLocation, PostPipeline, PostPipeline.Context) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilPostProcessingEvent.Pre
Called before Veil runs the default post-processing pipeline.
- previousColor - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- previousPosition - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- previousRotation - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- previousSize - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- printChunkDebugKeys(int, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugKeyboardHandlerMixin
- printErrors(Map<ResourceKey<?>, Exception>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry
Prints all errors from loading registries into a string.
- printGlErrors(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Consumes all OpenGL errors and prints them to console.
- priority - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- priority() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.InputShaderModification
- priority() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
Returns the value of the
record component. - priority() - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- priority() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.SimpleShaderModification
- PRIORITY - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- processors() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
Returns the value of the
record component. - processShaderSources(ShaderProcessorList, ShaderPreDefinitions, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- ProfileEntry(ResourceLocation, int) - Constructor for class
- program() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns the value of the
record component. - program() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- PROGRAM_SET - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- ProgramDefinition - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Defines a shader program instance.
- ProgramDefinition(ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation, String[], Map<String, String>, Map<String, ShaderTextureSource>, Int2ObjectMap<ResourceLocation>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ProgramDefinition.Deserializer - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Deserializer for
. - programInterfaceQuerySupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- push(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.ScissorStack
Pushes a new scissor clipping region onto the stack.
- pushPoint(Vec3) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- pushRotatedPoint(Vec3, Vec3) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- put(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- put3x4(Matrix3f, long) - Static method in class foundry.veil.mixin.fix.MemUtilMixin
- putBulkData(PoseStack.Pose, BakedQuad, float[], float, float, float, float, int[], int, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- QUASAR_PARTICLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilVertexFormat
- QuasarEntityMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client
- QuasarEntityMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarEntityMixin
- quasarParticle(ResourceLocation, boolean) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- QuasarParticle - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- QuasarParticle(ClientLevel, RandomSource, TickTaskScheduler, QuasarParticleData, ParticleModuleSet, ParticleSettings, ParticleEmitter) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- QuasarParticleData - Record Class in
Data passed to each particle when it is created.
- QuasarParticleData(boolean, boolean, float, List<Holder<ParticleModuleData>>, List<Holder<ParticleModuleData>>, List<Holder<ParticleModuleData>>, List<Holder<ParticleModuleData>>, List<Holder<ParticleModuleData>>, SpriteData, boolean, RenderStyle) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - QuasarParticleEngineMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client
- QuasarParticleEngineMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarParticleEngineMixin
- QuasarParticleHandler - Class in foundry.veil.impl.quasar
- QuasarParticleHandler() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.QuasarParticleHandler
- QuasarParticles - Class in
- QuasarParticles.Reloader - Class in
- quasarTrail(ResourceLocation) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- r - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- r - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- R11F_G11F_B10F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R16 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R16_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R16F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R16I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R16UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R3_G3_B2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R32F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R32I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R32UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R8_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R8I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- R8UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- radius - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- radius() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - randomInitialDirection() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - randomInitialRotation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - randomLifetime() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - randomSize() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - randomSpeed() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - range() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - range() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - range() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - rangeOffset - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- ranges() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer.FontMetadata
Returns the value of the
record component. - rate() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - raw(T) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue
Creates a new raw value for the specified enum value.
- rawValue() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
Returns the value of the
record component. - rawValue() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue
- rawValue() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
Returns the value of the
record component. - RawValue(String, T) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
Creates an instance of a
record class. - rebuildChunks() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Rebuilds all chunks in view without deleting the old chunks.
- rebuildFonts() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontManager
- recompile() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.IrisCompat
Recompiles iris shaders from source.
- recompile() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.SodiumCompat
Recompiles all shaders from source.
- recompile(int, ShaderSourceSet, ShaderCompiler) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- red() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- red() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- red() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - red(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the red component.
- RED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RED - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- redInt() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- redInt(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the value of the red component from
. - register(int, VertexFormatElement.Type, VertexFormatElement.Usage, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilVertexFormat
Registers a new vertex format element by assigning it to the next open ID, expanding the array if necessary.
- register(String, Supplier<? extends I>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
Registers an object.
- register(ResourceLocation, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.VeilBuiltinPacks.Context
- register(ResourceLocation, VertexFormat, Consumer<ShaderInstance>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.VeilVanillaShaders.Context
- register(ResourceLocation, Supplier<? extends I>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.platform.registry.RegistrationProvider
Registers an object.
- register(PackType, String, PreparableReloadListener) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.VeilReloadListeners.Context
- registerBlockLayer(RenderType) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRegisterBlockLayersEvent.Registry
Registers a custom block render layer.
- registerClientbound(CustomPacketPayload.Type<T>, StreamCodec<? super RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, T>, VeilPacketManager.PacketHandler<ClientPacketContext, T>) - Method in interface
Registers a new packet from the client to the server.
- registerFixedBuffer(VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage, RenderType) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRegisterFixedBuffersEvent.Registry
Registers the specified render type as a fixed buffer.
- registerListeners(VeilReloadListeners.Context) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.VeilReloadListeners
- registerPacks(VeilBuiltinPacks.Context) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.VeilBuiltinPacks
- registerServerbound(CustomPacketPayload.Type<T>, StreamCodec<? super RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, T>, VeilPacketManager.PacketHandler<ServerPacketContext, T>) - Method in interface
Registers a new packet from the server to the client.
- registerShaders(VeilVanillaShaders.Context) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.VeilVanillaShaders
- RegistrationProvider<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.platform.registry
Utility class for multiloader registration.
- RegistrationProvider.Factory - Interface in foundry.veil.platform.registry
Factory class for
registration providers
. - REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilShaderBufferRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- REGISTRY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.RenderStyleRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilShaderBufferRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.RenderStyleRegistry
- registryAccess() - Static method in class
- registryAccess() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry.Data
Returns the value of the
record component. - RegistryDataAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.registry.accessor
- RegistryObject<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.platform.registry
Represents a lazy wrapper for registry object.
- registryOrLegacyCodec(Registry<T>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
Creates a codec which can accept either resource locations like `veil:cube` but also accepts legacy-style names like `CUBE` (used when things used to be enums, but are now registries)
- releaseId() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- reload(Collection<ShaderInstance>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VanillaShaderCompiler
Attempts to preload all vanilla minecraft shader files before creating the shaders on the CPU.
- reload(PreparableReloadListener.PreparationBarrier, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller, ProfilerFiller, Executor, Executor) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- reload(PreparableReloadListener.PreparationBarrier, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller, ProfilerFiller, Executor, Executor) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontManager
- reload(PreparableReloadListener.PreparationBarrier, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller, ProfilerFiller, Executor, Executor) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.CompositeReloadListener
- reload(PreparableReloadListener.PreparationBarrier, ResourceManager, ProfilerFiller, ProfilerFiller, Executor, Executor) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- RELOAD_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- Reloader() - Constructor for class
- reloadShaders(ResourceProvider, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferGameRendererMixin
- remove() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Marks this emitter to be removed next tick.
- remove() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- remove(Inspector) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- remove(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Removes the definition with the specified name.
- remove(ResourceLocation) - Method in class
Removes the specified pipeline from the active profiles.
- remove(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarEntityMixin
- removeAttribute(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Removes the attribute with the specified index.
- removeAttribute(int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- removeAttribute(int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- removeAttribute(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- removeColor() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- removeColor(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- removeFramebuffer(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
Removes the specified manual framebuffer without freeing it.
- removeLight(T) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Removes the specified light from the renderer.
- removePoint(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- removeProperty(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.ColorTheme
- removeSampler(CharSequence) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Removes the specified sampler binding.
- removeSampler(CharSequence) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- removeSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
Removes a listener from sampler updates.
- removeSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- removeSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- removeShade(BlockAndTintGetter, BlockState, BlockPos, Direction, float[], BitSet, boolean, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferAmbientOcclusionFaceMixin
- removeVertexBuffer(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Removes the buffer mapping with the specified index.
- removeVertexBuffer(int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- removeVertexBuffer(int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- removeVertexBuffer(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- render() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
Renders this editor to the screen.
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.SingleWindowInspector
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
Renders the editor onto the stack.
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.BlockModelInspector
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.FramebufferFileEditor
- render() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
Renders this editor to the screen.
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceOverrideEditor
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.TextFileEditor
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DemoInspector
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.PostInspector
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- render() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- render(boolean, boolean) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
- render(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
Rebders this resource into the resource panel.
- render(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- render(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- render(PoseStack, MultiBufferSource, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- render(AdvancedFbo) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
Draws the lights to the specified framebuffer.
- render(AdvancedFbo, Entity, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc, Vector3dc, Quaternionfc, float, DeltaTracker) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilLevelPerspectiveRenderer
Renders the level from another POV.
- render(AdvancedFbo, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc, Vector3dc, Quaternionfc, float, DeltaTracker) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilLevelPerspectiveRenderer
Renders the level from another POV.
- render(MatrixStack, VertexConsumer, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- render(MatrixStack, QuasarParticle, RenderData, Vector3fc, VertexConsumer, double, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderStyle.Billboard
- render(MatrixStack, QuasarParticle, RenderData, Vector3fc, VertexConsumer, double, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderStyle.Cube
- render(MatrixStack, QuasarParticle, RenderData, Vector3fc, VertexConsumer, double, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderStyle
- render(MatrixStack, MultiBufferSource, Camera, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- render(MatrixStack, MultiBufferSource, Camera, CullFrustum, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- render(QuasarParticle, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.ColorRenderModule
- render(QuasarParticle, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- render(QuasarParticle, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.DynamicLightModule
- render(QuasarParticle, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.StaticLightModule
- render(QuasarParticle, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.RenderParticleModule
Called each frame to update render data if
. - render(QuasarParticle, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- render(RenderType, List<Matrix4x3f>, List<Skeleton>, int, ByteBufferBuilder, int, DynamicShaderBlock<?>, FloatList) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- render(P, float, float, PoseStack, MultiBufferSource, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
- render(P, NecromancerRenderer, MatrixStack, int, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
Renders the necromancer entity.
- render(T, M, NecromancerRenderer, MatrixStack, int, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderLayer
Renders a feature for the specified entity and skeleton.
- render(T, M, NecromancerRenderer, MatrixStack, int, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer
- RENDER_BUFFER - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
- RENDER_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- RENDER_DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- RENDER_MODULE_CODEC - Static variable in class
- RENDER_MODULES - Static variable in class
- RENDER_MODULES_KEY - Static variable in class
- RENDER_MODULES_REGISTRY - Static variable in class
- renderAge - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- renderAndDecorateItem(ItemStack, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- renderArea(int, int, Consumer<AdvancedFbo>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Creates a rendering area of the specified size.
- renderBox(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, double, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- renderBox(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, AABB, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- renderCircle(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, int, float, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.SingleWindowInspector
Adds all components inside the window.
