Class NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer<T extends & SkeletonParent<T,M>,M extends Skeleton>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of entity to render
M - The skeleton to render

public abstract class NecromancerSkinEntityRenderLayer<T extends & SkeletonParent<T,M>,M extends Skeleton> extends NecromancerEntityRenderLayer<T,M>
Renders a single skin with a render type for a necromancer entity.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getRenderType

      @Nullable public abstract @Nullable net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType getRenderType(T parent)
      Retrieves the render type to use for the specified entity.
      parent - The entity to get the render type for
      The render type or null to skip rendering
    • getSkin

      @Nullable public abstract @Nullable Skin getSkin(T parent)
      Retrieves the skin to use for the specified entity.
      parent - The entity to get the skin for
      The skin or null to skip rendering
    • render

      public void render(T parent, M skeleton, NecromancerRenderer renderer, MatrixStack matrixStack, int packedLight, float partialTicks)
      Description copied from class: NecromancerEntityRenderLayer
      Renders a feature for the specified entity and skeleton.
      Specified by:
      render in class NecromancerEntityRenderLayer<T extends & SkeletonParent<T,M>,M extends Skeleton>
      parent - The entity to draw
      skeleton - The skeleton of the entity to base a pose on
      renderer - The renderer instance
      matrixStack - The current transform
      packedLight - The packed lightmap coordinates
      partialTicks - The percentage from last tick to this tick
    • renderSkin

      protected void renderSkin(T parent, M skeleton, Skin skin, net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType renderType, NecromancerRenderer renderer, MatrixStack matrixStack, int packedLight, float partialTicks)
      Renders the skin on the specified entity.
      parent - The entity to draw the skin for
      skeleton - The skeleton of the entity to base a pose on
      skin - The skin to draw
      renderType - The render type to use
      renderer - The renderer instance
      matrixStack - The current transform
      packedLight - The packed lightmap coordinates
      partialTicks - The percentage from last tick to this tick