Class DSAAdvancedFboImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
AdvancedFbo, AutoCloseable, org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource

@Internal public class DSAAdvancedFboImpl extends AdvancedFboImpl
Legacy implementation of AdvancedFbo.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      public void create()
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Creates the framebuffer and all attachments.
    • clear

      public void clear(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int clearMask, int... buffers)
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Clears the specified buffers.
      red - The red clear value
      green - The green clear value
      blue - The blue clear value
      alpha - The alpha clear value
      clearMask - The buffers to clear
      buffers - The color buffers to clear
    • resetDrawBuffers

      public void resetDrawBuffers()
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Resets the draw buffers to enable all buffers.
    • drawBuffers

      public void drawBuffers(int... buffers)
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Sets the buffers to draw to.
      buffers - The texture units of the color buffers to enable
    • resolveToFbo

      public void resolveToFbo(int id, int width, int height, int mask, int filtering)
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Resolves this framebuffer to the framebuffer with the specified id as the target.
      id - The id of the framebuffer to copy into
      width - The width of the framebuffer being copied into
      height - The height of the framebuffer being copied into
      mask - The buffers to copy into the provided framebuffer
      filtering - The filter to use if this framebuffer and the provided framebuffer are different sizes
    • resolveToAdvancedFbo

      public void resolveToAdvancedFbo(AdvancedFbo target, int mask, int filtering)
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Resolves this framebuffer to the provided advanced framebuffer as the target.
      target - The target framebuffer to copy data into
      mask - The buffers to copy into the provided framebuffer
      filtering - The filter to use if this framebuffer and the provided framebuffer are different sizes
    • resolveToRenderTarget

      public void resolveToRenderTarget(com.mojang.blaze3d.pipeline.RenderTarget target, int mask, int filtering)
      Description copied from interface: AdvancedFbo
      Resolves this framebuffer to the provided minecraft framebuffer as the target.
      target - The target framebuffer to copy data into
      mask - The buffers to copy into the provided framebuffer
      filtering - The filter to use if this framebuffer and the provided framebuffer are different sizes