All Classes and Interfaces

A framebuffer that has more capabilities than the vanilla Minecraft RenderTarget.
A builder used to attach buffers to an AdvancedFbo.
An attachment added to an AdvancedFboImpl.
Default implementation of AdvancedFbo.
A vanilla RenderTarget wrapper of the AdvancedFboImpl.
An attachment for an AdvancedFboImpl that represents a depth render buffer.
An attachment for an AdvancedFboImpl that represents a color texture buffer.
A basic stage that draws a quad to the output using a specified shader.
Viewer for block models
Attempts to cache the exact same shader sources to reduce the number of compiled shaders.
Packages all camera matrices and shader uniforms to make shader management easier.
Context for client-side packet handling.
Loads files similarly to SimpleJsonResourceReloadListener, but also decodes them using the provided codec.
Creates a text editor window with saving callback support.
Callback for when editor is saved.
A particle module fully defined in code.
A representation of color as four floating point elements.
An immutable view of a Color.
A color theme is a collection of colors.
A shader instance that has additional pre-compiled data.
A pipeline that runs all child pipelines in order.
Copies data from one framebuffer to another.
AbstractTexture implementation for using a cubemap texture.
Version of Frustum that exposes all JOML FrustumIntersection methods.
Draws any arbitrary view frustum.
Sets the depth function.
Represents a light where all rays come from the same direction everywhere.
Creates a new shader and compiles each time DirectShaderCompiler.compile(int, VeilShaderSource) is called.
A force that applies a drag force to a particle.
Legacy implementation of AdvancedFbo.
Direct-state implementation of VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper.
Dynamic implementation of CubemapTexture.
A ShaderBlock that can be resized.
Dynamic-size implementation of ShaderBlock.
Provides extra ImGui rendering details.
Manages all editors for Veil.
Registry for all emitter shapes.
Codec for serializing/deserializing enum constants.
Builder for creating a new EnumCodec.
Represents a framebuffer attachment that can be turned into a real framebuffer.
The formats for attachments.
The formats for attachments.
The type of attachments.
Represents a framebuffer definition that can be turned into a real framebuffer.
Manages all framebuffers and custom definitions specified in files.
An abstract stage that uses a framebuffer as the input and output.
Source of a shader texture using a framebuffer.
Fired when Minecraft frees all native resources on the client.
A force that applies a gravity force to a particle.
Manages the global gui context variables.
A light that can be rendered with an implementation of InstancedLightRenderer.
Draws lights as indirect instanced quads in the scene.
A basic panel that can be toggled in the editor view.
A light that can be rendered with an implementation of InstancedLightRenderer.
Draws lights as instanced quads in the scene.
Veil iris compat implementation.
Helper for managing codecs with string template values.
Serializes an object one field at a time.
Legacy implementation of AdvancedFbo.
Legacy implementation of VanillaAdvancedFboWrapper.
A source of luminance in a scene.
Renders all lights in a scene.
Registry for all light types.
Creates debug lights for the LightInspector.
Creates the renderer for lights when requested.
Renders all lights of a specific type.
Source of a shader texture using a registered texture.
Sets the color and depth masks.
Utility extension for PoseStack with extra utilities.
Defines a codec for MoLang expressions.
Provides write access to all uniform variables in a shader program.
A renderer for a necromancer entity.
A single render layer of an entity.
Renders a single skin with a render type for a necromancer entity.
Common context for packet handling.
A single module instance on a QuasarParticle that has a specific function.
A force that attracts particles to a point.
A point force is used to apply a force in the direction away from a point.
A point force is used to apply a force in the direction away from a point.
Represents a light where all rays come from a position in space.
A utility class to manage and apply animations to a PoseStack.
A light in the renderer that has a position
A series of post-processing effects that can be run to change the current framebuffer state.
Context for applying post pipelines.
Default implementation of PostPipeline.Context.
Registry for all post pipeline stages.
Manages all post pipelines.
A single active profile.
Defines a shader program instance.
Deserializer for ProgramDefinition.
Data passed to each particle when it is created.
Utility class for multiloader registration.
Factory class for registration providers.
Represents a lazy wrapper for registry object.
A module instance called once per frame.
Registry for all render styles.
Registry for custom dynamic render type layers.
This allows custom render type shards to be registered.
Factory for creating a new resource file editor.
Sampler objects allow shaders to sample from the same texture storage in different ways depending on what samplers are bound.
A utility class to manage scissor clipping regions.
Context for server-side packet handling.
Adds support for layout(binding = #) in the shader source without needing shader version 420.
Defines a block of memory on the GPU that can be referenced as a uniform or shader block.
