Class GuiInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource

public class GuiInfo extends Object implements org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource
Manages the global gui context variables.
  • Constructor Details

    • GuiInfo

      public GuiInfo()
      Creates a new set of camera matrices.
  • Method Details

    • update

      public void update()
      Updates the camera matrices to match the current render system projection.
    • unbind

      public void unbind()
      Unbinds this shader block.
    • getGuiScale

      public float getGuiScale()
      The far clipping plane of the frustum
    • isGuiRendering

      public boolean isGuiRendering()
      Whether the gui is currently being drawn
    • free

      public void free()
      Specified by:
      free in interface org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource