Class VeilLevelPerspectiveRenderer


public final class VeilLevelPerspectiveRenderer extends Object
Renders the level from different perspectives.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    static void
    render(AdvancedFbo framebuffer, @Nullable cameraEntity, org.joml.Matrix4fc modelView, org.joml.Matrix4fc projection, org.joml.Vector3dc cameraPosition, org.joml.Quaternionfc cameraOrientation, float renderDistance, float partialTicks)
    Renders the level from another POV.
    static void
    render(AdvancedFbo framebuffer, org.joml.Matrix4fc modelView, org.joml.Matrix4fc projection, org.joml.Vector3dc cameraPosition, org.joml.Quaternionfc cameraOrientation, float renderDistance, float partialTicks)
    Renders the level from another POV.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • render

      public static void render(AdvancedFbo framebuffer, org.joml.Matrix4fc modelView, org.joml.Matrix4fc projection, org.joml.Vector3dc cameraPosition, org.joml.Quaternionfc cameraOrientation, float renderDistance, float partialTicks)
      Renders the level from another POV. Automatically prevents circular render references.
      framebuffer - The framebuffer to draw into
      modelView - The base modelview matrix
      projection - The projection matrix
      cameraPosition - The position of the camera
      cameraOrientation - The orientation of the camera
      renderDistance - The chunk render distance
      partialTicks - The percentage from last tick and this tick
    • render

      public static void render(AdvancedFbo framebuffer, @Nullable @Nullable cameraEntity, org.joml.Matrix4fc modelView, org.joml.Matrix4fc projection, org.joml.Vector3dc cameraPosition, org.joml.Quaternionfc cameraOrientation, float renderDistance, float partialTicks)
      Renders the level from another POV. Automatically prevents circular render references.
      framebuffer - The framebuffer to draw into
      cameraEntity - The entity to draw the camera in relation to. If unsure use render(AdvancedFbo, Matrix4fc, Matrix4fc, Vector3dc, Quaternionfc, float, float)
      modelView - The base modelview matrix
      projection - The projection matrix
      cameraPosition - The position of the camera
      cameraOrientation - The orientation of the camera
      renderDistance - The chunk render distance
      partialTicks - The percentage from last tick and this tick
    • isRenderingPerspective

      public static boolean isRenderingPerspective()
      Whether a perspective is being rendered