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.FramebufferInspector
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.PostInspector
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- renderComponents() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- renderCube(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- RenderData - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- RenderData(QuasarParticleData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- renderDebugInfo(Skeleton, SkeletonParent<?, ?>, float, PoseStack, MultiBufferSource) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.constraint.Constraint
- RENDERDOC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- renderer - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderLayer
- renderer() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- RENDERER_GROUP - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- rendererFactory() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.LightType
Returns the value of the
record component. - renderFilename(VeilResource<?>, boolean) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceRenderer
Renders the filename of a resource, with drag-n-drop and context menu support
- renderFrustum(MultiBufferSource, PoseStack, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugFrustumRenderer
- renderImGuiAttributes() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorAttributeProvider
Renders all ImGui attributes into the current editor panel.
- renderImGuiAttributes() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- renderImGuiAttributes() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- renderImGuiAttributes() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- renderImGuiSettings() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- renderImGuiSettings() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- renderLast() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- renderLast() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
Called just before the imgui state is drawn to the screen
- renderLast() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.FramebufferInspector
- renderLast() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- renderLevelStart(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- renderLights(LightRenderer, List<DirectionalLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.DirectionalLightRenderer
- renderLights(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
- renderLights(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
- renderLights(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightTypeRenderer
Renders all prepared lights with this renderer.
- renderLine(PoseStack.Pose, VertexConsumer, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- renderLine(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, double, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- renderLine(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, double, double, double, double, double, double, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- renderMenuBar() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
Renders elements into the menu bar.
- renderMenuBar() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- renderModules() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - renderOverlay(GuiGraphics, DeltaTracker) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- RenderParticleModule - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
A module instance called once per frame.
- renderPost(VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- renderPost(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- renderSectionLayer(RenderType, double, double, double, Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Cube
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Cylinder
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Disc
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.EmitterShape
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Hemisphere
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Plane
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Point
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Sphere
- renderShape(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Torus
- renderSkin(T, M, Skin, RenderType, NecromancerRenderer, MatrixStack, int, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer
Renders the skin on the specified entity.
- renderSphere(PoseStack, VertexConsumer, int, float, double, double, double, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.DebugRenderHelper
- RenderStateShardAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor
- renderStyle() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - RenderStyle - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- RenderStyle.Billboard - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- RenderStyle.Cube - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- RenderStyleRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry
Registry for all render styles.
- RenderStyleRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.RenderStyleRegistry
- RenderTargetExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- renderThreadExecutor() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- renderTrails(MatrixStack, MultiBufferSource, Vec3, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- RenderTypeAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor
- RenderTypeBufferSourceAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.accessor
- RenderTypeLayer - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- RenderTypeLayerRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
Registry for custom dynamic render type layers.
- RenderTypeLayerRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- RenderTypeLayerRegistry.LayerType<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
- RenderTypeMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client
- RenderTypeMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.RenderTypeMixin
- RenderTypeResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- RenderTypeResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - RenderTypeResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- RenderTypeResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.RenderTypeResourceLoader
- RenderTypeShardRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
This allows custom render type shards to be registered.
- renderWindow() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
Renders the editor in a closable window.
- REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
- REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.TilingMode
- REPEAT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail.TilingMode
- REPEAT - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
- REPEAT_DEFAULT_CODEC - Static variable in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
- REPLACE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- ReplaceShaderModification - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ReplaceShaderModification(int, ResourceLocation) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
Creates an instance of a
record class. - replaceShaders(CallbackInfo, List<Pair<ShaderInstance, Consumer<ShaderInstance>>>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderGameRendererMixin
- requestedBinding() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns the value of the
record component. - reserve(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
Attempts to remove particles from the most dense and farthest particle emitters to make room for closer emitters.
- RESERVED_BINDINGS - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
- reset() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- reset() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
Fully resets the renderer state to default.
- reset() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Resets the emitter to its initial state
- reset() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- reset() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- reset() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.VeilSectionOcclusionGraph
- reset() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.ShaderImporterImpl
- resetAnimation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.PoseStackAnimator
Resets the animation, stopping it and clearing any defined stages.
- resetDrawBuffers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resets the draw buffers to enable all buffers.
- resetDrawBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- resetDrawBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- resetDrawBuffers() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resize(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- resize(int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- resize(int, int, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- resize(int, int, long) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer
- resize(int, int, long) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer
- resize(int, int, long) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.Serializer
- resizeFramebuffers(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
- resizeFramebuffers(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- resizeListener(int, int, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the provided advanced framebuffer as the target.
- resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the provided advanced framebuffer as the target.
- resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resolveToFbo(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the framebuffer with the specified id as the target.
- resolveToFbo(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- resolveToFbo(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- resolveToFbo(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resolveToFbo(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resolveToRenderTarget(RenderTarget) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the provided minecraft framebuffer as the target.
- resolveToRenderTarget(RenderTarget, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the provided minecraft framebuffer as the target.
- resolveToRenderTarget(RenderTarget, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.DSAAdvancedFboImpl
- resolveToRenderTarget(RenderTarget, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- resolveToRenderTarget(RenderTarget, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.DSAVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resolveToRenderTarget(RenderTarget, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.LegacyVanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- resolveToScreen() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the window framebuffer as the target.
- resolveToScreen(int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Resolves this framebuffer to the window framebuffer as the target.
- RESOURCE_GROUP - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.editor.Inspector
- ResourceAtlasSetAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor
- ResourceFileEditor<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
- ResourceFileEditor.Factory<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
Factory for creating a new resource file editor.
- resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceInfo() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResource
- resourceLocation(ResourceLocation) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Displays a resource location with a dimmed namespace
- resourceManager() - Static method in class foundry.veil.VeilClient
- ResourceManagerInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- ResourceManagerInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- ResourceModelManagerAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.mixin.resource.accessor
- ResourceOverrideEditor - Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
- ResourceOverrideEditor(VeilEditorEnvironment, VeilResource<?>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceOverrideEditor
- resources(VeilResourceInfo) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- ResourceTextureAtlasMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.resource.client
- ResourceTextureAtlasMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.client.ResourceTextureAtlasMixin
- ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.resource
- ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- resume() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- RETURN_PATTERN - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- rewind() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- RG - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG16 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG16_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG16F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG16I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG16UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG32F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG32I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG32UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG8_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG8I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RG8UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- rgb() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- RGB - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Allows only RGB components with a full alpha component.
- RGB_INT_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Allows only RGB components with a full alpha component.
- RGB10 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB10_A2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB10_A2UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB12 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB16 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB16_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB16F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB16I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB16UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB32F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB32I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB32UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB4 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB5 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB5_A1 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB565 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB8_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB8I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB8UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGB9_E5 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA12 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA16 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA16_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA16F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA16I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA16UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA32F - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA32I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA32UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA4 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA8_SNORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA8I - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBA8UI - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- RGBPoint(float, Vec3) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Ridged - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
- RIGHT_BRACKET - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- RIGHT_PARENTHESIS - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- roots - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates the position and normal by the specified angle about the line specified by x, y, z.
- rotate(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates the position and normal by the specified angle about the line specified by x, y, z.
- rotate(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotate(float, Direction.Axis) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- rotate(Quaterniondc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates the position and normal by the specified quaternion rotation.
- rotate(Quaterniondc) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotate(Quaternionfc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates the position and normal by the specified quaternion rotation.
- rotate(Quaternionfc) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotateAround(Quaterniondc, double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates the position and normal by the specified quaternion rotation about the specified rotation point.
- rotateAround(Quaterniondc, double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotateAround(Quaternionfc, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates the position and normal by the specified quaternion rotation about the specified rotation point.
- rotateAround(Quaternionfc, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotateDeg(float, Direction.Axis) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- rotateXYZ(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates about the x, y, then z planes the specified angles.
- rotateXYZ(float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates about the x, y, then z planes the specified angles.
- rotateXYZ(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotateZYX(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates about the z, y, then x planes the specified angles.
- rotateZYX(float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Rotates about the z, y, then x planes the specified angles.
- rotateZYX(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- rotation - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- rotation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - run() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
Runs a single tick and executes all pending tasks for that time.
- runDefaultPipeline(VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage) - Method in class
- running(P, S, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animation
- runPipeline(PostPipeline) - Method in class
Applies only the specified pipeline.
- runPipeline(PostPipeline, boolean) - Method in class
Applies only the specified pipeline.
- sampler() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - sampler() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
Returns the value of the
record component. - samplerId() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
- SamplerObject - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Sampler objects allow shaders to sample from the same texture storage in different ways depending on what samplers are bound.
- saturation() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
- save() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
Fires the save callback if the text has changed.
- save(byte[], VeilResourceManager, VeilResource<?>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
Saves the specified data to the specified resource and hot reloads it.
- save(JsonElement, VeilResourceManager, VeilResource<?>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.ResourceFileEditor
Saves the specified json element to the specified resource and hot reloads it.
- save(String, Path, int, boolean) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TextureDownloader
Writes the specified texture to file with the specified name.
- save(String, Path, AbstractTexture, boolean) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TextureDownloader
Writes the specified texture to file with the specified name.
- save(String, Path, ResourceLocation, boolean) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TextureDownloader
Writes the specified texture to file with the specified name.
- save(String, BiConsumer<Integer, String>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor.SaveCallback
Fired when the editor contents are saved.
- saveAdditional(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- saveTooltipData() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
- saveTooltipData() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- scale() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - ScaleForceModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- ScaleForceModule(double) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ScaleForceModule
- ScaleForceModule(Vector3dc) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ScaleForceModule
- schedule(Runnable, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.TickTaskScheduler
Schedules the specified command to run in the specified number of ticks.
- schedule(Runnable, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
- schedule(Callable<V>, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.TickTaskScheduler
Schedules the specified command to run in the specified number of ticks.
- schedule(Callable<V>, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
- scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.TickTaskScheduler
Schedules the specified command to run after the specified initial delay in ticks and at each fixed time interval in ticks.
- scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
- scheduleRecompile(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
Schedules a shader recompilation on the next loop iteration.
- ScissorStack - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util
A utility class to manage scissor clipping regions.
- ScissorStack() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.ScissorStack
- scrollCallback(long, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- scrollCallback(long, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- scrollCallback(long, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- scrollCallback(long, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImplGlfw
- scrollCallback(long, double, double, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.MouseHandlerMixin
- seamless() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - SEARCH - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- sendPacket(CustomPacketPayload) - Method in interface
Sends a packet to the other side.
- sendPacket(CustomPacketPayload...) - Method in interface
Sends one or more payloads in a single packet.
- sendPacket(CustomPacketPayload...) - Method in enum class
- sendPacket(CustomPacketPayload, PacketSendListener) - Method in interface
Sends a packet to the other side.
- sendPacket(Packet<?>) - Method in interface
Sends a packet.
- sendPacket(Packet<?>) - Method in interface
Sends a single packet.
- sendPacket(Packet<?>) - Method in enum class
- sendPacket(Packet<?>, PacketSendListener) - Method in interface
Sends a packet.
- separateShaderObjectsSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- sepia() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Applies a sepia filter to this color.
- sepia(Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Applies a sepia filter to this color.
- serialize(T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer
- serialize(T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer
- serialize(T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer
- server() - Method in interface
- server() - Static method in interface
- ServerPacketContext - Interface in
Context for server-side packet handling.
- serverResources() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceManager
- serverResources() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- set(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(float[]) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(float[]) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, and blue components of this color.
- set(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, blue, and alpha components of this color.
- set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(int, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(int, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(MolangCompiler) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.molang.VeilMolang
Sets the current molang compiler instance.
- set(Object) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- set(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Sets the value of a definition pair.
- set(String, String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Sets the value of a definition pair.
- set(Matrix3f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(Matrix3f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(Matrix4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(Matrix4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(Vector3f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(Vector3f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(Vector4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- set(Vector4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- set(T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
Sets the value of this block.
- set(T) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- setActiveBuffers(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
- setActiveBuffers(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.compat.SodiumCompat
Sets the current shader active buffers.
- setActiveBuffers(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
Sets the active buffers for this shader
- setActiveBuffers(ResourceLocation, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- setAge(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- setAlpha(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setAngle(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
Sets the maximum angle the light can influence.
- setAnimator(Animator<P, S>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.SkeletonParent
- setAnimLength(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- setAnisotropy(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the anisotropic filtering value.
- setAnisotropy(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the anisotropic filtering value.
- setARGB(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, blue, and alpha components of this color to the specified value.
- setAtlasSprite(TextureAtlasSprite) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setAttachedEntity(Entity) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the origin of the emitter position to match the specified entity.
- setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Set the background color of the theme
- setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- setBaseAttributes(Vector3fc, Quaternionfc, Vector3fc, Vector4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- setBillboard(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setBillboard(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setBillboard(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setBlue(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setBorderColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBorderColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the color to get when sampling the texture out of bounds when using
. - setBorderColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBorderColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBorderColorI(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBorderColorI(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBorderColorUI(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBorderColorUI(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the border color to use when the wrap mode is
. - setBottomBorderColor(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Set the bottom border color of the theme
- setBottomBorderColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Sets the brightness of the light.
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- setCameraBobOffset(Vector3fc) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- SetCellularDistanceFunction(FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetCellularJitter(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetCellularReturnType(FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Sets the RGB color of this light.
- setColor(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- setColor(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- setColor(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- setColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Sets the RGB color of this light.
- setColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- setColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- setColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- setColor(Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- setColor(Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- setColor(Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Sets the RGB color of this light.
- setColor(Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- setColor(Vector4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setColorAttachmentTexture(int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Updates the 2D texture attachment reference for the specified slot.
- setColorAttachmentTexture(int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Updates the texture attachment reference for the specified slot.
- setColorAttachmentTexture(int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- setColorLogicState(RenderStateShard.ColorLogicStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setCompareFunc(TextureFilter.CompareFunction) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the depth compare function for depth texture sampling.
- setCompareFunction(TextureFilter.CompareFunction) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the compare function to use.
- setCount(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setCubeMapSeamless(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Allows filtering to work across faces of cubemaps.
- setCullingFrustum(Frustum) - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor.LevelRendererAccessor
- setCullState(RenderStateShard.CullStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setCurveMode(Line.CurveMode) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setDebugLabel(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the debug label for this framebuffer and all attachments in a graphics debugger.
- setDefaultUniforms(VertexFormat.Mode) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
Sets the default uniforms in this shader.
- setDefaultUniforms(VertexFormat.Mode, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
Sets the default uniforms in this shader.
- setDefaultUniforms(VertexFormat.Mode, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- setDefaultUniforms(VertexFormat.Mode, Matrix4f, Matrix4f, Window, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineShaderInstanceMixin
- setDefinition(ResourceLocation, FramebufferDefinition) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
Updates a single framebuffer definition and initializes a new framebuffer.
- setDepthAttachmentTexture(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Updates the 2D depth texture attachment reference for the specified slot.
- setDepthAttachmentTexture(int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Updates the depth texture attachment reference for the specified slot.
- setDepthAttachmentTexture(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.LegacyAdvancedFboImpl
- setDepthBuffer(AdvancedFboAttachment) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth buffer to the specified attachment.
- setDepthRenderBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth texture buffer to the size of the framebuffer and 1 sample.
- setDepthRenderBuffer(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth texture buffer to the specified size and the specified samples.
- setDepthTestState(RenderStateShard.DepthTestStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setDepthTextureBuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth texture buffer to the size of the framebuffer and
as the format. - setDepthTextureBuffer(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth texture buffer to the size of the framebuffer and specified data type.
- setDepthTextureBuffer(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth texture buffer to the specified size and
as the format. - setDepthTextureBuffer(int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the depth texture buffer to the specified size and data type.
- setDepthTextureWrapper(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds the specified texture as a texture attachment.
- setDepthTextureWrapper(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Adds the specified texture as a texture attachment.
- setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
Sets the direction of this light.
- setDirection(Vector3fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
Sets the direction of this light.
- setDistance(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
Sets the maximum distance the light can influence.
- SetDomainWarpAmp(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetDomainWarpType(FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setDrawMode(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Sets the type of polygons draw calls will draw.
- setDrawMode(VertexFormat.Mode) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Sets the type of polygons draw calls will draw.
- setEmitterShapeSettings(List<EmitterShapeSettings>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
Sets whether the overlay should be active.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
- setFarPlane(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
Sets the far plane of the projection matrix.
- setFilter(boolean, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the sampling mode for textures.
- setFilter(boolean, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.CubemapTexture
- setFilter(boolean, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the minification and magnification filters to match the specified blur and mipmap states.
- setFilter(TextureFilter) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the texture filtering options to match the specified filter.
- setFilter(TextureFilter) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the texture filtering to match the specified state.
- setFilterDSA(boolean, boolean, CallbackInfo, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceAbstractTextureMixin
- setFilterMode(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- setFloat(CharSequence, float) - Method in interface
- setFloat(CharSequence, float) - Method in class
- setFloat(CharSequence, float) - Method in class
- setFloat(CharSequence, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a float in the shader.
- setFloat(CharSequence, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setFloats(CharSequence, float...) - Method in interface
- setFloats(CharSequence, float...) - Method in class
- setFloats(CharSequence, float...) - Method in class
- setFloats(CharSequence, float...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of floats in the shader.
- setFloats(CharSequence, float...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setForceOrigin(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PositionedForce
Directly sets the force origin to a global position.
- setForceOrigin(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- setForceOrigin(Vector3dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PositionedForce
Directly sets the force origin to a global position.
- setForceSpawn(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setFormat(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the format to use for texture attachments.
- setFormat(FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the format to use for texture attachments.
- SetFractalGain(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetFractalLacunarity(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetFractalOctaves(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetFractalPingPongStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetFractalType(FastNoiseLite.FractalType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- SetFractalWeightedStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setFramebuffer(ResourceLocation, AdvancedFbo) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferManager
Sets the value of the specified framebuffer to a manually defined buffer.
- setFramebuffer(ResourceLocation, AdvancedFbo) - Method in interface
Sets a framebuffer to a name.
- setFramebuffer(ResourceLocation, AdvancedFbo) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
- setFramebufferSamplers(AdvancedFbo) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.TextureUniformAccess
to the color buffers in the specified framebuffer. - setFrequency(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setFrequency(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- SetFrequency(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setGlobal(Consumer<ShaderProgram>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
Sets a global shader value.
- setGreen(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setHSV(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Converts the specified hue, saturation, and luminance values (HSV) to RGB.
- setHSV(float, float, float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Converts the specified hue, saturation, and luminance values (HSV) to RGB.
- setHue(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Converts the specified hue value (HSV) to RGB.
- setHue(float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Converts the specified hue value (HSV) to RGB.
- setId(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.accessor.DynamicBufferProgramAccessor
- setIdentity() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Sets the current transformation and normal to identity.
- setImGuiPath() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- setIndexCount(int, VertexArray.IndexType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Sets the number of indices and what data type they are.
- setInt(int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, and blue components of this color as ints from
. - setInt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, blue, and alpha components of this color as ints from
. - setInt(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface
- setInt(CharSequence, int) - Method in class
- setInt(CharSequence, int) - Method in class
- setInt(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer in the shader.
- setInt(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setInts(CharSequence, int...) - Method in interface
- setInts(CharSequence, int...) - Method in class
- setInts(CharSequence, int...) - Method in class
- setInts(CharSequence, int...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of integers in the shader.
- setInts(CharSequence, int...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setInvertDistanceModifier(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Set the itemstack to render
- setLayeringState(RenderStateShard.LayeringStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setLength(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setLength(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setLevel(ClientLevel) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- setLevel(ClientLevel, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarParticleEngineMixin
- setLevel(ClientLevel) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.QuasarParticleHandler
- setLevels(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the number of samples to use for render buffer and texture attachments.
- setLight(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setLightmapState(RenderStateShard.LightmapStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setLineState(RenderStateShard.LineStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setLocation(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setLocation(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setLoop(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setLuminance(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Converts the specified luminance value (HSV) to RGB.
- setLuminance(float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Converts the specified luminance value (HSV) to RGB.
- setMat2x2(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat2x2(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat2x3(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat2x3(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat2x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat2x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat3x2(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat3x2(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat3x3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat3x3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat3x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat3x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat4x2(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat4x2(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat4x3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat4x3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMat4x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setMat4x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2fc, boolean) - Method in interface
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix2fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3fc, boolean) - Method in interface
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2fc, boolean) - Method in interface
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix3x2fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4fc, boolean) - Method in interface
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3fc, boolean) - Method in interface
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3fc, boolean) - Method in class
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a matrix in the shader.
- setMatrix(CharSequence, Matrix4x3fc, boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setMaxLifetime(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setMaxParticles(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setMinDistance(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setMinDistance(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setMixFactor(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- setName(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the uniform name for textures.
- setName(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.BooleanThemeProperty
- setName(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.ConsumerThemeProperty
- setName(String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.IThemeProperty
- setName(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- setName(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.StringThemeProperty
- setNearPlane(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
Sets the near plane of the projection matrix.
- SetNoiseType(FastNoiseLite.NoiseType) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setNormal(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- setOldShader(ShaderProgramImpl) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- setOrientation(Quaternionfc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
Sets the orientation of the light's surface
- setOutputState(RenderStateShard.OutputStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setOverlay(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setOverlayState(RenderStateShard.OverlayStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setParent(Bone) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- setParentRotation(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setParentRotation(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setParticleData(QuasarParticleData) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setParticleSettings(ParticleSettings) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setPoints(Vec3[]) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setPoints(Vec3[]) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PositionedLight
Sets the origin position of this light.
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the position of the emitter relative to the origin of the world or attached entity.
- setPosition(Vec3) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setPosition(Vector3dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PositionedLight
Sets the origin position of this light.
- setPosition(Vector3dc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Sets the position of the emitter relative to the origin of the world or attached entity.
- setPriority(int) - Method in class
Sets the priority this effect is applied at.
- setRadius(float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.IndirectLight
Sets the maximum radius the light can influence.
- setRadius(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- setRadius(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- setRadius(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- setRainBlend(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- setRainBlend(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- setRange(double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- setRange(double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointForceModule
- setRange(double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- setRate(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
- setRed(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setRenderDistance(float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.accessor.GameRendererAccessor
- setRGB(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Sets the red, green, and blue components of this color to the specified value.
