Class ColorTheme


public class ColorTheme extends Object
A color theme is a collection of colors. The colors can be accessed by name. Themes are intended to be used for color schemes.

A color theme can be used to apply a color scheme to a Tooltippable tooltip. Themes can also be used to hold arbitrary color data mapped to strings.

  • Field Details


      public static final ColorTheme DEFAULT
  • Constructor Details

    • ColorTheme

      public ColorTheme()
    • ColorTheme

      public ColorTheme(Color... colors)
  • Method Details

    • addProperty

      public void addProperty(@Nullable @Nullable String name, IThemeProperty<?> property)
    • addProperty

      public void addProperty(IThemeProperty<?> property)
    • getAndCastProperty

      @Nullable public @Nullable Object getAndCastProperty(@Nullable @Nullable String name)
    • getProperty

      @Nullable public @Nullable IThemeProperty<?> getProperty(@Nullable @Nullable String name)
    • removeProperty

      public void removeProperty(@Nullable @Nullable String name)
    • clearProperties

      public void clearProperties()
    • addColor

      public void addColor(@Nullable @Nullable String name, Color color)
    • addColor

      public void addColor(Color color)
    • getColor

      public Color getColor(@Nullable @Nullable String name)
    • getColor

      public Color getColor()
    • removeColor

      public void removeColor(@Nullable @Nullable String name)
    • removeColor

      public void removeColor()
    • clear

      public void clear()
    • getNames

      public List<String> getNames()
    • getColors

      public List<Color> getColors()
    • getColorsMap

      public Map<String,Color> getColorsMap()