Interface TextureUniformAccess

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DynamicShaderProgramImpl, ShaderProgramImpl

public interface TextureUniformAccess
Provides write access to all textures in a shader program.
  • Method Details

    • setFramebufferSamplers

      default void setFramebufferSamplers(AdvancedFbo framebuffer)
      Sets DiffuseSampler0-DiffuseSamplerMax to the color buffers in the specified framebuffer.
      framebuffer - The framebuffer to bind samplers from
    • addSamplerListener

      void addSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener listener)
      Adds a listener for sampler updates.
      listener - The listener instance
    • removeSamplerListener

      void removeSamplerListener(TextureUniformAccess.SamplerListener listener)
      Removes a listener from sampler updates.
      listener - The listener instance
    • addSampler

      default void addSampler(CharSequence name, int textureId)
      Adds a texture that is dynamically bound and sets texture units.
      name - The name of the texture to set
      textureId - The id of the texture to bind and assign a texture unit
    • addSampler

      void addSampler(CharSequence name, int textureId, int samplerId)
      Adds a texture that is dynamically bound and sets texture units.
      name - The name of the texture to set
      textureId - The id of the texture to bind and assign a texture unit
      samplerId - The id of the sampler assign a texture unit
    • removeSampler

      void removeSampler(CharSequence name)
      Removes the specified sampler binding.
      name - The name of the sampler to remove
    • bindSamplers

      default void bindSamplers(int samplerStart)
      Loads the samplers set by addSampler(CharSequence, int) into the shader.
      samplerStart - The sampler to start binding to
    • bindSamplers

      void bindSamplers(@Nullable ShaderTextureSource.Context context, int samplerStart)
      Loads the samplers set by addSampler(CharSequence, int) into the shader.
      context - The context for setting built-in shader samplers or null to ignore normal samplers
      samplerStart - The sampler to start binding to
    • clearSamplers

      void clearSamplers()
      Clears all samplers.