- SetRotationType3D(FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setSafe(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setSafe(float, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setSafe(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- setSafe(int, int, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- setSampler(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface
Binds a named sampler id.
- setSampler(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PostPipelineContext
- setSampler(String, Object) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper
- setSaturation(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
Converts the specified saturation value (HSV) to RGB.
- setSaturation(float, Color) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.color.Colorc
Converts the specified saturation value (HSV) to RGB.
- setSaveCallback(CodeEditor.SaveCallback) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
- SetSeed(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite
- setShader(ShaderProgram) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Sets the shader instance to a specific instance of a shader.
- setShader(Supplier<ShaderProgram>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Sets the shader instance to a specific instance reference of a shader.
- setShader(ResourceLocation) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Sets the shader instance to be a reference to the shader manager.
- setShaderLights(Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- setShaderSources(Int2ObjectMap<String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.DynamicShaderProgramImpl
- setShaderState(RenderStateShard.ShaderStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setSize(double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
Sets the size of the light's surface
- setSize(long) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlock
Resizes this shader block to match the new size.
- setSize(long) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl
- setSize(long) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- setSkeleton(S) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.SkeletonParent
- setSpriteData(SpriteData) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- setStatic(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Sets a definition added to all shaders.
- setStatic(String, String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Sets a definition added to all shaders.
- setStorageBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface
- setStorageBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in class
- setStorageBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in class
- setStorageBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets the binding to use for the specified storage block.
- setStorageBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ConstantForceModule
- setStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- setStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointForceModule
- setStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.ScaleForceModule
- setStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VectorFieldForceModule
- setStrength(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- setStrength(float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.ForceParticleModule
- setStrengthByDistance(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.PointAttractorForceModule
- setTexture(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboMutableTextureAttachment
- setTexture(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setTexture(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setTextureState(RenderStateShard.EmptyTextureStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setTexturingState(RenderStateShard.TexturingStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setTheme(ColorTheme) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Set the theme object for the tooltip from the block entity
- setTheme(ColorTheme) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- setTilingMode(Line.TilingMode) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setTilingMode(Trail.TilingMode) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTilingMode(Trail.TilingMode) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setTime(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- settings() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - setTo(Camera) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- setTo(Camera) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.DirectionalLight
- setTo(Camera) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.Light
Sets the light position/rotation to be the same as the specified camera.
- setTo(Camera) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- setTooltip(List<Component>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Set the tooltip components for the block entity
- setTooltip(List<Component>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- setTooltip(FormattedText) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Sets the tooltip to the specified component
- setTopBorderColor(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.Tooltippable
Set the top border color of the theme
- setTopBorderColor(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- setTrailColor(Vector4f) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTrailFrequency(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTrailLength(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTrailPointModifier(TrailSettings.TrailPointModifier) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTrailTexture(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTrailWidthModifier(TrailSettings.TrailWidthModifier) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- setTransform(PoseStack) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- setTransform(PoseStack.Pose) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- setTransform(MatrixStack) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- setTransform(Matrix4fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setTransform(Matrix4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- setTransform(Matrix4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- setTransform(Matrix4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- setTransparencyState(RenderStateShard.TransparencyStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setType(Class<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- setUniformBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface
- setUniformBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in class
- setUniformBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in class
- setUniformBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets the binding to use for the specified uniform block.
- setUniformBlock(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setup(CullFrustum) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.LightRenderer
- setup(ResourceProvider) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.SodiumShaderProcessor
- setup(ResourceProvider) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VanillaShaderProcessor
- setup(Vector3dc, Entity, ClientLevel, Quaternionfc, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.LevelPerspectiveCamera
- setupBufferState(VertexArrayBuilder) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
Sets up the instanced buffer state.
- setupBufferState(VertexArrayBuilder) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
Sets up the instanced buffer state.
- setupBufferState(VertexArrayBuilder) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.AreaLightRenderer
- setupBufferState(VertexArrayBuilder) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.IndirectPointLightRenderer
- setupBufferState(VertexArrayBuilder) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.InstancedPointLightRenderer
- setupCurvePoints() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setupEntity(P) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerEntityRenderer
Adds a skeleton and animator to the specified entity.
- setupFramebuffer(PostPipeline.Context, ShaderProgram) - Method in class
Applies the input framebuffer textures and binds the output framebuffer.
- setupOpaque(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferLevelRendererMixin
- setupRenderState() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.ShaderProgramShard
- setupRenderState() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilBloomRenderer
- setupRenderState(LightRenderer, List<AreaLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.AreaLightRenderer
- setupRenderState(LightRenderer, List<PointLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.IndirectPointLightRenderer
- setupRenderState(LightRenderer, List<PointLight>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.light.InstancedPointLightRenderer
- setupRenderState(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.IndirectLightRenderer
Sets up the render state for drawing all lights.
- setupRenderState(LightRenderer, List<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.renderer.InstancedLightRenderer
Sets up the render state for drawing all lights.
- setupRenderState(ResourceLocation, RenderTarget, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferManger
Sets up the rendering state for the specified target.
- setUv(float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- setUv1(int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setUv1(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- setUv1(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- setUv1(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- setUv2(int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderer
- setUv2(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- setUv2(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- setUv2(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- setValue(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.BooleanThemeProperty
- setValue(Number) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.NumberThemeProperty
- setValue(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.StringThemeProperty
- setValue(Consumer<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.ConsumerThemeProperty
- setVector(CharSequence, float[]) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in interface
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in class
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in class
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float) - Method in interface
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float) - Method in class
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float) - Method in class
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float, float) - Method in class
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float, float) - Method in class
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVector(CharSequence, float, float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVector(CharSequence, Vector2fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVector(CharSequence, Vector3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVector(CharSequence, Vector4fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets a vector in the shader.
- setVectorField(VectorField) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VectorFieldForceModule
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer vector in the shader.
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in interface
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer vector in the shader.
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer vector in the shader.
- setVectorI(CharSequence, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectorI(CharSequence, Vector2ic) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer vector in the shader.
- setVectorI(CharSequence, Vector3ic) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer vector in the shader.
- setVectorI(CharSequence, Vector4ic) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an integer vector in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2fc...) - Method in interface
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2fc...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2fc...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2fc...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of vectors in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2fc...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2ic...) - Method in interface
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2ic...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2ic...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2ic...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of integer vectors in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector2ic...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3fc...) - Method in interface
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3fc...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3fc...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3fc...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of vectors in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3fc...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3ic...) - Method in interface
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3ic...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3ic...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3ic...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of integer vectors in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector3ic...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4fc...) - Method in interface
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4fc...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4fc...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4fc...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of vectors in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4fc...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4ic...) - Method in interface
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4ic...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4ic...) - Method in class
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4ic...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.MutableUniformAccess
Sets an array of integer vectors in the shader.
- setVectors(CharSequence, Vector4ic...) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
- setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, boolean, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Defines a floating-point vertex attribute.
- setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, boolean, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, boolean, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, boolean, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexIAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Defines an integer vertex attribute.
- setVertexIAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexIAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexIAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexLAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
Defines a long vertex attribute.
- setVertexLAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexLAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVertexLAttribute(int, int, int, VertexArrayBuilder.DataType, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- setVortexAxis(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- setVortexAxis(Vector3dc) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- setWidthFunction(Function<Float, Float>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line
- setWidthFunction(Function<Float, Float>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- setWorldBorderShader(Supplier<ShaderInstance>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- setWrap(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the clamping for the X and Y axis on the texture.
- setWrap(TextureFilter.Wrap, TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the clamping for the X and Y axis on the texture.
- setWrap(TextureFilter.Wrap, TextureFilter.Wrap, TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the texture wrap function for all axes.
- setWrapS(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the clamping for the X axis on the texture.
- setWrapS(TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the clamping for the X axis on the texture.
- setWrapT(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the clamping for the Y axis on the texture.
- setWrapT(TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo.Builder
Sets the clamping for the Y axis on the texture.
- setWrapX(TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the X texture wrap function.
- setWrapY(TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the Y texture wrap function.
- setWrapZ(TextureFilter.Wrap) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Sets the Z texture wrap function.
- setWriteMaskState(RenderStateShard.WriteMaskStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- setX(Function<Float, Float>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Set the x position of the item.
- setY(Function<Float, Float>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Set the y position of the item.
- SHADER_STORAGE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.BufferBinding
- ShaderBindingProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Adds support for
layout(binding = #)
in the shader source without needing shader version 420. - ShaderBindingProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderBindingProcessor
- ShaderBlock<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition
Defines a block of memory on the GPU that can be referenced as a uniform or shader block.
- ShaderBlock.BufferBinding - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition
The bindings shaders blocks can be attached to.
- ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition
Valid memory layouts for blocks.
- ShaderBlockImpl<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
Abstract implementation of
. - ShaderBlockImpl(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- ShaderBufferProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Processes a shader to add buffer bindings.
- ShaderBufferProcessor(boolean) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderBufferProcessor
- ShaderCompiler - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
Creates and compiles shaders for shader programs.
- ShaderCompiler.ShaderProvider - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
Provides shader sources for the compiler.
- ShaderEffectInstanceMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client
- ShaderEffectInstanceMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderEffectInstanceMixin
- ShaderException - Exception Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
An exception used to indicate shader compilation and linking issues.
- ShaderException(String) - Constructor for exception class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderException
- ShaderException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderException
- ShaderGameRendererMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client
- ShaderGameRendererMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderGameRendererMixin
- shaderId() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - shaderId() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Returns the value of the
record component. - shaderImporter() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- ShaderImporter - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
Loads extra shader files to include inside others.
- ShaderImporterImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
- ShaderImporterImpl(ResourceProvider) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.ShaderImporterImpl
Creates a new import processor that loads import files from the specified resource provider.
- ShaderImportProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Processes a shader to add imports.
- ShaderImportProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderImportProcessor
- ShaderIncludeLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- ShaderIncludeLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.ShaderIncludeLoader
- ShaderInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- ShaderInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- shaderInstance() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.MinecraftContext
- ShaderInstanceExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- ShaderInstanceMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client
- ShaderInstanceMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderInstanceMixin
- shaderLimits(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Retrieves the maximum limits for the specified shader type.
- shaderManager() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - shaderManager() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - ShaderManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
Manages all shaders and compiles them automatically.
- ShaderManager(ShaderSourceSet, ShaderPreDefinitions, DynamicBufferManger) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderManager
Creates a new shader manager.
- ShaderModification - Interface in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
Allows shader source files to be modified without overwriting the file.
- ShaderModification.Function - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ShaderModificationManager - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
Manages modifications for both vanilla and Veil shader files.
- ShaderModificationManager() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager
- ShaderModificationManager.Preparations - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
- ShaderModificationParser - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ShaderModificationParser() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModificationParser
- ShaderModificationSyntaxException - Exception Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ShaderModificationSyntaxException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModificationSyntaxException
- ShaderModifierLexer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ShaderModifierLexer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer
- ShaderModifierLexer.Token - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- ShaderModifyProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Modifies shader sources with the shader modification system.
- ShaderModifyProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderModifyProcessor
- ShaderMultiProcessor - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
- ShaderMultiProcessor(ShaderPreProcessor[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
Creates an instance of a
record class. - shaderName() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - ShaderPreDefinitions - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition
Manages pre-defined variables and data in java that can be applied to shaders.
- ShaderPreDefinitions() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderPreDefinitions
Creates a new set of predefinitions.
- ShaderPreProcessor - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Modifies the source code of a shader before compilation.
- ShaderPreProcessor.Context - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Context for modifying source code and shader behavior.
- ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Specifies how includes should interact with existing functions and fields in shader sources.
- ShaderPreProcessor.MinecraftContext - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Context for modifying source code and shader behavior.
- ShaderPreProcessor.SodiumContext - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Context for modifying source code and sodium shader behavior.
- ShaderPreProcessor.VeilContext - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Context for modifying source code and shader behavior.
- ShaderProcessorList - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
- ShaderProcessorList(ResourceProvider) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderProcessorList
- ShaderProgram - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Represents a usable shader program with shaders attached.
- ShaderProgramImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderProgramImpl(ResourceLocation) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderWrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderProgramImpl.Wrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderProgramManagerMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client
- ShaderProgramManagerMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderProgramManagerMixin
- ShaderProgramShard - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- ShaderProgramShard(ResourceLocation) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.ShaderProgramShard
- ShaderResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- ShaderResourceLoader(ShaderManager) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.ShaderResourceLoader
- shaders() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - shaders() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager.Preparations
Returns the value of the
record component. - shaders() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns the value of the
record component. - ShaderSourceSet - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
A location to load shader source files from.
- ShaderSourceSet(String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderSourceSet
- shaderState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- shaderState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- shaderState(RenderStateShard.ShaderStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- shaderState(RenderStateShard.ShaderStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- shaderState(ResourceLocation) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Creates a new shader state that points to the specified Veil shader name.
- shaderStorageBufferSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- shadersView() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns the value of the
record component. - ShaderTexture(ShaderTextureSource, SamplerObject) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ShaderTextureCache - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program
- ShaderTextureCache(ShaderProgram) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderTextureCache
- ShaderTextureSource - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture
Source for shader textures.
- ShaderTextureSource.Context - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture
Context for applying shader textures.
- ShaderTextureSource.Type - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture
Types of post textures that can be used.
- ShaderUniformCache - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Queries shader programs for all relevant uniform data.
- ShaderUniformCache(IntSupplier) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache
- ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
A single uniform block in a shader program.
- ShaderUniformCache.Uniform - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
A single uniform in a shader program.
- ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
A single uniform block in a shader program.
- shaderUpdate() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- ShaderVersionProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor
Adds the version and required extensions for all shaders that do not define a version.
- ShaderVersionProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderVersionProcessor
- ShaderWrapper(Program.Type, ShaderProgram) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderWrapper
- shadow$mulPose(Quaternionf) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- shadow$popPose() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- shadow$pushPose() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- shadow$rotateAround(Quaternionf, float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- shadow$scale(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- shape() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - SHARED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
- SHORT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- SHORT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
- SHORT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- shouldCollide() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - shouldHideMouse() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- shouldHideMouse() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- shouldHideMouse() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- show(Inspector) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
- show(String, String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.CodeEditor
Shows the editor with the specified source.
- shutdown() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
Stops the scheduler and runs all pending tasks as quickly as possible.
- SimpleCubemapTexture - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Implementation of
that loads all textures the same way asCubeMap
. - SimpleCubemapTexture() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SimpleCubemapTexture
- SimplePositionedForce - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- SimplePositionedForce(Vector3dc, boolean) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- SimplePositionedForce(Vector3d, boolean) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.SimplePositionedForce
- SimpleReloadInstanceMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.debug
- SimpleReloadInstanceMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.SimpleReloadInstanceMixin
- SimpleShaderModification - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- SimpleShaderModification(int, int, ResourceLocation[], String, String, ShaderModification.Function[]) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.SimpleShaderModification
- singleOrList(Codec<T>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
- SingleWindowInspector - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.editor
Displays a single window as the editor.
- SingleWindowInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.SingleWindowInspector
- size - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- size - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- size() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - size() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Returns the value of the
record component. - size() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - size() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - SizedShaderBlockImpl<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
Fixed-size implementation of
. - SizedShaderBlockImpl(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, long, SizedShaderBlockImpl.Serializer<T>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl
- SizedShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- SizedShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer<T> - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- SizedShaderBlockImpl.Serializer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- skeleton - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- Skeleton - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer
- Skeleton() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- SkeletonParent<P,
S> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer - Skin - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render
- Skin(VertexArray, Object2IntMap<String>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin
- Skin.Builder - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render
- SKINNED_MESH - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaders
- SKINNED_MESH - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilVertexFormat
- SODIUM - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- SodiumCompat - Interface in foundry.veil.api.compat
Veil sodium compat implementation.
- SodiumShaderPreProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.impl.compat.sodium
- SodiumShaderPreProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.compat.sodium.SodiumShaderPreProcessor
- SodiumShaderProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer
Allows vanilla and sodium shaders to use shader modifications.
- SodiumShaderProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.SodiumShaderProcessor
- sort() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns the value of the
record component. - source() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DummyResource
- SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy
Does not include fields and functions from includes that would conflict with data in shader source files.
- sourceCode() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - sourceFile() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns the value of the
record component. - sourceId() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - sourcePackId() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.DummyResource
- SpaceHelper - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
- SpaceHelper() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.util.SpaceHelper
- sparseBuffersSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- Sphere - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Sphere() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Sphere
- SPHERE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- sprite() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns the value of the
record component. - spriteData() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - SpriteData - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle
- SpriteData(ResourceLocation, int, float, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Creates an instance of a
record class. - srcAlphaFactor() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Returns the value of the
record component. - srcColorFactor() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Returns the value of the
record component. - SRGB - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- SRGB_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- SRGB8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- SRGB8_ALPHA8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- start() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- start() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- start() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- startAnimation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.PoseStackAnimator
Starts the animation sequence.
- startBone(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.render.Skin.Builder
- startedBuilders - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CachedBufferSource
- states() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- states() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- STATIC - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
- StaticLightModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- StaticLightModule(LightModuleData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.StaticLightModule
- StaticLightModule(Vector4fc, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.StaticLightModule
- STD140 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
- STD430 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
- stop() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- stop() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.TimedAnimationEntry
- stop() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- stop() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- StorageBlock(String, int, int, int, ShaderUniformCache.Uniform[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Creates an instance of a
record class. - store(ByteBuffer) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- store(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.InstancedLight
Stores the data of this light into the specified buffer.
- store(ByteBuffer) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.PointLight
- storeInstancedData(ByteBuffer, Collection<Bone>, Object2IntMap<String>, int, Vector4f, Matrix3f, Matrix4x3f, Matrix4x3f[], Quaternionf[], float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
Steps through the entire skeleton to store in the specified bone buffer.
- STREAM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
- strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - strength() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
Returns the value of the
record component. - strengthByDistance() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - STRETCH - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.TilingMode
- STRETCH - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail.TilingMode
- stretchToLifetime() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns the value of the
record component. - STRING_CODEC - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue
- StringThemeProperty - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme
- StringThemeProperty() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.color.theme.StringThemeProperty
- structSpecifier() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns the value of the
record component. - SUB_EMITTER_COLLISION - Static variable in class
- subEmitter() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - subEmitter() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - subEmitter() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
- TAIL - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- takesParentRotation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - tesselationControl() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - tesselationEvaluation() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - TEST_POINT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- testAab(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testAab(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testAab(AABB) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testAab(AABB) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testAab(Vector3dc, Vector3dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testAab(Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testBlock(BlockPos) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given block is within the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testLineSegment(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given line segment, defined by the end points
(aX, aY, aZ)
and(bX, bY, bZ)
, is partly or completely within the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testLineSegment(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testLineSegment(Vector3dc, Vector3dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given line segment, defined by the end points
, is partly or completely within the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testLineSegment(Vector3fc, Vector3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given line segment, defined by the end points
, is partly or completely within the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPlaneXY(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given XY-plane (at
Z = 0
) is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPlaneXY(double, double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testPlaneXY(Vector2dc, Vector2dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given XY-plane (at
Z = 0
) is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPlaneXY(Vector2fc, Vector2fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given XY-plane (at
Z = 0
) is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPlaneXZ(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given XZ-plane (at
Y = 0
) is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPlaneXZ(double, double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testPlaneXZ(Vector2dc, Vector2dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given XZ-plane (at
Y = 0
) is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPlaneXZ(Vector2fc, Vector2fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given XZ-plane (at
Y = 0
) is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPoint(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given point
(x, y, z)
is within the frustum defined bythis
frustum culler. - testPoint(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testPoint(Position) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given point is within the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testPoint(Vector3dc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given point is within the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testPoint(Vector3fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given point is within the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testPoint(Vector3ic) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given point is within the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testSection(SectionPos) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given section is within the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testSphere(double, double, double, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given sphere is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testSphere(double, double, double, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- testSphere(Vector3dc, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given sphere is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - testSphere(Vector3fc, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
Test whether the given sphere is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by
frustum culler. - TEXT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource.Type
- TEXT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilResourceEditorRegistry
- textCentered(String, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Helper to draw centered text.
- TextEditAction<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.action
- TextEditAction() - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TextFileEditor - Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.editor
- TextFileEditor(VeilEditorEnvironment, VeilTextResource<?>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.resource.editor.TextFileEditor
- TextResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- TextResource(VeilResourceInfo, TextResource.Type) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TextResource.Type - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- TextResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- TextResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.TextResourceLoader
- texture() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - TEXTURE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
- TEXTURE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- textureAnisotropySupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- TextureAtlasExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- textureCubeMapSeamlessSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- TextureDownloader - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
Properly downloads textures from OpenGL and writes them to a file asynchronously.
- TextureFilter - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Specifies the full texture filter state of a texture or sampler object.
- TextureFilter(boolean, boolean, float, TextureFilter.CompareFunction, TextureFilter.Wrap, TextureFilter.Wrap, TextureFilter.Wrap, int, TextureFilter.EdgeType, boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TextureFilter.CompareFunction - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Depth-texture compare functions.
- TextureFilter.EdgeType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Edge color data types.
- TextureFilter.Wrap - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture
Texture wrap modes.
- TextureInspector - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.editor
- TextureInspector() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- TextureLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- TextureLayer(LayerTemplateValue<ResourceLocation>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - textureMirrorClampToEdgeSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- TextureResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- TextureResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TextureResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- TextureResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.TextureResourceLoader
- textures() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - textures() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - textureSource() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
Returns the value of the
record component. - textureState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- textureState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- textureState(RenderStateShard.EmptyTextureStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- textureState(RenderStateShard.EmptyTextureStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- TextureUniformAccess - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Provides write access to all textures in a shader program.
- TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Fired when samplers are resolved to capture the current bindings.
