Interface ShaderCompiler

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource
All Known Implementing Classes:
CachedShaderCompiler, DirectShaderCompiler

public interface ShaderCompiler extends org.lwjgl.system.NativeResource

Creates and compiles shaders for shader programs.

Create a compiler using direct(ResourceProvider) for a single program, or cached(ResourceProvider) if compiling multiple.

  • Method Details

    • compile

      CompiledShader compile(ShaderCompiler.Context context, int type, ProgramDefinition.SourceType sourceType, net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation id) throws IOException, ShaderException
      Creates a new shader and attempts to attach sources read from file to it. The sources are read from The shader will automatically be deleted at some point in the future.
      context - The context for compiling the shader
      type - The type of shader to create
      id - The id of the shader to attach
      A new shader that can be attached to programs
      IOException - If the file could not be found.
      ShaderException - If an error occurs compiling the shader
    • compile

      CompiledShader compile(ShaderCompiler.Context context, int type, ProgramDefinition.SourceType sourceType, String source) throws IOException, ShaderException
      Creates a new shader and attempts to attach the specified sources to it. The shader will automatically be deleted at some point in the future.
      context - The context for compiling the shader
      type - The type of shader to create
      source - The source of the shader to attach
      A new shader that can be attached to programs
      IOException - If an error occurs processing the shader source
      ShaderException - If an error occurs compiling the shader
    • addPreprocessor

      ShaderCompiler addPreprocessor(ShaderPreProcessor processor, boolean modifyImports)
      Adds the specified pre-processor to the end of the stack.
      processor - The processor to add
      modifyImports - Whether the processor will also be run on imports
    • addPreprocessor

      default ShaderCompiler addPreprocessor(ShaderPreProcessor processor)
      Adds the specified pre-processor to the end of the stack.
      processor - The processor to add
    • addDefaultProcessors

      ShaderCompiler addDefaultProcessors()
      Adds the default preprocessors for shader code.
    • direct

      static ShaderCompiler direct(@Nullable @Nullable net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.ResourceProvider provider)
      Constructs a shader compiler that creates a new shader for each requested type.
      provider - The source of shader files
      shader compiler
    • cached

      static ShaderCompiler cached(@Nullable @Nullable net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.ResourceProvider provider)
      Constructs a shader compiler that caches duplicate shader sources.
      provider - The source of shader files
      cached shader compiler