The bindings shaders blocks can be attached to.
Valid memory layouts for blocks.
Abstract implementation of ShaderBlock.
Processes a shader to add buffer bindings.
Creates and compiles shaders for shader programs.
Provides shader sources for the compiler.
An exception used to indicate shader compilation and linking issues.
Loads extra shader files to include inside others.
Processes a shader to add imports.
Manages all shaders and compiles them automatically.
Allows shader source files to be modified without overwriting the file.
Manages modifications for both vanilla and Veil shader files.
Modifies shader sources with the shader modification system.
Manages pre-defined variables and data in java that can be applied to shaders.
Modifies the source code of a shader before compilation.
Context for modifying source code and shader behavior.
Specifies how includes should interact with existing functions and fields in shader sources.
Context for modifying source code and shader behavior.
Context for modifying source code and sodium shader behavior.
Context for modifying source code and shader behavior.
Represents a usable shader program with shaders attached.
A location to load shader source files from.
Source for shader textures.
Context for applying shader textures.
Types of post textures that can be used.
Queries shader programs for all relevant uniform data.
A single uniform block in a shader program.
A single uniform in a shader program.
A single uniform block in a shader program.
Adds the version and required extensions for all shaders that do not define a version.
Implementation of CubemapTexture that loads all textures the same way as CubeMap.
Displays a single window as the editor.
Fixed-size implementation of ShaderBlock.
Veil sodium compat implementation.
Allows vanilla and sodium shaders to use shader modifications.
Properly downloads textures from OpenGL and writes them to a file asynchronously.
Specifies the full texture filter state of a texture or sampler object.
Depth-texture compare functions.
Edge color data types.
Texture wrap modes.
Provides write access to all textures in a shader program.
Fired when samplers are resolved to capture the current bindings.
Schedules tasks to be run on future ticks.
Interface for components that can have a tooltip displayed when hovered over in-world
A module that adds trails to a particle.
Provides read and write access to all uniform variables in a shader program.
A module instance called once per tick.
Wraps any render target with an AdvancedFbo.
Allows vanilla and sodium shaders to use shader modifications.
A 3D vector field implementation.
A force that applies the force created in a vector field to a particle.
Fired when Veil is about to compile shaders.
Registers shader pre-processors.
Manages client platform-specific features.
Provides access to debug functionality for all platforms.
Class designed to expose useful debugging functions buried in Minecraft source code.
Allows the creation of normal vanilla dynamic registries.
An environment where files can be opened, edited, and managed.
Manages platform-specific implementations of event subscriptions.
Default framebuffer names for use with FramebufferManager.getFramebuffer(ResourceLocation).
Manages the internal ImGui state.
Manages the internal ImGui state.
Extra components and helpers for ImGui.
Definitions for all custom Veil languages.
Renders the level from different perspectives.
Manages the Veil MoLang compiler.
Provides access to ARBMultiBind functionality for all platforms.
Manages packet registration and sending.
Factory class for registration providers.
Handles packets from the client/server.
Sends packets to players and automatically bundles payloads together.
Manages common platform-specific features.
Events fired when Veil runs post-processing.
Fired after Veil runs the default post-processing steps.
Fired before Veil runs the default post-processing steps.
Fired to register block layers.
Registers additional fixed render buffers.
Fired to register additional fixed render types.
Registers additional fixed render buffers.
Bridges between Minecraft and Veil render classes.
Manages the render pipeline for Veil.
Fired when Veil has finished initialization and the renderer is safe to use.
Fired for each render stage to draw arbitrarily to the screen.
Stages for rendering specific render types.
Additional functionality for RenderSystem.
Custom Veil-implemented render types.
Provides access to the individual shards of a RenderType.
Extended render type builder that adds support for custom layers.
A resource folder for a tree-structure
Manages all veil resources
Manages the state of uniform block bindings and their associated shader names.
Manages the existence of registered shader blocks.
Defines the full layout of a shader block.
Creates a new layout for a shader block.
Serializes a double field from the specified object.
Serializes a float field from the specified object.
Serializes an int field from the specified object.
Serializes a single field to the internal buffer.
Registry for custom shader buffers created with VeilShaderBufferLayout.builder().
Fired when Veil has finished compiling shaders.
Shader stage specific resource limits.
Default shader names.
A shader instance that has additional pre-compiled data.
More generic alternative to VertexBuffer that uses the latest available OpenGL version.
The type of GL indices that can be used.
Builder for modifying vertex buffer state.
A force that applies a vortex force to a particle.
A global wind field.
A force that applies a wind force to a particle.