- TEXTURING - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- TexturingLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- TexturingLayer(float) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - texturingState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- texturingState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- texturingState(RenderStateShard.TexturingStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- texturingState(RenderStateShard.TexturingStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- ThreadTaskScheduler - Class in foundry.veil.impl
- ThreadTaskScheduler(String, int, Supplier<Runnable>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.ThreadTaskScheduler
- tick() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator
- tick() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- tick() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleSystemManager
- tick() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- tick(float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- tick(QuasarParticle, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.RenderData
- TICK_SIZE - Static variable in class
- TICK_SUB_EMITTER - Static variable in class
- tickAnimation() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.ui.util.PoseStackAnimator
Advances the animation based on the elapsed time.
- TickSizeParticleModuleData - Record Class in
- TickSizeParticleModuleData(MolangExpression) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TickSubEmitterModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update
- TickSubEmitterModule(TickSubEmitterModuleData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.TickSubEmitterModule
- TickSubEmitterModuleData - Record Class in
- TickSubEmitterModuleData(ResourceLocation, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TickTaskScheduler - Interface in foundry.veil.api
Schedules tasks to be run on future ticks.
- TickTaskSchedulerImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl
- TickTaskSchedulerImpl() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.TickTaskSchedulerImpl
- tickWind() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.WindField
- time - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.Animator.AnimationEntry
- time() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Returns the value of the
record component. - TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DemoInspector
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.DeviceInfoViewer
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.FramebufferInspector
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.LightInspector
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.PostInspector
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ResourceManagerInspector
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.ShaderInspector
- TITLE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.editor.TextureInspector
- toFrustum() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.CullFrustum
- toFrustum() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineFrustumMixin
- toggle() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.EditorManager
Toggles visibility of the ImGui overlay.
- toggle() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- toggle() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- toggle() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- Token(ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType, String) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
Creates an instance of a
record class. - tooltip(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
Displays a (?) with a hover tooltip.
- TooltipBlockEntityMixin - Class in foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip
- TooltipBlockEntityMixin() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.mixin.tooltip.TooltipBlockEntityMixin
- Tooltippable - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip
Interface for components that can have a tooltip displayed when hovered over in-world
- toPoseStack() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
- toPoseStack() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- toRenderTarget() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
- toRenderTarget() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- toRenderTarget() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- Torus - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape
- Torus() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.shape.Torus
- TORUS - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.registry.EmitterShapeRegistry
- toShaderInstance() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
Wraps this shader with a vanilla Minecraft shader instance wrapper.
- toShaderInstance() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.editor.ImGuiFontMetadataSectionSerializer.FontMetadata
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.KeyframeTimeline
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.LightTypeRegistry.LightType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.PostPipelineStageRegistry.PipelineType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry.LayerType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.ColorLogicLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CompositeRenderTypeData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.FormattedValue
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LightmapLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.MultiTextureLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OutputLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.OverlayLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.PatchesLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TextureLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TexturingLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderMultiProcessor
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.StorageBlock
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.ShaderModificationManager.Preparations
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.init.InitRandomRotationModuleData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.BlockModelResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.FramebufferResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.LanguageResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.McMetaResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.PostPipelineResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.RenderTypeResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextureResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry.Data
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.LayoutSerializer
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.AdvancedFboShard
- toString() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.CullFaceShard
- toString() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.PatchStateShard
- toString() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.ShaderProgramShard
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification.Function
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.ShaderTexture
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.AlphaPoint
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.ColorGradient.RGBPoint
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.ModelInspectAction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.OverrideAction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.TextEditAction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toStringFunction(Function<T, String>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
Specifies what function to use when getting the name of an enum constant.
- tracking(ServerLevel, BlockPos) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players tracking the chunk at the specified position in the specified level
- tracking(ServerLevel, BlockPos, BlockPos) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players tracking the chunks at the specified positions in the specified level
- tracking(ServerLevel, ChunkPos) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players tracking the chunk at the specified position in the specified level
- tracking(Entity) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players tracking the specified entity, excluding the entity.
- tracking(BlockEntity) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players tracking the specified block entity.
- trackingAndSelf(Entity) - Static method in interface
Sends packets to all players tracking the specified entity, including the entity.
- Trail - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- Trail(int, Function<Float, Float>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- Trail(TrailSettings) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- Trail(Vec3[], int, Function<Float, Float>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail
- TRAIL - Static variable in class
- Trail.TilingMode - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx
- TrailParticleModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- TrailParticleModule(List<TrailSettings>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailParticleModule
- TrailParticleModuleData - Record Class in
A module that adds trails to a particle.
- TrailParticleModuleData(List<TrailSettings>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TrailSettings - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- TrailSettings(int, int, Vector4fc, TrailSettings.TrailWidthModifier, ResourceLocation, TrailSettings.TrailPointModifier, Trail.TilingMode, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.TrailSettings
- TrailSettings.TrailPointModifier - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- TrailSettings.TrailWidthModifier - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render
- transform - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Batched
- transform - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.necromancer.render.NecromancerRenderDispatcher.Immediate
- transform() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Keyframe
Returns the value of the
record component. - transformFeedbackSupported() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- transformMatrix - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- translate(double, double, double) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Translates the position by the specified amount.
- translate(float, float, float) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.MatrixStack
Translates the position by the specified amount.
- translate(float, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelinePoseStackMixin
- translateBob(Args) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- TRANSLUCENT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
- TRANSLUCENT_TARGET - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- translucentTransparencyShard() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- TRANSPARENCY - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- TransparencyLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- TransparencyLayer(LayerTemplateValue<TransparencyLayer.BlendState>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TransparencyLayer.BlendState - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- transparencyState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- transparencyState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- transparencyState(RenderStateShard.TransparencyStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- transparencyState(RenderStateShard.TransparencyStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- TransparencyState - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
- TransparencyState(GlStateManager.SourceFactor, GlStateManager.DestFactor) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
- TransparencyState(GlStateManager.SourceFactor, GlStateManager.DestFactor, GlStateManager.SourceFactor, GlStateManager.DestFactor) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.util.TransparencyState
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- trim(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleEmitter
Attempts to remove the oldest specified number of particles.
- tryRenderGuiItem(LivingEntity, ItemStack, float, float, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- tryRenderGuiItem(LivingEntity, ItemStack, float, float, int, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class
- type() - Method in record class
- type() - Method in record class
- type() - Method in record class
- type() - Method in record class
- type() - Method in interface
- type() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.FramebufferSource
- type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.LocationSource
- type() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource
- type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification.Attribute
Returns the value of the
record component. - typeName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.Context
- u(float, float, float) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
- uint(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- UINT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.EdgeType
- UIUtils - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
- UIUtils() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.util.UIUtils
- unbind() - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Binds the main Minecraft framebuffer for writing and reading.
- unbind() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.GuiInfo
Unbinds this shader block.
- unbind() - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgram
Unbinds the currently bound shader program.
- unbind() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Unbinds the current vertex array.
- unbind() - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilFirstPersonRenderer
- unbind(int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SamplerObject
Unbinds the sampler from the specified unit.
- unbind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl
- unbind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
Unbinds this block from the specified index.
- unbind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl
- unbind(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- unbind(ShaderBlock<?>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Unbinds the specified block and frees the binding it occupied.
- unbind(ShaderBlock<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
Unbinds the specified shader block.
- unbind(VeilShaderBufferLayout<?>) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Unbinds the specified block and frees the binding it occupied.
- unbind(VeilShaderBufferLayout<?>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- unbindAttachment() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboAttachment
Unbinds this attachment.
- unbindAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboRenderAttachment
- unbindAttachment() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboTextureAttachment
- unbindDraw() - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Binds the main Minecraft framebuffer for drawing.
- unbindFirstPerson(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- unbindGuiCamera(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- unbindPacked() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- unbindRead() - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Binds the main Minecraft framebuffer for reading.
- unbindRead() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl.Wrapper
- unbindSamplers(int, int) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
Unbinds the specified number of sampler from sequential texture units.
- unbindWrite() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- Uniform(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.Uniform
Creates an instance of a
record class. - UNIFORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.BufferBinding
- UNIFORM - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- UNIFORM_PATTERN - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- UNIFORM_STRIDE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Skeleton
- UniformAccess - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program
Provides read and write access to all uniform variables in a shader program.
- uniformBindings() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.CompiledShader
Returns the value of the
record component. - uniformBindings() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Returns the value of the
record component. - UniformBlock(String, int, int, ShaderUniformCache.Uniform[]) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ShaderUniformCache.UniformBlock
Creates an instance of a
record class. - uniformBufferAlignment() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderSystem
- uniformMap - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- uniformMap - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderInstanceMixin
- uniforms() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.CompiledProgram
Returns the value of the
record component. - UniformValue - Interface in
- UniformValue.Type - Enum Class in
- UniformWrapper(Supplier<MutableUniformAccess>, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- UnknownResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- UnknownResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.UnknownResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - UNSAFE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.fix.MemUtilMixin
- UNSIGNED_BYTE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_BYTE - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- update() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.GuiInfo
Updates the camera matrices to match the current render system projection.
- update(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.CustomLightModule
- update(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.render.DynamicLightModule
- update(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.FaceVelocityModule
- update(QuasarParticle) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.TickSubEmitterModule
- update(QuasarParticle) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.UpdateParticleModule
Updates this module with the
- update(ViewArea, boolean, LevelPerspectiveCamera, Frustum, List<SectionRenderDispatcher.RenderSection>) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.VeilSectionOcclusionGraph
- update(Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc, Vector3dc, float, float) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
Updates the camera matrices to match the specified camera object.
- update(T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
Sets the value of this block.
- UPDATE_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- UPDATE_DIRECT_CODEC - Static variable in interface
- UPDATE_MODULE_CODEC - Static variable in class
- UPDATE_MODULES - Static variable in class
- UPDATE_MODULES_KEY - Static variable in class
- UPDATE_MODULES_REGISTRY - Static variable in class
- updateEnabled() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.ParticleModuleSet
- updateFonts() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGui
- updateFonts() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.InactiveVeilImGuiImpl
- updateFonts() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImpl
- updateGui() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.CameraMatrices
Updates the camera matrices to match the current render system projection.
- updateGuiCamera(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- updateLocations() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- updateLocations(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.shader.client.ShaderInstanceMixin
- updateMatrix() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.light.AreaLight
- updateModules() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - updateMousePosAndButtons(CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.imgui.client.ImGuiImplGlfwMixin
- UpdateParticleModule - Interface in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module
A module instance called once per tick.
- updatePosition(Entity) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- updatePreviousAttributes() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.Bone
- upload() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.program.ShaderProgramImpl.UniformWrapper
- upload() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- upload(int, NativeImage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.DynamicCubemapTexture
Uploads the specified image to the specified face.
- upload(int, NativeImage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SimpleCubemapTexture
Uploads the specified image to the specified face.
- upload(int, MeshData, VertexArray.DrawUsage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Uploads vanilla mc mesh data into this vertex array.
- upload(int, MeshData, VertexArray.DrawUsage) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexArray
- upload(int, ByteBuffer, VertexArray.DrawUsage) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Uploads mesh data into the specified buffer.
- upload(NativeImage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.DynamicCubemapTexture
Uploads the same image to all faces of the cubemap.
- upload(NativeImage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SimpleCubemapTexture
Uploads the same image to all faces of the cubemap.
- upload(MeshData, VertexArray.DrawUsage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Uploads vanilla mc mesh data into this vertex array.
- upload(Direction, NativeImage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.DynamicCubemapTexture
Uploads the specified image to the specified face.
- upload(Direction, NativeImage) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.SimpleCubemapTexture
Uploads the specified image to the specified face.
- uploadIndexBuffer(MeshData.DrawState) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Uploads index data to the vertex array.
- uploadIndexBuffer(MeshData.DrawState) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- uploadIndexBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Uploads index data to the vertex array.
- uploadIndexBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- uploadVertexBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
Uploads vertex data to the specified buffer.
- uploadVertexBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- uploadVertexBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingVertexArray
- uploadVertexBuffer(int, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexArray
- uppercase() - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
Specifies the standard names to be uppercase.
- useDepth - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- uvec2(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- uvec2(String, Function<T, Vector2ic>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- uvec3(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- uvec3(String, Function<T, Vector3ic>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- uvec4(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- uvec4(String, Function<T, Vector4ic>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- v(float, float, float) - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.SpriteData
- validateRelativeOffset(int) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
- value - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlockImpl
- value() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayerTemplateValue.RawValue
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.Token
Returns the value of the
record component. - Value - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
- ValueCubic - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer.LayeringState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.BufferBinding
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.EdgeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.CurveMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.RenderMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.TilingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail.TilingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform.PlatformType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.necromancer.animation.keyframe.Interpolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.dynamicbuffer.DynamicBufferType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilDebug
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext.VeilMultiBind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - values() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.CullLayer.CullFace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.DepthTestLayer.DepthState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer.LayeringState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.TransparencyLayer.BlendState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.BufferBinding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.IncludeOverloadStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.texture.ShaderTextureSource.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.CompareFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.EdgeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter.Wrap
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.DrawUsage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.util.Easing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.event.VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.CurveMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.RenderMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Line.TilingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.quasar.fx.Trail.TilingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.TextResource.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularDistanceFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.CellularReturnType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.DomainWarpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.FractalType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.NoiseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.RotationType3D
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.impl.resource.action.FramebufferEditAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class foundry.veil.platform.VeilPlatform.PlatformType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values(Class<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
Sets the valid values of this codec to all the enum constants provided by the specified class.
- values(T...) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.util.EnumCodec.Builder
Sets the valid values of this codec to the specified values.
- VALUES - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.DataType
- VALUES - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Format
- VALUES - Static variable in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferAttachmentDefinition.Type
- VANILLA_SHADER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- VANILLA_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- VANILLA_TOOLTIP_BORDER_BOTTOM - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- VANILLA_TOOLTIP_BORDER_TOP - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper
Wraps any render target with an
. - VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper(Supplier<RenderTarget>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper
- VanillaShaderCompiler - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- VanillaShaderCompiler() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VanillaShaderCompiler
- VanillaShaderFileResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- VanillaShaderFileResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VanillaShaderFileResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VanillaShaderLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- VanillaShaderLayer(LayerTemplateValue<String>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VanillaShaderLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VanillaShaderProcessor - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer
Allows vanilla and sodium shaders to use shader modifications.
- VanillaShaderProcessor() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VanillaShaderProcessor
- VanillaShaderResourceLoader - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader
- VanillaShaderResourceLoader() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.loader.VanillaShaderResourceLoader
- VanillaUniformWrapper - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper
- VanillaUniformWrapper(int, String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.wrapper.VanillaUniformWrapper
- vao() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns the value of the
record component. - vec2(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- vec2(String, Function<T, Vector2fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- vec3(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- vec3(String, Function<T, Vector3fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- vec4(String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>, VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- vec4(String, Function<T, Vector4fc>) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder
- vec4fFromVec3(Vec3, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- vec4fToVec3List(Vector4f[]) - Static method in class foundry.veil.impl.quasar.MathUtil
- VECTOR_FIELD - Static variable in class
- Vector2(float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector2
- VECTOR2F_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
- Vector3(float, float, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector3
- VECTOR3D_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
- VECTOR3F_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
- VECTOR4F_CODEC - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.CodecUtil
- vectorField() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - VectorField - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update
A 3D vector field implementation.
- VectorField(FastNoiseLite, float) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.VectorField
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VectorFieldForceData - Record Class in
A force that applies the force created in a vector field to a particle.
- VectorFieldForceData(VectorField, float) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VectorFieldForceModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- VectorFieldForceModule(VectorFieldForceData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VectorFieldForceModule
- VectorFieldForceModule(VectorField, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VectorFieldForceModule
- vectorToRotation(double, double, double) - Method in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.particle.QuasarParticle
- Veil - Class in foundry.veil
- Veil() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.Veil
- VEIL_SHADER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- veil$addEmitter(ParticleEmitter) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.EntityExtension
- veil$addEmitter(ParticleEmitter) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarEntityMixin
- veil$addShards(Collection<RenderStateShard>) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.CompositeStateExtension
- veil$addShards(Collection<RenderStateShard>) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- veil$bind(int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.AutoStorageIndexBufferExtension
- veil$bind(int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineAutoStorageIndexBufferMixin
- veil$blurIcon() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- veil$blurIcon() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- veil$clearColorBuffer(boolean) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PerformanceRenderTargetExtension
- veil$clearColorBuffer(boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- veil$drawBlockLayer(RenderType, double, double, double, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.LevelRendererBlockLayerExtension
- veil$drawBlockLayer(RenderType, double, double, double, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- veil$drawIndirect(long, int, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.VertexBufferExtension
- veil$drawIndirect(long, int, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- veil$drawInstanced(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.VertexBufferExtension
- veil$drawInstanced(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- veil$getActiveBuffers() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.sodium.ChunkShaderOptionsExtension
- veil$getAltTexture() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getCullFrustum() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.LevelRendererExtension
- veil$getCullFrustum() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- veil$getDataType() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getEmitters() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.EntityExtension
- veil$getEmitters() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.quasar.client.QuasarEntityMixin
- veil$getFormat() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getFramebuffer() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.RenderTargetExtension
- veil$getFramebuffer() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- veil$getHeight() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getHeight() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.RenderTargetExtension
- veil$getHeight() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- veil$getIcon() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- veil$getIcon() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- veil$getIndexCount() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.VertexBufferExtension
- veil$getIndexCount() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineVertexBufferMixin
- veil$getMainTexture() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getName() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getPackedNormal() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.sodium.ChunkVertexEncoderVertexExtension
- veil$getRawResourceRoots() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- veil$getRawResourceRoots() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- veil$getShaderSources() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.ShaderInstanceExtension
- veil$getShaderSources() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- veil$getTexture(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.RenderTargetExtension
- veil$getTexture(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- veil$getWidth() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.iris.IrisRenderTargetExtension
- veil$getWidth() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.RenderTargetExtension
- veil$getWidth() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- veil$hasTexture(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.TextureAtlasExtension
- veil$hasTexture(ResourceLocation) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.client.ResourceTextureAtlasMixin
- veil$isPosing() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.AgeableListModelExtension
- veil$isStatic() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- veil$isStatic() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- veil$listPacks() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- veil$listResources(PackResourcesExtension.PackResourceConsumer) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.PackResourcesExtension
- veil$listResources(PackResourcesExtension.PackResourceConsumer) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.resource.ResourceVanillaPackResourcesMixin
- veil$markChunksDirty() - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.LevelRendererExtension
- veil$markChunksDirty() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- veil$recompile(boolean, String, int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.ShaderInstanceExtension
- veil$recompile(boolean, String, int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- veil$setActiveBuffers(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.sodium.ChunkShaderOptionsExtension
- veil$setName(String) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.DebugVertexBufferExt
- veil$setName(String) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.debug.client.DebugVertexBufferMixin
- veil$setNormal(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.sodium.ChunkVertexEncoderVertexExtension
- veil$setupFrustum(Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.FrustumExtension
- veil$setupFrustum(Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.perspective.client.FrustumMixin
- veil$setupLevelCamera(Vec3, Matrix4f, Matrix4f, CallbackInfo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineLevelRendererMixin
- veil$setWrapper(AdvancedFbo) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.RenderTargetExtension
- veil$setWrapper(AdvancedFbo) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- veil$swapBuffers(int) - Method in interface foundry.veil.ext.ShaderInstanceExtension
- veil$swapBuffers(int) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.dynamicbuffer.client.DynamicBufferShaderInstanceMixin
- VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired when Veil is about to compile shaders.
- VeilAddShaderPreProcessorsEvent.Registry - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Registers shader pre-processors.
- VeilBloomRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- VeilBloomRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilBloomRenderer
- VeilBuiltinPacks - Class in foundry.veil.impl
- VeilBuiltinPacks() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.VeilBuiltinPacks
- VeilBuiltinPacks.Context - Interface in foundry.veil.impl
- VeilClient - Class in foundry.veil
- VeilClient() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.VeilClient
- VeilClientPlatform - Interface in foundry.veil.platform
Manages client platform-specific features.
- VeilDebug - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext
Provides access to debug functionality for all platforms.
- VeilDebugHooks - Class in foundry.veil
Class designed to expose useful debugging functions buried in Minecraft source code.
- VeilDynamicRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.resource
Allows the creation of normal vanilla dynamic registries.
- VeilDynamicRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilDynamicRegistry
- VeilDynamicRegistry.Data - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource
- VeilEditorEnvironment - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource
An environment where files can be opened, edited, and managed.
- VeilEventPlatform - Interface in foundry.veil.platform
Manages platform-specific implementations of event subscriptions.
- VeilFirstPersonRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
- VeilFramebuffers - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer
Default framebuffer names for use with
. - VeilImGui - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.imgui
Manages the internal ImGui state.
- VeilImGuiImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui
Manages the internal ImGui state.
- VeilImGuiImplGlfw - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui
- VeilImGuiImplGlfw(VeilImGuiImpl) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImplGlfw
- VeilImGuiStylesheet - Class in
- VeilImGuiStylesheet() - Constructor for class
- VeilImGuiUtil - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.imgui
Extra components and helpers for ImGui.
- VeilImGuiUtil() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.imgui.VeilImGuiUtil
- VeilJobParameters - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer
- VeilJobParameters(ShaderModificationManager, ResourceLocation, int) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.transformer.VeilJobParameters
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilLanguageDefinitions - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.imgui
Definitions for all custom Veil languages.
- VeilLevelPerspectiveRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Renders the level from different perspectives.
- VeilMolang - Class in foundry.veil.api.molang
Manages the Veil MoLang compiler.
- VeilMolang() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.molang.VeilMolang
- VeilMultiBind - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.ext
Provides access to
functionality for all platforms. - VeilPacketManager - Interface in
Manages packet registration and sending.
- VeilPacketManager.Factory - Interface in
Factory class for
registration providers
. - VeilPacketManager.PacketHandler<T,
P> - Interface in -
Handles packets from the client/server.
- VeilPacketManager.PacketSink - Interface in
Sends packets to players and automatically bundles payloads together.
- VeilPackResources - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource
- VeilPackResources(String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilPackResources
- veilPath(String) - Static method in class foundry.veil.Veil
- VeilPlatform - Interface in foundry.veil.platform
Manages common platform-specific features.
- VeilPlatform.PlatformType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.platform
- VeilPostProcessingEvent - Class in foundry.veil.api.event
Events fired when Veil runs post-processing.
- VeilPostProcessingEvent.Post - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired after Veil runs the default post-processing steps.
- VeilPostProcessingEvent.Pre - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired before Veil runs the default post-processing steps.
- VeilRegisterBlockLayersEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired to register block layers.
- VeilRegisterBlockLayersEvent.Registry - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Registers additional fixed render buffers.
- VeilRegisterFixedBuffersEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired to register additional fixed render types.
- VeilRegisterFixedBuffersEvent.Registry - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Registers additional fixed render buffers.
- VeilReloadListeners - Class in foundry.veil.impl
- VeilReloadListeners() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.VeilReloadListeners
- VeilReloadListeners.Context - Interface in foundry.veil.impl
- VeilRenderBridge - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Bridges between Minecraft and Veil render classes.
- VeilRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Manages the render pipeline for Veil.
- VeilRenderer(ReloadableResourceManager, Window) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderer
- VeilRendererAvailableEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired when Veil has finished initialization and the renderer is safe to use.
- VeilRenderLevelStageEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired for each render stage to draw arbitrarily to the screen.
- VeilRenderLevelStageEvent.Stage - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.event
Stages for rendering specific render types.
- VeilRenderSystem - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Additional functionality for
. - VeilRenderType - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype
Custom Veil-implemented render types.
- VeilRenderType.LayeredRenderType - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype
- VeilRenderTypeAccessor - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype
Provides access to the individual shards of a
. - VeilRenderTypeBuilder - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype
Extended render type builder that adds support for custom layers.
- VeilResource<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource
- VeilResourceAction<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource
- VeilResourceEditorRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
- VeilResourceFolder - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree
A resource folder for a tree-structure
- VeilResourceFolder(String) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.tree.VeilResourceFolder
- VeilResourceInfo - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource
- VeilResourceInfo(PackType, ResourceLocation, Path, Path, boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.VeilResourceInfo
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilResourceLoader - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource
- VeilResourceManager - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource
- VeilResourceManagerImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource
Manages all veil resources
- VeilResourceManagerImpl() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceManagerImpl
- VeilResourceRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.resource
- VeilResourceRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.resource.VeilResourceRenderer
- VeilSectionOcclusionGraph - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective
- VeilSectionOcclusionGraph() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.perspective.VeilSectionOcclusionGraph
- veilShader() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ReplaceShaderModification
Returns the value of the
record component. - VeilShaderBlockState - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
Manages the state of uniform block bindings and their associated shader names.
- VeilShaderBlockState() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBlockState
- VeilShaderBufferCache - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline
Manages the existence of registered shader blocks.
- VeilShaderBufferCache() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.pipeline.VeilShaderBufferCache
- VeilShaderBufferLayout<T> - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Defines the full layout of a shader block.
- VeilShaderBufferLayout(String, Map<String, VeilShaderBufferLayout.FieldSerializer<T>>, ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, ShaderBlock.MemoryLayout, GlslStructSpecifier) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder<T> - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Creates a new layout for a shader block.
- VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.DoubleSerializer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Serializes a double field from the specified object.
- VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.FloatSerializer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Serializes a float field from the specified object.
- VeilShaderBufferLayout.Builder.IntSerializer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Serializes an int field from the specified object.
- VeilShaderBufferLayout.FieldSerializer<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Serializes a single field to the internal buffer.
- VeilShaderBufferRegistry - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.registry
Registry for custom shader buffers created with
. - VeilShaderBufferRegistry() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.VeilShaderBufferRegistry
- VeilShaderCompileEvent - Interface in foundry.veil.api.event
Fired when Veil has finished compiling shaders.
- VeilShaderDefinitionResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- VeilShaderDefinitionResource(VeilResourceInfo, ShaderManager) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderDefinitionResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilShaderFileResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- VeilShaderFileResource(VeilResourceInfo, ShaderManager) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderFileResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilShaderIncludeResource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- VeilShaderIncludeResource(VeilResourceInfo) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.resource.type.VeilShaderIncludeResource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilShaderLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- VeilShaderLayer(LayerTemplateValue<ResourceLocation>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.VeilShaderLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilShaderLimits - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
Shader stage specific resource limits.
- VeilShaderLimits(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilShaderLimits(GLCapabilities, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderLimits
- VeilShaderResource<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- VeilShaders - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
Default shader names.
- VeilShaderSource - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader
A shader instance that has additional pre-compiled data.
- VeilShaderSource(ResourceLocation, String) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
- VeilShaderSource(ResourceLocation, String, Object2IntMap<String>, Set<String>, Set<ResourceLocation>) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.VeilShaderSource
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VeilTextResource<T> - Interface in foundry.veil.api.resource.type
- VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip
- VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder(ItemStack, Function<Float, Float>, Function<Float, Float>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.tooltip.VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder
Create a new VeilUIItemTooltipDataHolder.
- VeilUITooltipRenderer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render
- VeilUITooltipRenderer() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.VeilUITooltipRenderer
- VeilVanillaShaders - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
- VeilVanillaShaders() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.VeilVanillaShaders
- VeilVanillaShaders.Context - Interface in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader
- VeilVertexFormat - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render
- VeilVertexFormat() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilVertexFormat
- velocityDirection() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - velocityStretchFactor() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - VERBOSE_SHADER_ERRORS - Static variable in class foundry.veil.Veil
- VERSION - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModifierLexer.TokenType
- VERSION_PATTERN - Static variable in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.ShaderModification
- vertex() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.program.ProgramDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - VERTEX_BUFFER - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- vertexArray() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArrayBuilder
- vertexArray() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.ARBVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns the value of the
record component. - vertexArray() - Method in record class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.DSAVertexAttribBindingBuilder
Returns the value of the
record component. - vertexArray() - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.vertex.LegacyVertexAttribBindingBuilder
- VertexArray - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex
More generic alternative to
that uses the latest available OpenGL version. - VertexArray(int, Function<VertexArray, VertexArrayBuilder>) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex.VertexArray
- VertexArray.DrawUsage - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex
- VertexArray.IndexType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex
The type of GL indices that can be used.
- VertexArrayBuilder - Interface in foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex
Builder for modifying vertex buffer state.
- VertexArrayBuilder.DataType - Enum Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.vertex
- VertexBufferExtension - Interface in foundry.veil.ext
- vertexFormat() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.processor.ShaderPreProcessor.MinecraftContext
- VertexFormatCodec - Class in foundry.veil.api.client.util
- VertexFormatCodec() - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.client.util.VertexFormatCodec
- VertexShaderModification - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- VertexShaderModification(int, int, ResourceLocation[], String, String, ShaderModification.Function[], VertexShaderModification.Attribute[]) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier.VertexShaderModification
- VertexShaderModification.Attribute - Record Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.modifier
- VerticalNormalVertexConsumer - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer
- VerticalNormalVertexConsumer(VertexConsumer) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.dynamicbuffer.VerticalNormalVertexConsumer
- VIEW_OFFSET - Enum constant in enum class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LayeringLayer.LayeringState
- viewHeight - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- viewOffsetLayering() - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderType
- viewWidth - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineRenderTargetMixin
- VORTEX - Static variable in class
- vortexAxis() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - vortexCenter() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - VortexForceData - Record Class in
A force that applies a vortex force to a particle.
- VortexForceData(Vector3dc, Vector3dc, boolean, double, float) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - VortexForceModule - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force
- VortexForceModule(VortexForceData) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- VortexForceModule(Vector3dc, Vector3dc, boolean, double, float) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.force.VortexForceModule
- WEATHER_TARGET - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.VeilFramebuffers
- WHITE - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.color.Color
- width - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- width - Variable in class foundry.veil.mixin.performance.client.PerformanceRenderTargetMixin
- width() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.FramebufferDefinition
Returns the value of the
record component. - width() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.LineLayer
Returns the value of the
record component. - WIND - Static variable in class
- windDirection() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - WindField - Class in foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update
A global wind field.
- WindField(Vec3, float, float, FastNoiseLite) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.module.update.WindField
- WindForceData - Record Class in
A force that applies a wind force to a particle.
- WindForceData(Vector3dc, float, float) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - windowFocusCallback(long, boolean) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.imgui.VeilImGuiImplGlfw
- windSpeed() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - withImGui(Runnable) - Static method in class foundry.veil.Veil
Runs the specified code with the correct ImGui context.
- withSize(int, int) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFbo
Creates a new
with the provided width and height. - withSize(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, long, BiConsumer<T, ByteBuffer>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
Creates a new shader block with a fixed size.
- worldOffset - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.quasar.emitters.AnchorPoint
- worldToScreenSpace(Vec3, float) - Static method in class foundry.veil.api.client.util.SpaceHelper
- wrap(RenderTarget) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Wraps the specified render target in a new advanced fbo.
- wrap(Supplier<RenderTarget>) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilRenderBridge
Wraps the specified render target in a new advanced fbo.
- wrapper - Variable in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.framebuffer.AdvancedFboImpl
- wrapper(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, int) - Static method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.shader.definition.ShaderBlock
Creates a new shader block that points to an existing GL buffer.
- WrapperShaderBlockImpl - Class in foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition
- WrapperShaderBlockImpl(ShaderBlock.BufferBinding, int) - Constructor for class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.WrapperShaderBlockImpl
- wrapRenderPost(LevelRenderer) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.pipeline.client.PipelineGameRendererMixin
- wrapX() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - wrapY() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - wrapZ() - Method in record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.texture.TextureFilter
Returns the value of the
record component. - write(int, int, long, T) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer
- write(int, int, long, T) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer
- write(int, int, long, T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.DynamicShaderBlockImpl.Serializer
- write(int, int, long, T) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.DSASerializer
- write(int, int, long, T) - Method in class foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.LegacySerializer
- write(int, int, long, T) - Method in interface foundry.veil.impl.client.render.shader.definition.SizedShaderBlockImpl.Serializer
- write(T, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.VeilShaderBufferLayout.FieldSerializer
Writes data from the specified value to the buffer.
- WRITE_MASK - Static variable in class foundry.veil.api.client.registry.RenderTypeLayerRegistry
- WriteMaskLayer - Record Class in foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer
- WriteMaskLayer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.layer.WriteMaskLayer
Creates an instance of a
record class. - writeMaskState() - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeAccessor
- writeMaskState() - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateMixin
- writeMaskState(RenderStateShard.WriteMaskStateShard) - Method in interface foundry.veil.api.client.render.rendertype.VeilRenderTypeBuilder
- writeMaskState(RenderStateShard.WriteMaskStateShard) - Method in class foundry.veil.mixin.rendertype.client.CompositeStateBuilderMixin
- x - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector2
- x - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector3
- y - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector2
- y - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector3
- z - Variable in class foundry.veil.api.util.FastNoiseLite.Vector3
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form